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OT: Banning Christmas

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YOU GO BUTCH!!!!!!!! I knew we'd hear from you on this. Read the whole

thing - every word. That would make a great sermon in many churches,

synagogues, mosques, etc. (any religion). Here's my two cents: I like to

remember and remind others who point back to the forefathers, that when

Benjamin Franklin exited the constitutional convention, he was approached by

a group asking what sort of government the delegates had created. He

responded " A republic, if you can keep it. " I'd like to know how many who

have posted to this topic have actually READ the constitution???!!!!


I can pick out many often when they 'quote' separation of church and state,

because THAT'S NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION!!! It was in a letter later written

by Thomas Jefferson.


This thread started because of a public school issue and THAT is where the

problem lies. Americans rely on the public babysitting institution. They

turned their faces away from what was being taught there long ago - they

didn't have time to be bothered. Those who have come up in that system are

now making our laws and changing our country - and they don't know or care

what it was founded on. It was easy to replace EDUCATION with

INDOCTRINATION when no one was looking. If the public school system

educated our children, I would have used it. But I knew better. I did MY



We educated our children at home. OH! Now you could assume that that goes

along with the hippie thing, or you might think that it places us in the

fundamentalist right-wing Christian camp. You'd be wrong on both accounts.

Like you Butch, I'm a die-hard Southuna (from Charleston, SC). My

great-great grandfather fought in the revolutionary war under Francis

Marion. I wanted to make sure that my kids had a real education, not a

bunch of flim-flam socilazation. Oh, they were plenty socialized. One of

the first questions we'd get from people was 'what about socialization?'

See, people already have fallen to the idea that the purpose of schools is

to socialize. But have you ever seen a bunch of 5 year olds teach each

other table manners???


Public education was the beginning of the end of this country. It's a slow

disease, but if we don't take back control, just like our healthcare, it

will eventually kill us.


Thanks again Butch, we have more in common than you know.



Breeder of Naturally Raised German Shepherd Dogs (and Southuna from


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This whole thing is much ado about nothing. Although it has been

reported and rehashed on many blogs, there was never any movement to

ban any holiday celebrations. That school is are considering adding

a celebration for a muslim holiday in a school that has 1/3 muslim

students. No one ever suggested banning of Christmas. Just because

it is reported on the web or shows up on TV, it doesn't mean it is


Sorry, this should be a dead issue, but I get annoyed when anyone

gets their knickers in a twist over some rumor blown out of

proportion and everyone gets upset about what " they " are trying to

do. And it flies around the web getting blown up and added too.



, " Butch Owen " <butchowen


> Nobody is going to succeed in banning celebrations of Christmas or


> or Rosh Hasana or any other religious holiday. They might stop


> expenditure of public funds for such celebrations .. and I will

agree with

> that .. but it must be dealt with on a case by case basis.

States Rights

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Hi, I was the original poster for this thread, your right this is a dead

issue, so everyone please untwist your nickers and lets move on.. Shame

on the Chicago Times for posting the " Rumor " to begin with..




shupy3 wrote:


> This whole thing is much ado about nothing. Although it has been

> reported and rehashed on many blogs, there was never any movement to

> ban any holiday celebrations. That school is are considering adding

> a celebration for a muslim holiday in a school that has 1/3 muslim

> students. No one ever suggested banning of Christmas. Just because

> it is reported on the web or shows up on TV, it doesn't mean it is

> true.

> Sorry, this should be a dead issue, but I get annoyed when anyone

> gets their knickers in a twist over some rumor blown out of

> proportion and everyone gets upset about what " they " are trying to

> do. And it flies around the web getting blown up and added too.

> Joanne






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, " shupy3 " <jwittenbrook



> This whole thing is much ado about nothing. Although it has been

> reported and rehashed on many blogs, there was never any movement

to ban any holiday celebrations.


Why any Christian would get upset over something like this is beyond

me. As a Christian, Jesus, God and His word lives in my heart and

no " they " or anyone can ever take that away from me. As a Christian

I have come to dislike the Christmas " Holiday " . I give all year long

to those that are needy, to my family, to my friends and making a

holiday that means I must give a gift and expects me to give...rubs

me the wrong way. Giving needs to come from the heart not from

forced obligation.


It may be nice to celebrate the birth of Jesus but everyday is a

holiday to any Christian that truly has God in his/her heart.


That school is are considering adding

> a celebration for a muslim holiday in a school that has 1/3 muslim

> students. No one ever suggested banning of Christmas. Just because

> it is reported on the web or shows up on TV, it doesn't mean it is

> true.

> Sorry, this should be a dead issue, but I get annoyed when anyone

> gets their knickers in a twist over some rumor blown out of

> proportion and everyone gets upset about what " they " are trying to

> do. And it flies around the web getting blown up and added too.


Who is the establishment? Is there an establishment? Is there a law

of the Land? What was the basis of the laws of this country? One

does not have to travel far, Washing DC will do, and go to the

Capital building and you will clearly see that the foundation of this

country was taken from some basic principles found in a very well

known book. If you need help with that let me know off line.


I guess those that went before us were not as smart as we are. After

all we are more advanced...if we had the opportunity look at the

country we could form. I knew more then my parents when I was 11,

just think how much smarter I am today. Maybe just Maybe some things

should not be changed. Sorry, I am really going off.




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