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Thank you Chris for allowing Ad Day. List owners and moderators are not

responsible for the content of this advertisement, and any questions or

correspondence should be directed to _essentialherbal_

(essentialherbal) .




The Essential Herbal Magazine is written by, for, and about herbie people and

the things they love - HERBS!

6 great issues delivered to your door every year, filled with recipes,

crafting instructions, articles, and ideas to bring herbs into your life every



The magazine is available wholesale to shops and businesses - as are most of

our books, such as:

Crafting the Bath

Perfect Potpourri and Scented Crafts

Blending Herbal Tea

Making and Using Herb Vinegars

Fairy Home Companion

Herbal Soaps

Wild Foods for Every Table


Our next publication deadline is coming up September 15th.

Visit our website and check out the deal on advertising! Rates will be going

up the end of the year, but you can purchase 6 ads for the price of 5 and

keep the current rate for a full year. Our rates are listed on our website -



While you're there, visit the Essential Favorites section for some unique





_www.essentialherbal.com_ (http://www.essentialherbal.com/)

_Essential Herbal Blog_ (http://theessentialherbal.blogspot.com/)





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