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Young Living - Need Advice (Warning long post. )

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Hmmmm weird things happening.. so I'll paste this here.


The YL Files

Due to the controversy about Gary Young and the Young Living Multi Level

Marketing company this page is to enable you to find out more infomation for


A Critical Look at Gary Young, Young Living Essential Oils, and Raindrop

Therapy Eva F. Briggs, M.D. Article by Dr Eva Briggs *


* Barber K., Gagnon-Warr J. National Association of Holistic Aromatherapists'

White Paper on Young Living Oil's Raindrop Therapy. Revised May 12, 2002. White

Paper on RDT *


* The REAL story about Gary Young and YLEO By Eva Briggs MD **


There are mailing lists discussing Aromatherapy, Gary Young and Young Living

are perennial subjects that arise.


To join the " IDMA " mailing list (Currently nearly 1200+ members) send a mail



and put _only_ the words

join aromatherapy

as the text of the message.


To join the Essentials Mailing list send a mail to essentials

and in the subject box put only





There is an achive of much of the discussion, from both sides, about Gary Young

and Young Living.

These files are in zip compressed format due to their size and may be obtained



Size compressed is 385k uncompressed 1,479,338 bytes.


Size compressed is 571k uncompressed 2,192,251 bytes.




These are the messages complete with headers and may be viewed in your word

processor of imported into your mail reader.


Further discussion can be often found on the various newsgroups such as

alt.aromatherapy, alt.folklore.aromatherapy, misc.health.alternative

Archives of which can be viewed at www.dejanews.com There you can search for

subjects such as YLEO, Gary Young, Young Living, YL, GY, Raindrop Therapy, RDT



I hope that this will enable any person, who has concerns for the safe use

of essential oils, to see the oft repeated worries that established

aromatherapists have about the false claims and dangerous teachings of Gary

Young and the business practices of Young Living Essential Oils Inc.


www.vandruff.com/mlm.html Is a page on the dangers of MLM.



A FAQ on GY and YL



Have you heard of Dr. Gary Young? He is one of the leading men in the

field and has studied around the world. You can check out technical information

at the website listed below.


Have you heard that " Dr " Gary Young is not a doctor as he purchased his

ND from Bernadene " University " which is a diploma mill selling non- accredited

certificates to anyone who pays them the money.


Have you heard that Mr Gary Young is a con man using charisma, pseudo

science and pseudo religion to con people into his scheme.


Here is more info for you


Hi, Enjoy your site very much! Do you have an opinion about Young Living



Yes. :-) Varied in quality, Expensive (Wholesale prices much more than

most companies retail), VERY bad company advice, if you can call it that, on

safety, major con-man (Gary Young), as the owner, major class action against

them in progress, always changing the conditions and commissions to the

downlines, stealing downlines, etc. And much more.


in a word . I would run as fast as possible. MANY better places to learn

about aromatherapy and much better and cheaper places to buy your oils from.


That's the short version


Here is the long version :-)




The answer to your question should not be hidden under a bushel, so I'll

reply on-line. No answer should offend people who are using YL oils as some of

the YL oils are obviously good oils - and folks who use YL oils are normal

folks. If my reply " get's something started, " then it'll do much to educate and

it'll not be the first time it's been a matter of discussion as ALL the

aromatherapy lists discuss it from time to time.


> I was wondering if someone can reply off list as to some of the things

> that Gary Young does or promotes as to why others in the AT community > have

some not-so-good things to say about him? I don't want to offend > people that

use these oils so please reply to me personally so that > something doesn't get

started. Thanks, Lisa Doyon


Gary Young and Young Living as an organization are the same. But Young

Living oils and Young Living distributors are a different subject. Mr. Gary

Young claims to be a ND, but he has no doctorate degree from any recognized

institution of higher learning - he has one he bought for a few hundred dollars

from one of the many " non-accredited " companies who will sell you a degree ..

pick the one you want, no wait, no exams, just send in your check or money

order. The title " Doctor " is illegal to use in Gary Young's home state of Utah

because it was a mail order degree. So, he uses the title in states that don't

license Naturopathic Doctors. It is a meaningless title and he continues to use

it in order to give his theories and practices more credentials. He is

therefore, a phoney!


He makes many other claims about his life that have been proven false,

they are pure marketing hype and pure bovine excrement, but still, YL followers

see him as a guru - MR. Young uses religion to help keep the followers following

- not too different from Reverend Jones of Jonestown or David Koresh of the

Branch Davidians. Some people need a charismatic like GY to lead them,

regardless of the fact that he is a charlatan.


He claimed connections with famous professors and other accomplishments

here in Turkey until I investigated, talked with folks here, learned it was

embellished hype and openly published the results to numerous lists. He then

decided to drop the Turkish connection from his biography.


Young Living as an organization is dominated by Gary and Mary Young. It

appears that company policy is make money in any way you can - as fast as you

can - and truth is not necessary to accomplish these ends. In my opinion, we're

talking about ethics here - or lack thereof.


There are thousands of testimonials that would curl your hair - not mine

(I'm almost bald) but most people's hair. Claims of ridiculous cures and

promoting use of massive quantities of oils in a totally unsafe manner. The more

you use, the more you buy. YL promotes unsafe use of neat EOs directly on the

skin. They teach their downlines to do this and give them NO TRAINING in safety

or proper and responsible use of essential oils. If you talk to some of the more

" affected " YL'ers who are really into the cult mentality, they will act as if

you are being sacriligious when you question any of MR. Gary Young's unsafe



This hype could prevent people from seeking competent medical help for

serious illnesses - they fall back on the false hope given them by YL. Bones

don't realign with the use of EOs, scoliosis does not cure itself, but YL

teaches that both can be cured by their " Raindrop Therapy, " which involves

application of massive amounts of neat EOs. Anyone postponing or avoiding

conventional treatment for this disease by treating it with essential oils is

looking for trouble - but YL promotes this!! And they claim that people who

don't believe in Raindrop Therapy don't believe because they don't believe in

" Chi, " which is simply horse crap.


A member of the aromatherapy list posted this: " *** pray that you will

not be among the large number who received festering and/or infected skin ulcers

up and down their spine as a result of having neat, irritating oils dripped up

and down their spine and then covered with a towel to prevent the normal

evaporation *** when you spine turns red, in spots, from irritation and starts

to burn, that you aren't told. " oh, that's the virus escaping " *** direct quote

from one of my new clients.


Those of us who decry the raindrop theory, as well as most of MR.

Young's ideas do it because of the potentially dangerous misuse of the oils we

love...and the abuse of innocents looking for solutions.


Just two weeks ago I received a letter from an elderly gentleman...

asking if my helichrysum essential oil is safe to drop into the ears... because

he had been told that neat helichrysum essential oil, dropped into the ear,

could cure his wife's lifelong nerve deafness. He came to me because his YL

distributor had been told that there is no helichrysum essential oil available

any more, it's only available in blends. Of course it's available, from many

excellent oil suppliers. ** I told him that there was NO evidence and probably

no likelyhood that ANY essential oil could cure permanent nerve damage. And that

NO essential oil was safe to use, neat, in the ears. I was so very very angry

with the " nice man from his church " who told him this that I wanted to throw

something. This goes far beyond dishonesty ... this is truly dispicable ..

creating hope and belief this way. " UNQUOTE


Mr. Young has been arrested for practicing medicine without a license.

Now he protects himself - he puts the unknowing YL distributors in the lion's

cage. His brochures " Officially " tell the distibutors to be nice and be careful,

but his meetings and lectures tell a different story. The distributors are

" independent " and have a contract that says so - and they sign that they'll not

prescribe for ails and illness - but then they're sent out to do this. If the

hammer falls, GY and friends will escape and leave the honest, but gullible

distributor to face the music.


A member of the AT list recently posted on a YL seminar he attended: " In

this seminar I found out that the only person in the US who could read a GC was

Gary Young, and you can make chemically equivalent helichrysum by mixing three

unrelated EO's together..and that if you dab Frankincense on a skin tumor it

will fall off...forget the regular docs and get out the EO's..only YL oils are

pure.. There was more .. Should anyone have a chance to attend one of

these....do! I promise you awe and amazement..... " UNQUOTE


Another posted: " *** there is a difference between reasonable profit/

business ethics and blatantly taking advantage of a person's religious beliefs

for profit *** between honest business representation and

misbranding/misrepresenting, either of products or yourself * complaints we have

seen about Gary and Mary Young from x-employees, x- distributors, x-family and

x-business partners have certainly been frequent enough for one to take pause

before doing business with this company. Just because other companies seek

profit does not negate the deep questions regarding business ethics and unsafe

practices that seem to continually pop up regarding Young Living. *** As for

lawsuits AGAINST Gary, Mary and YL, there must be a lot more than hearsay out

there because there seems to be an incredible amount of litigation against them

at the moment, from many of the x-ers that I mention above. " UNQUOTE


Another posted: " I am writing this post primarily to notify all YL

distributors that a civil lawsuit has been filed in the state of Utah, in the

city of Provo *** on behalf of the rightful owners and majority stockholders of

Young Living, Washington and California residents, naming Gary Young and Mary

Young as participants in fraud and unlawful conveyance. The lawsuit alleges that

Gary and Mary stole (conveyed) the corporation from the stockholders and

rightful investors and owners. Knowingly and with intent. Some of these

stockholders are elderly, with health problems. I rather doubt that the YL

corporation has told all you good folks about this. You might ask them about



I'll mention here that Gary Young's brother elected to leave the YL

organization and is now putting together an organization that he says will

practice ethics - I hope he does this and from what I know now, I believe he

will - but I promise to report on him if he doesn't! These folks will never sue

me - I've challenged them to do so but as you know, folks in glass houses ...

etc., and they cannot shut me up otherwise!


As for the quality of YL essential oils - I believe they have improved

considerably in the last year as they are now testing some/all? of them, but

prior to that, they were selling some oils that were allegedly from plants that

don't produce EO and in a few cases, their oils had been tested by others and

found to be totally unfit and unsafe. The quality improved because folks stayed

on their butts like ugly on a wart hog - you don't get results by being a

passive wimp!


The issue of price is a personal concern, but if you understand the

workings of a multi-level marketing scheme, you will know that prices MUST be

too high in order to feed all the hands being held out for a cut on the efforts

of other sellers in the chain. A post was made on the AT list concerning this

too, plus the matter of trust:


" I agree about comparing oils with oils, getting to know their subtle

different personalities.... but human personalities do come into the mix, since

I expect the same honesty and fairness in business I expect from personal

relationships. If you can't trust the honesty and integrity of the person you

are buying your oils from on one level, can you really trust them when it comes

to honesty about the oils they proffer? " UNQUOTE


A researcher on the AT list wrote: " Are YL still including blue tansy in

some of their blends? I remember that at one point I checked a website and found

some blends, especially ones for pain relief like Paneaway, which contained

unsafe oils such as blue tansy and wintergreen or sweet birch. They to my mind,

were not what I'd call safe oils. "


Thousands of posts have made on YL in just the last 2.5 years I have

followed the lists - the anti-YL posts are many and those that present an

argument for YL are few and even then, they are nothing more than emotional

ramblings. There is an archive where one can view this info at:

http://www.TheGuideToAromatherapy.com/ylfiles.html Accept or discard the info

provided, but keep smiling .... Butch www.AV-AT.com Graham Sorenson





Howdy Tracy,



Ugh. Okay, I have an old friend that I haven't talked to in a while. She

knows I enjoy aromatherapy, etc. Well, she saw my daughter Meghan in the store

the other day and told her that her daughter was now selling really nice,

highest quality eo's, etc. So I have a message from her on my answering machine

this morning all excited telling me that she and her daughter would like to talk

to me about these wonderful Young Living oils they are selling now and asked me

to call her back.



I believe that she will not be excited for very long. Odds are slim that she

will make any profit .. I expect that the price she paid for whatever they give

down line folks to get them started will not be covered by her future profits ..

and she might lose a few friends too.



So here's the deal, I need some suggestions for what I can say to her to let

her know I am not at all interested in the YL oils without saying it in a way

that will alienate them or make them angry. I am very good at being entirely too

blunt and tactless, so I need help with this. Any advice?



I might be more useful if you asked me for a way to deal with an alcoholic, or

a crack user or a wife abuser. ;-) There is no way to gently OUT the YL

scheme. You can start by letting her read some of the links on YL and ask her

to make her own decisions .. and advise her to avoid chewing tobacco in church,

avoid driving while drunk, and avoid picking on beady eyed fellers with a name

like Spike, who have a narrow forehead and who are carrying a straight razor ..

and .. avoid trying to push Young Living products on any credible News Group.



Below is a part of a reply a YL groupie sent to Kathleen Petrides .. Kathleen

posted it on either this group or another group.


" It's okay that you think what you think. God gave us all choices, you've

obviously chosen to serve the spirit of this world, a.k.a. Satan. Just for

your information YLEO and it's members are serving God and providing his

medicine (Ezekiel 47:12; Exodus 30:22-29), so when you make negative

statements about the family of YLEO, you are speaking ill of God's children.

I hope your comfortable with that, and if not, you might want to repent and

dive into the Word of God, it's the only place you can find true wisdom. "


So .. this will either tell her that many YL followers are religious fanatics

... or nuts .. who are following a phony guru similar to Reverend Jim Jones .. or

that she is serving God if she sells YL products. But then, if this is the

case then God will probably become upset when she doesn't do so well peddling

their average products with extremely high prices that are promoted via totally

unsafe recommendations.


You can also start her out with these links:




















http://theguidetoaromatherapy.com/ylfiles.html .. hey Graham, I tried to pull

this up but its not coming on line now?????


If Graham or Kathleen or some other folks I know of are on line now .. I

believe they will provide some additional information.







Welcome you are for sure. Good luck .. y'all have a good one .. and keep

smiling. :-)


Butch .. http://www.AV-AT.com



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