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Don't know how my name got on the post from Jan but in any event this

is what I did write in regards to the topic.


I've been through some similar situations after a car accident and the

death of my mother.Unfortunately it took me years to find out that

thyroid was shocked after these events and I needed thyroid medication

not prozac or therapy.

A traumatic event and or daily stress can lower the thyroid .I know

you said you had yours checked but standard testing as in yhr TSH is

almost a waste of time.

For many reasons in todays world the standard lab testing is not

finding the problem and so many people are walking around in a sub

clinical state of low thyroid.

Often times a car accident will also precede fibro which most of the

time is caused by the low thyroid from the trauma Problem is most drs

don't have a clue.

Dr John Lowe www.drlowe.com has done extensive work on low thyroid

and fibro,and thyroid resistance which will not show up on lab testing

either.He wrote a book called " The Terror of the TSH " as he has seen

the damage done by drs misdiagnosing in epidemic proportions due to

using this inadequate method.Drs have a tendency to treat lab tests

not patients.Depression is also a major symptom of low thyroid

Other reasons for low thyroid include iodine deficiency toxins such as

amalgam/silver fillings,fluoride,chlorine and bromine and or other toxins.

Drugs like Prozac contain fluoride which makes the low thyroid worse.

Also Effexor,Xanax and Tamiflu contain PCP.Have you heard the news

release on Tamiflu,that it might cause a psychological " event " ......DUH

Xanax is also know to cause psychological events.

I would not rely on antidepressants unless you are in a life

threatening situation and need something to get you to the other

side.They are dangerous.

First find out the cause of the depression and treat that.

5 HTP is a natural serotonin booster,safe and cheap and really works.


St Johnswort might help but I think 5HTP is more effective.

Here is a resource on the metabolic reasons for depression.


I would do a morning temp for about 7 days and if you are still having

periods ,don't do it in the two weeks prior because of elevated temps

due to ovulation.

Then I would have a complete thyroid work up including free

T3,reverseT3 and thryoid antibodies.

Then I would also do a saliva panel for female hormones,adrenal panel

and mineral and toxic elements hair analysis.

These will give you a really good idea of what is going on,Also check

out low thyroid symptoms and see how many you have.This website will

explain a lot of what I have said here. and give you an extensive list

of thyroid symptoms http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

Please don't think that I am dismissing emotional reasons for

depression but if the metabolic issues are addressed,the depression in

most cases will be greatly lessened or resolved all together.

Have you tried doing a morning temperature?

This is one of the best indicators of your metabolic state.Anything

under 97.8 is hypo metabolism and usually caused by low thyroid and

adrenal fatigue.

Drs and patients tend to blame the car accident for all the problems

that come on afterward but often times your body was barely

maintaining a state of normalcy and the car accident or emotional

event pushed it over the edge .

Can you find a good alternative practitioner? They are usually more

aware of these issues and look for causes rather than band aids.

Hope this helps let me know if you have any questions.


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