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Book from a cats viewpoint on aromatherapy

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I have just been sent a copy of a small book written by a lady

veterinarian in Japan. It is written as if it was from a cat that has

been exposed to essential oils. It is beautifully written in a style

that children would definitely appreciate. It also has some nice line

drawings of cats. One page is in Japanese text but the opposite page is

in English. It is 64 pages and the ISBN is 978-4-88096-145-3


I am impressed by this lady and her husband both of whom have a lifetime

of veterinary practice behind them. I am impressed because not only do

they treat animals using essential oils, but also they give lectures

from a scientific viewpoint as to why certain species can be

endangered by the use of essential oils.


Martin Watt

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everyone knows including most all of the vets that cats and herb oils are not a

great idea. In many cases cats have died when their people tried to heal them

with herb oils. I am glad that your friend wrote a book, that is nice. Most

anyone can write and publish though, and i would have to rely on the majority

places that say that it is dangerous for cats. For me, I do not want to gamble

my two cats lives to see which is the truth. Better to be safe that to be sorry

as it has been said so many times. I hope you enjoy your book, I am sure your

freind is very nice. Cathy




Believe with an Open Heart and Mind --Cathy L. Kaiser

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>everyone knows including most all of the vets that cats and herb oils

>are not a great idea.

That is incorrect as many people still experiment with oils on cats

and it is not widely known they can be dangerous. Also, I know many

aromatherapists who have cats that get exposed to their oils. Such

contra indications are NOT taught on most AT courses.


>am sure your freind is very nice

Where did I say this person was a friend? I was simply recommending a

book which seems sensible, on a topic often covered on this list and

written by an expert in animal welfare.


Martin Watt


, Cathy Kaiser <kaiser.cathy



> everyone knows including most all of the vets that cats and herb

oils are not a great idea. In many cases cats have died when their

people tried to heal them with herb oils. I am glad that your friend

wrote a book, that is nice. Most anyone can write and publish though,

and i would have to rely on the majority places that say that it is

dangerous for cats. For me, I do not want to gamble my two cats lives

to see which is the truth. Better to be safe that to be sorry as it

has been said so many times. I hope you enjoy your book, I am sure

your freind is very nice. Cathy




> Believe with an Open Heart and Mind --Cathy L. Kaiser


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Martin Watt wrote:

>> everyone knows including most all of the vets that cats and herb oils

>> are not a great idea.


> That is incorrect as many people still experiment with oils on cats

> and it is not widely known they can be dangerous. Also, I know many

> aromatherapists who have cats that get exposed to their oils. Such

> contra indications are NOT taught on most AT courses.



Thank you Martin,


I learned from different people in the mailing lists that they had

problems with their cats,

some spoke of cat's who died.

We always used essential oils on wounds on our cats and suddenly felt

uneasy with it.


So I tell my audience to be careful but also tell them that we have

four cats here, who always

try to get in to my lab, without showing signs of poisoning.

One of them, a small black/white female, who is sterile and always seems

to starve, managed to get locked in my lab around Christmas.

The whole house smelled very strong the next day, I finally found her,

she managed to push a bottle of organic eucalyptus

radiata (about 3-4 liters): a disaster!

She stayed the whole night in the lab inhaling large amounts of cineol,

must have turned around as a wild tiger (like a storm inside)

as I could see when I had to clean it all up. (she did broke other

essential oils bottles)

I was quit angry and could have killed her, but my vegetarian background

prevented this...

We all thought that we could bury her soon now, when the cineol would

have done it's work...no way!

She's still there, looking even healthier than before, still trying to

hide in the lab!




I only smell eucalyptus radiata when I enter the lab, even though we

have hundreds of different oils around, recent visitors

always say that the smell is so nice and are wondering why this does not

seem to please me a lot...



Michel Vanhove


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