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RE: Natural spider repellant (Jenn)

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Thanks, Jenn. So sorry to hear about your hand. This made me think of the

nastiest pic of a spider bite on snopes, but I will warn you that this pic

is REALLY graphic: http://www.snopes.com/photos/bugs/brownrecluse.asp


It's not confirmed it's from a Brown Recluse, but they highly suspect a

spider bite. It gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it! Thank

goodness nothing that extreme happened to you!




Sounds like spiders just don't like citrus, huh? So far, I'm finding lemon

& orange as deterrents. So, any clue where I'd find orange wax???




Best wishes,




Tammy Tivis


<http://www.ElementsBathandBody.com> www.ElementsBathandBody.com


Wholesale Soap Making and Toiletry Supplies




On Behalf Of jennsbellamiaskin

Friday, April 25, 2008 1:27 PM


Re: Natural spider repellant




Hi Girls:

We had a natural exterminator do our house and they used orange wax to

get rid of the bugs. I checked what he was putting up under the window

sills and that is what was there. It worked great and lasted us 2

years. We had Black Widows, Wood Spiders and also Hobo spiders which

are cousins to the Brown Recluse. We had this done after I was bitten

by the Hobo spider and after two years, the bite itched again and I

lifted a piece of scab from scratching and there was a cone shaped

piece of dead tissue that came out of the hole with the scab so I know

they are nasty spiders as well as the Brown Recluse, just not quite as

bad I guess cause I'm still here, LOL

I sure hope this helps and it's worth a try anyway.

Jenn in Oregon







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I just have to share~ I don't know if this will work or not~ but I was

bitten apparently by a spider~ so I ground up with a mortar and pestle into

a powder some jewelweed and plaintain~ mixed it with organic shea butter

and made a poultice~ smeared it on to the bite~ which looked like a giant

ant bite all puss and yuk, covered with a white bandage, changed it daily

well after a week, the whole plug turned black and fell out~ I freaked ~ it

looked like a dead mole~ but the tissue around it was healthy~ and no more

bite~ so I hope that helps anyone else~ don't know if my poultice worked but

it sure seemed to~



Natural spider repellant (Jenn)


> Thanks, Jenn. So sorry to hear about your hand. This made me think of the

> nastiest pic of a spider bite on snopes, but I will warn you that this pic

> is REALLY graphic: http://www.snopes.com/photos/bugs/brownrecluse.asp


> It's not confirmed it's from a Brown Recluse, but they highly suspect a

> spider bite. It gives me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it!

> Thank

> goodness nothing that extreme happened to you!

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