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AD - The Essential Herbal

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Thank you Listmoms for allowing Ad Day! List owners and moderators are

not responsible for the outcome of any transactions related to this

ad. All correspondence about this ad must be conducted off list to:

_essentialherbal_ (essentialherbal)





The May/June issue of The Essential Herbal magazine is now available, and in

the mail. The list article is about starting out in herbs, and we have an

interview with The Rosemary House (celebrating 40(!!!) years), edible flowers,

summer salads, garlic, making laundry soap , and TONs more inside. Don't be

left out of the fun; order your subscription or renewal today!


While you're there, take advantage of the limited time offer to pre-order

" Under the Sun " , the first five years of spring and summer issues put together

into luscious chapters full of recipes, crafting instruction, wild foods and

medicines, gardening, and much, much more! 20% off until the printer finishes


their work (May 7)! Over 200 8.5 x 11 b & w pages, paperback bound, with a

color cover _http://essentialherbal.com/underthesun.htm_



This is the time of year to get your copy of " Wild Foods for Every Table "

too. Loads of great recipes to use the readily available (and FREE) foods

growing right outside your door.


Visit essentialherbal.com today.






_www.essentialherbal.com_ (http://www.essentialherbal.com/)

_Essential Herbal Blog_ (http://theessentialherbal.blogspot.com/)

_www.siblinggroup.com_ (http://www.siblinggroup.com/)







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