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Hi! I'm Brenda, 43, married, with a son in college. I live in Ohio. My

thanks to the owner for allowing me to join. Not sure what all to say,

other than, I am a firm believer in an organic diet, and the use of herbs.

I am still in process of changing over to organics though. It's not been

easy. I did cut out harsh preservatives years ago. My difficulties in

going organic is where I live. Recently I found stores on the web where I

can order organic foods. I am still limited, but, doing my best.

I am totally opposed to the medical profession except in the case of

emergency situations and then it is only the minimum necessary. I am

thinking about making myself up a card to carry in my wallet to specify this

Just curious, has anyone here done this?

I have had strange health issues all my life. Problems that came and went

mysteriously. Well, to keep the story short. It progressed to a point I

was drastically sick 100% of the time and after doctor after doctor, test

after test. They could not give me any definite answers to the cause.

Though they were very willing to give me drugs for the symptoms.

I hit the Internet grindstone LOL and found out I had fluoride poisoning.

Since then my casual curiosity for herbs, and other natural methods of

healing flourished. As well, as my learning of just what makes this great

US of A really tick.

Think that is enough for now. If you'd like to know more about me, feel

free to ask.

Have a great evening!







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