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leg cramps

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I am curious how do you use soap for the leg cramps??? Do you rub the soap

all over the area that is cramping??? I totally cannot imagine how that

could help. I cannot imagine the quinine either. I had years of leg cramps,


back 40 yrs ago. the absolute only thing I know to work is Potassium, and

add to that, magnesium, and one other thing, low sodium diet also at least

3 quarts of water, and not tap water because it has sodium in it. One Dr.

here in Santa Rosa asked me if I eat cold cereal, and I said mostly Cheerios if

I do and she said, do not eat it it is loaded with Sodium. I did not like

what she said and how she said it, because she was just looking for something

I was doing wrong. I will say that most food in the pkg. has sodium in it

and in large numbers. As for Bananas, I remember back when I asked Dr. Rukes

if I could just eat bananas and ge the Potassium instead of taking the pills.

He replied that I would have to eat 20 lbs of bananas to get that much

potassium . If you watch the sodium no chitos, no peanuts, no salt on nuts of

any kind. no potato chips, look on the boxes just like a diabetic looks for

carbs or sug. If anyone thinks I am wrong, I would like to know your way. I

would almost guarantee what I have said, as I lived it so did my husband. we

both had the sodium problem, which was really also a lack of potassium. Of

course that also was 40 yrs ago, and maybe new things are known. I changed my

life I guess I could say and it was a natural way, to watch for sodium. I

almost think that a lot of things could be managed with food. If Codex is able

to get control of our supplements and vitamins, we will have to use

manipulating food as a way to stay well, unless we would like to be pumped full

of crap

from a pill. I will pass this on, something I read about Blood Pressure.

Make celery juice, the article I read said to make it with a juicer, but I do

not have one, so I sliced it very narrow, like say 4 stalks and used a

blender. I have to believe that if a person is having leg cramps they either

have other problems or they will eventually know what they are. Myself I

think it is a serious situation, I would like to know what a dr. thinks and

knows, but for me I do not want pills I would like to make adjustments to my

eating if possible. Here is something to look at. sharon




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(READING TIPS: For fast reading, scan through the topic headings in BOLD

BLACK, important conclusions in BOLD BLUE, and " Must Know " in BOLD RED.

To jump to specific sections in this article, click on the respective LINKS

in the Contents.)

Before You Begin

Information presented here is for general educational purposes only. Each

one of us is biochemically and metabolically different. If you have a specific

health concern and wish my personalized nutritional recommendation, write to

me by _clicking here_ (http://www.drlam.com/askme.cfm) .


_Classification of Hypertension_



_When Should Drugs Be Used To Treat Hypertension?_




_Side Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Drugs_



_High Blood Pressure Protocol_


Blood Pressure Protocol)

_1. Nutritional Supplementation_


nal Supplementation)

_A. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-Carnitine, and Lipoic Acid_


Q10 (CoQ10),

L-Carnitine, and Lipoic Acid)

_B. Magnesium_



_C. Garlic_


_D. Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyma)_


(Crataegus monogyma))

_E. Vitamin C_



_F. Calcium_


_2. Modified Mediterranean Diet_


Mediterranean Diet)

_Anti-aging Food Pyramid_


ng Food Pyramid)

_Diet Tips for Reducing Blood Pressure_


Tips for Reducing Blood Pressure)

_3. Exercise_



_4. Hydration_



_Diet Tips for Reducing Blood Pressure_


Tips for Reducing Blood Pressure)








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