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AD: Rose Wax, Turkish (Rosa damascena)

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Howdy y'all,


The List Owner and her Assistants are not responsible for any claims made in

this announcement, nor do they profit from any sales resulting from this

announcement or any list advertisement. All product claims and information

contained in this list announcement are factual and made in good faith. As

usual, I GUARANTEE the quality and the purity of the products I offer.


Back in March 2007, I took orders on 30 kilos of this Rose Wax and it sold

well .. but for a bit more than I am offering it now. I received a number

of requests from buyers wanting more then but there was no more in stock at

my company in Maryland and as I was prepping to leave Turkey, I just didn't

have time to deal with reordering then .. just as I didn't have time to

visit the Rose Fields in Isparta this year .. it was the first

harvest/distillation I missed in 14 years.


Well .. we have just received 15 more kilos of this wax .. and I am now

offering it for:


16 oz ........ $58.95 08 oz ........ $33.95

04 oz ........ $19.95

02 oz ........ $11.95


I will not offer it in kilo sizes .. unless .. someone wants 2.0246 pounds

(12 kilo) at the pound price .. that would be $58.95 x 2.2046 = $117.43.

Reason? Because I can get no more this year.


I am selling it for less now than before because I paid a lot less for it.

;-) Same supplier as the previous batch .. just a different cost to me.


I'm not going to put this on my web site .. in fact, my web site is going to

be completely renovated or replaced this month .. I hope. Graham Sorensen

created it from scratch in 1999 and for the past few years Chris has been

maintaining it .. now my Secure Shopping Cart and Secure Server are down

... and (as is the norm when dealing with the I-Net) the system created in

1999 is now a dinosaur and so far .. neither Graham or Chris have been able

to bring it up to speed. Even if they were to be able to pull some rabbits

out of the hat .. putting this site back in order would be a bit like

putting new tires on a junk car. ;-) So .. I gotta have it worked over.


Back at the farm .. those who want to order some of this Rose Wax can

contact me off line at one of the following two email addresses .. and I

have spaced them in hopes that will not attach a bunch of garbage to

the address .. y'all gotta stick it back together if you wanna write to me.



ButchOwen @ Gmail.com .. or ButchOwen @ AV-AT.com


Y'all keep smiling. :-)


Butch .. http://www.AV-AT.com




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