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RE: Natural spider repellant (Jen/Sindy)

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Hi Jen,




I didn't mean for my inquiry to stir any controversy & hope that this

subject can be dropped. I'm sure that Chris (or Butch?) will be around on

this soon w/their take, but my goal was to get Wolf spiders out of the house

& garage. Living in a heavily wooded area means accepting a certain amount

of bugs (as the glow of my laptop right now attracts every mini flying

insect in a 1 mile radius!), but it doesn't mean that I want them living in

the house w/us. I purchased a high frequency mouse-repellent unit tonight @

Lowe's for my Mom & am hopeful that will help w/the mouse problem @ her

storage unit. After trying peppermint leaves & oil, then commercial sprays,

she finally tried using mouse traps b/c she was disgusted to find droppings

all over her personal belongings. My Mom is neither lazy or sadistic, but

just trying to resolve a very serious problem. There were 3-5 mice/day

being caught in her traps, so the situation was frustrating ( & actually

quite disgusting). In defense of Sindy (who I'm sure will be speaking for

herself), I can tell you she's a compassionate, kind person with a very

loving heart. Any time someone needs help (on this forum, as well as several

others), she's always among the 1st to jump in & help. I'm sure she didn't

gain joy in the animal's suffering and I think you mistook her pleasure of

finally being rid of a pest as joy that the animal was dying. It's

unfortunate that you would condemn an entire group based on 1 person's

experience b/c this is an incredible, knowledgeable bunch. I think it's

fair that everyone should have the opportunity to make the decision of how

to rid themselves of critters & this forum, with such a diverse crowd,

offers a variety of solutions.




Best wishes,




Tammy Tivis


<http://www.ElementsBathandBody.com> www.ElementsBathandBody.com


Wholesale Soap Making and Toiletry Supplies




On Behalf Of soychik

Friday, April 25, 2008 3:56 PM


Re: Natural spider repellant (Sindy)




Why in the world would you condone torturing an animal to death is

beyond me. You think it's funny that poor rat died and suffered in

pain for your enjoyment. This really sickens me and I will not be

apart of a group that condones this. This group is suppose to be

about natural living not about cruelty to wildlife. Humane live traps

are the only safe way, but people are obviously too lazy to use them

or just don't care.









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Jen, I'm sure you're gone by now~ although I'm sure you still get a few

post~ I hope you receive this one~


I am with out doubt the most animal loving person in the world~ but we keep

peoples furniture in our warehouse as we own a moving company~ If you had

your furniture in storage with us and it came back to you full of cock

roaches or worse yet, mice had made beds/homes in your lovely sofa I don't

think you would be to happy with our company~ let alone the company of the

critters~ Rats carry disease~ pure plain and simple~ I can't allow myself or

my hubbys company to make some poor child sick from rat / mouse

droppings~let alone the government regulations concerning this~ I feel

horrible every time we have to empty the traps~ but dh assures me it is the

most human way~ I was making him and my son use the humane traps, but alas

we had more and more babies coming into the ware house~ on our desk, eating

our food, etc, etc~


I'm so sorry you were offended~ as I also live in the country same applies

to my home~ also I refuse to sell product that might be infested with

rat/mice droppings~ even though it looks like lavender buds~ I know the



I'm truly sorry if I offended you~ Truly and I apologize~Bugs/critters are

like war, I'm certainly not for it, but sometimes it's unavoidable to

protect what you love~


here's wishing you a pleasant experience on the list~be it this one or

another~this is a great informative list, if I were you I'd stay and learn~

it's worth it~




Re: Natural spider repellant (Jen/Sindy)


> I didn't mean for my inquiry to stir any controversy & hope that this

> subject can be dropped. I'm sure that Chris (or Butch?) will be around on

> this soon w/their take, but my goal was to get Wolf spiders out of the

> house

> & garage. Living in a heavily wooded area means accepting a certain

> amount

> of bugs (as the glow of my laptop right now attracts every mini flying

> insect in a 1 mile radius!), but it doesn't mean that I want them living

> in

> the house w/us. >


> Why in the world would you condone torturing an animal to death is

> beyond me. You think it's funny that poor rat died and suffered in

> pain for your enjoyment. This really sickens me and I will not be

> apart of a group that condones this. This group is suppose to be

> about natural living not about cruelty to wildlife. Humane live traps

> are the only safe way, but people are obviously too lazy to use them

> or just don't care.


> Jen

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