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OT: FREQUENCY TOOL - Negative thoughts could be a good warning

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David, really appreciate hearing your response,

you might find it of interest to read hundreds of user

comments on the positive effects of these sounds found





--- David Lambert <dlmbrt wrote:



> > David, I enjoyed reading your email and found

> myself agreeing

> > with your observations.

> >

> > Can you let me know which links did not work for

> you?


> [Dave]: All very interesting. I did get all the

> links working, I just

> wasn't doing it right. It's a little cumbersome -

> or I'm a little dense.

> Anyway, it's all good.


> I've burned DEEP JOY and INTUITION & TIMING onto a

> CD and downloaded some of

> the others (after scanning them for viruses -

> they're clean, folks). I

> don't have blocks of time that would allow long

> listening periods, but I

> feel psychically strong enough to listen on the way

> to work. I'm going to

> play with it for a while. If I become a zombie, the

> rest of you will be

> warned!


> When you say the tones work by entrainment, that

> simply meaning training. A

> fuller explanation would be welcome. I remember

> during the 80s and 90s

> there was a flurry of interest in subliminal

> programming through music. You

> could buy tapes - maybe still can - that supposedly

> carried a litany of

> suggestions just below the audible threshold along

> with the music. I bought

> a few but in the end couldn't discern value in the

> product.


> The reason I had an interest - I don't mind

> revealing this much about myself

> - was that at the time I was beginning to recognize

> that my lack of enduring

> success in my ventures was due to my own

> subconscious attitudes and choices.

> I've been pretty well off more than once, and then

> for one reason or another

> the whole thing turned to crap and I went somewhere

> else and started over.

> These were not criminal ventures, by the way. I had

> a small chain of

> furniture stores, a really decent run as an

> up-and-coming artist, and later

> another one as a restorer of antiques and high-end

> furniture. There was

> always some outside thing that soured the venture -

> but looking back on it I

> knew that if some of my choices had been different,

> the results in other

> areas would have been better. I wanted to learn how

> to avoid being my own

> worst enemy.


> Now, a couple decades and a whole lot of pain later,

> the cobwebs are pretty

> much swept away and the house is in order. Once

> again, prosperity is

> beginning to flow my direction, and this time it's

> of a different order. I

> haven't gathered capital but other things have

> changed radically. Without

> spending any money, in the last two years my bare

> home (I began once again

> at age 49 in 2000 with a few tools and three hundred

> dollars) has become

> filled with art and antiques. I have things like

> paintings, handmade

> guitars and rare Persian carpets that have literally

> been given to me. I

> have a different attitude and I attract different

> people. That's enough

> about me, but I wanted to shed a little light on why

> I or anyone else might

> have an interest in something like this. Just as

> aromatherapy uses one

> sense to attempt to guide the mind and body into

> positive shifts, this " star

> music " attempts to do the same thing using the

> auditory sense. Whether it

> works or not remains to be seen but the idea seems

> basically " sound " to me.


> The other matter that needs to be cleared away

> before people will accept

> this kind of " therapy " is exactly what the lady

> expressed: fear of " brain

> control. " That'd be a whole nuther discussion.

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