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New Company - Need Input?

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Hi Pam,


> My dil has been looking into 'other' companies - FINALLY - she has

> been an ardent yl follower and finally has 'listened' to some of my

> rantings and has started thinking on her own. Unfortunately.....she

> isn't listening to everything I say and is now looking at online

> companies and has settled on a website that is called

> abundantlifeessentials.com because of their 'missionary' work (sigh).


You've been working on this for a long time .. I figure that maybe your dear

DIL is a lost cause in this regard. ;-)


Aside from warning folks about YL .. I (and other sellers on this list) are

not into badmouthing other companies .. however, when they OPENLY make false

claims like .. they are the ONLY company that offers pure and quality

products they are inviting challenge. It takes some folks longer than it

does others to understand what this is all about. If one claims to walk on

water odds are good that a lotta folks are going to try to throw them in the

lake so they can see if they sink. Also .. the claims they make might

impress those who are not in the know but those of us who operate in the

real world immediately recognize those claims as being Bovine Excrement.


Check the sig lines and links on posts sellers on this list make .. try to

find ONE that makes such wild butt claims .. you will not find one. That

does not mean we are inferior to those who do make wild claims .. to the

contrary, we are superior because we are not BSing the Troops.


> Some of the oils are even more expensive then YL - even though they

> claim they are only making 10% on their eo's....yeah...right....


First .. they speak with Forked Tongue .. they are selling 5 ml Rose Otto

for $165.00 .. I sell 10 ml for $157 .. the profit margin ratio of their

products holds true throughout their listings .. check the prices of folks

on this list and you'll see that almost all sell for less than these folks



Another good trick is .. they only make 10% but they are willing to give 20%

discounts. It appears that another YL group manager has gone into business

against their old company . and if you look at the ridiculous and

contradictory claims they make you will see that they mirror the YL claims.

As for profits and percentages .. on their site at

http://www.abundantlifeessentials.com/discount.htm they write:


* Current Young Living Customers and Distributors*

*As a courtesy, we offer a standing %20 discount on any purchase of Bella

Mira Branded Products to anyone with a Young Living Member Number. This

discount is Free as long as you provide us a current Young Living Member

Number. Simply email us your name, phone, and address; and we will email

your your own personal discount code. Our system cannot differentiate

between brands so you will have to purchase all other non Bella Mira

products from our website separately. Its an honor system. If you try to

place an order and use your discount on other items we will cancel the order

and you will lose your discount permanently. To receive this offer you must

pledge to spread the word about our wonderful oils to your friends and stop

using Young Living Products unless we don't carry the similar product.*


> I have looked at the site and can't find any personal or professional

> info on them (may be missing that though) and would like to know if

> anyone here knows who they are and how good the oils are so I can

> report back to my dil.


My opinion is that your DIL is not interested in hearing what you have to

say. You are frustrating her .. folks who have their minds made up get

frustrated when you confuse them with facts or logic. Look at the

contradictory claims made at

http://www.abundantlifeessentials.com/essential_oil_info.htm.. such comments

are intended to impress those who are easily impressed. The question I have

asked on many News Groups for many years is .. how many times must one lie

to convince someone that they are a liar? And .. if someone is a liar ..

can you trust them .. or their products?


Read all the humma-humma at the bottom of the link I posted above. Its

obvious that they took the meat out of the YL marketing and attempted to

close the holes in that marketing.


> She says she doesn't think 'my' oils are as 'potent' as YL's and I

> have tried to explain to her that some oils can be cut with other

> oil/properties that might make YL smell stronger -


If everyone was a wise consumer then MLMs like YL would be out of business

... so you might wanna just accept the fact that your DIL is easily impressed

by marketing hype. That's not a slam on her .. I believe that the majority

of folks who use essential oils are in the same boat. News Groups like

this one do much to help those folks see the truth and convert themselves.

I've had pretty much the same Retail and Wholesale customer base for 13 +

years and it slowly grows as new folks come on line .. but some new folks

write me from time to time with a laundry list of questions like those

listed on the hype sheet of the above URL .. they wanna know if I can match

such quality. If I have some free time I answer .. if I'm busy I put the

post in my Not Dead .. but Dying Hold File. Truth is .. I don't have the

time or desire to mess with them .. some folks are into trying to educate

one soul at a time .. I quit that long ago. I think my time is better

spent writing in open forums like this one.


> but that I also am able to get the GC/MS report on each oil (thanks

> Butch !) and YL will never give you that!


Welcome you are .. and of course YL will not do that .. and even though this

outfit says they will I'll bet a purty that they use a generic report .. or

refer you to the list of constituents you find if you click on any oil at

http://www.abundantlifeessentials.com/essential_oil_singles.htm .. Note that

they are trying to tie in the Bible on all the oils .. for example on Black

Cumin they fail to mention that all data on Nigella sativa is contained in

Islamic writings .. and they quote some scripture relating to Cumin (Cuminum

cyminum) as if it is Black Cumin (Nigella sativa). Again .. comments

intended to impress those who are easily impressed. On the Oregano .. they

are selling some of Cass Igram's guaranteed to not rust, bust or collect

dust products. Their claims for the properties of all the oils are out in



At the bottom of http://abundantlifeessentials.com/ .. they say ...


*2: Suppliers must furnish Organic Certification, Gas Chromatograph and

Independent Lab Analysis on Demand.


*Nothing special about that .. except that probably 90% of the EO produced

can't be found as Certified EO. And those that can be don't necessarily

mean that the EO is pure and quality .. or even that it is truly extracted

from plants that are grown in a certifiable soil conditions. Some of us in

this industry have long ago burst this balloon of Certified Organic .. I've

written on it on this list .. Martin has written on it and Tony Burfield

(Cropwatch) has too. Even Wikipedia has data on that now .. read toward the

bottom .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_certification


Then they write ...


* 1: All supplements ingredients must be Certified Organic whenever possible

by QAI or Oregon Tilth *( the only recognized truly organic certifying



Which (1) is a contradictory statement and (2) It is an untrue statement.


Also .. on Organic farming or gardens and such .. see the next post I send

... its about Wind Drift .. something I have written on since the mid-90s ..

but I don't think it ever got a lot of attention in this industry. I think

its natural for folks to want to feel comfortable about their efforts to

maintain good health .. but there are limitations to what we can do. Mere

understanding of those limitations might create paranoia in some folks ..

understanding and accepting them is probably a better option. None of us

are gonna get out of this world alive .. the difference between the normal,

responsible person who does their best and the fanatic health nut who wants

to live and breathe in a bubble is that the former will have good reason for

dying .. the latter will die in vain. ;-)


> Anyway - does anyone have any info on this company/people - you can

> email offline at pam @ missouricrafters.com if you prefer (take out

> the spaces)


If I wrote you off line you would be the only one to read this .. now odds

are good that as many as 4 or 5 folks will read it. ;-)


> thanks

> Pam


Welcome you are fer'shur.


I owe lots of routine mail to a lotta folks .. just hang tight and I will

reply. Lately I have been one busy feller .. too busy to stop for an

evening toddy and so far behind that I can view my own butt without using a

mirror. Working to get the new web site on line .. repricing oils ..

closing out lots of 2007 business issues .. dealing with some political

analysis requirements .. still opening boxes from our move in July .. trying

to get my grounds in shape for spring .. working with a new member of the

family .. a Beagle Dawg .. confirming lots of International orders (folks

outside the USA are taking advantage of the declining USD exchange rate ..

smart they are fer'shur) and finally .. my most important priority ..

spending time with my son.


Y'all keep smiling. :-) Butch .. the Tennessee Hill Billy


http://www.AV-AT.com .. Wholesale/Retail GC Tested EO, Rose Products, Tested

Hydrosols and other nice things shipped to you from our store/warehouse in

Downtown Friendsville, MD. Pop: 597




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