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I'm so Sore (New Workout Routine)

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Over the past year and a half I've lost about 35-40 lbs, all from

exercise and portion control. Well, recently I hit a plateau and so

I've changed up my workout routine. One of this changes is doing some

ab exercises. I began with 75 reps on Tuesday and did 100 reps

yesterday and I am SO sore today! *lol*


Anyone have suggestions for this list mom who hurts to laugh, cough,

stretch or anything that involves my midsection moving?



Chris ( list mom - out of coffee, looking out the window at a VERY

foggy morning that I have to go drive in in a few - I'm gonna take my

camera and get pictures of .. gray *lol* )


100% Organic Pure Olive Liquid Soap

http:// www.alittleolfactory.com

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Anyone have suggestions for this list mom who hurts to laugh, cough,

stretch or anything that involves my midsection moving?



Try grating some fresh ginger root, make a strong

tea, dump tea in bath.

Or use ginger EO if you have that.


Also: Recovazon is perfect for this.

I'll be glad to send you a sample. Yeah, I sell that one.


Ien in the Kootenays

http://ienvan.multiply.com (blog)



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Hmmmmm. You want ab exercise suggestions or pain relief?


Pain relief... a warm woobey, a hot bath works wonders or a little

blackpepper in olive, FC or etc. oil.


Ab exercises... I actually have some suggestions there too. ;-) If you want




Who's thinking of an email name " Provocateur " ;-)



On 11/30/07, chrisziggy <chrisziggy wrote:


> .









Kathleen Petrides






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*Carols out* Emu oil! I know it works for sore muscles:) And it works like a

wonder on sore joints!





Ieneke van Houten

Friday, November 30, 2007 1:11 PM

Re: I'm so Sore (New Workout Routine)



Anyone have suggestions for this list mom who hurts to laugh, cough,

stretch or anything that involves my midsection moving?


Try grating some fresh ginger root, make a strong

tea, dump tea in bath.

Or use ginger EO if you have that.


Also: Recovazon is perfect for this.

I'll be glad to send you a sample. Yeah, I sell that one.


Ien in the Kootenays

http://ienvan.multiply.com (blog)


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Congratulations on your loss. If my abs were sore from too much

exercise, I'd be soaking in a hot bath laced with a couple cups of

epsom salts and some drops of juniper and helichrysum, and maybe some

red mandarin to make it a little lush. Then I'd put nice warm jammies

on and sleep on it. However, even though I have also lost 35 pounds

this year, I am at very little risk of over-exercising. :-)


Mary Sahs, ND


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Oh, babe, I know how you feel! Try some gentle (VERY gentle!)

stretching, along with keeping the complaining muscles nice and warm.

Warm compresses/heat pads should help, too. Hot tubbing will help,

too. :) But don't overdo it!


When you start to feel better, you can add back your new exercises,

but do them gently and with many fewer reps. You'll need to build

back up -- 75 and 100 were probably too much to start with all at

once; I'd go with 15-20 3x/day for a day or two, then up it to 30-40

for a few days, then 50-75 after that. And, as many a doc has told

me when I have gotten sports-related owies " If it hurts, STOP " .


Soft tissue damage, including muscles, tends to take a while to heal

if you think you did serious damage. Staying warm will definitely

make you at least feel better.


Good luck, and congratulations on the weight loss!


Karen :)



Over the past year and a half I've lost about 35-40 lbs, all from

exercise and portion control. Well, recently I hit a plateau and so

I've changed up my workout routine. One of this changes is doing some

ab exercises. I began with 75 reps on Tuesday and did 100 reps

yesterday and I am SO sore today! *lol*


Anyone have suggestions for this list mom who hurts to laugh, cough,

stretch or anything that involves my midsection moving?








Karen M. Chan | kmchan | Whatever Happens... Smile!


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Just keep at it hun it will get better as you do more sucks right now i know but

it will be better soon.




chrisziggy <chrisziggy


Friday, November 30, 2007 7:10:22 AM

I'm so Sore (New Workout Routine)















Over the past year and a half I've lost about 35-40 lbs, all from


exercise and portion control. Well, recently I hit a plateau and so


I've changed up my workout routine. One of this changes is doing some


ab exercises. I began with 75 reps on Tuesday and did 100 reps


yesterday and I am SO sore today! *lol*




Anyone have suggestions for this list mom who hurts to laugh, cough,


stretch or anything that involves my midsection moving?






Chris ( list mom - out of coffee, looking out the window at a VERY


foggy morning that I have to go drive in in a few - I'm gonna take my


camera and get pictures of .. gray *lol* )




100% Organic Pure Olive Liquid Soap


http:// www.alittleolfactor y.com


















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I want to thanks everybody for their encouraging words and soreness



Being that I am changing up the workout routine, and including more

strength training (lost much fat, now its time to tone it all up :)

I'm sure I'll be using ALL of them *lol*


Today its my chest and triceps that are the sore muscles. Next week

I'll redeem my coupon for a free personal trainer session. After that

I'll be REALLY sore I'm sure!!



Chris (list mom)


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, " Ieneke van Houten "

<ienvan wrote:


> And the most simple, why did I not think

> of it right away: an Epsom salt soak!

> Dirt cheap and it works wonders.



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