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Looking for cheap bath bombs~!

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OMGoodness ~ I was so busy this weekend I forgot to reply to your earlier

post for the bombs~


here's an easy one~


2 cups baking soda

1 cup corn starch

1 cup citric acid

1/4 cup any light oil

1/4 teaspoon colorant (food color will work)


there are various recipes out on the list, but I know you asked for a simple

one~ and this one will work~

Combine the baking soda, corn starch, and citric acid in a bowl, mix well~

(my suggestion is to put it in a LARGE baggie and smush around to mix,

careful of the powder flying around when you open), then pour that mixture

into a bowl, I mix the colorant and oil together and usually put just a tad

of water in there, then add to the mixture and whish like crazy till you

have the consistancy of barely damp sand. It should just barely stick

together, then I lightly spritz with witch hazel ~and form either into a

ball or shape~ if I were you I would get some small candy molds, or very

small soap molds (michaels) and squish very well into the containers, then

after about 1 -2 minutes~ turn over and pop out~ they should hold together

if you pop them out very carefully, then let them dry~ they do sell bath

bomb presses online all over~ they're about 6 bucks~ if you need help ~

please feel free to email me off list~



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