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Nature's Inventory All Natural Wellness Oils

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Hi, Everyone,


Does anyone know anything about " Nature's Inventory All Natural

Wellness Oils " ? A friend sent me the link


to check out. I checked out the site and it looks like a LOT of

verbiage and not a lot of information. There's a lot

of " testimonials " and blather about " Mother Nature " and such. Frankly

it looked a lot like Young Living to me. Does anyone have any actual

experience with the company or products?




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Hi Sue,


At first glance, this company appears very careless in how they present their

products and the claims being made.  There are several problems they could

potentially face with the FDA and FTC.  This looks like a site that gives

aromatherapy a bad rap in the US.


Be well,


Rachel Markel



--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Sue Mogle <suemogle wrote:

Sue Mogle <suemogle

Nature's Inventory All Natural Wellness Oils


Friday, August 22, 2008, 3:47 PM












Hi, Everyone,




Does anyone know anything about " Nature's Inventory All Natural


Wellness Oils " ? A friend sent me the link


http://www.naturesw ellnessoils. com/index. html


to check out. I checked out the site and it looks like a LOT of


verbiage and not a lot of information. There's a lot


of " testimonials " and blather about " Mother Nature " and such. Frankly


it looked a lot like Young Living to me. Does anyone have any actual


experience with the company or products?


































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Hi Sue


Jeez, I just looked at their website. The FDA should be all over this company.

They are making a lot of drug claims there, and I doubt they have any research

to back it up or permission from the FDA to do so. The fact that they have a

disclaimer on their website doesn't score any points with the FDA.

Unfortunately, the FDA probably wouldn't take any action because they are

under-staffed and under-financed. I reported a company to them once because they

were making similar type claims, and....nothing was the result. Sigh...




--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Sue Mogle <suemogle wrote:


Hi, Everyone,


Does anyone know anything about " Nature's Inventory All Natural

Wellness Oils " ? A friend sent me the link

http://www.naturesw ellnessoils. com/index. html

to check out. I checked out the site and it looks like a LOT of

verbiage and not a lot of information. There's a lot

of " testimonials " and blather about " Mother Nature " and such. Frankly

it looked a lot like Young Living to me. Does anyone have any actual

experience with the company or products?




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Hi, Rachel and Patty,


That was my assessment too! The friend who sent me the link is usually

very thoughtful but she can be prone to fall for hype like this when it

seems to tell her what she wants to hear! I'm afraid Patty is right,

although they make claims that are not substantiated in the text on the

website, if anyone complains they can answer that they are just quoting

ohers & relating the experience of others.


If anyone has any actual experience with this company or their products

I'd love to hear your evaluation!





, Rachel Markel <ramarkel



> Hi Sue,


> At first glance, this company appears very careless in how they

present their products and the claims being made.  There are several

problems they could potentially face with the FDA and FTC.  This looks

like a site that gives aromatherapy a bad rap in the US.


> Be well,


> Rachel Markel


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-- In , " Sue Mogle " <suemogle wrote:


> I'd love to hear your evaluation!


> Blessings!

> --Sue


Hi Sue:


I used to purchase her products from the EBay auctions - actually,

the essential oils and bulk lotion. The oils had great pictures and

descriptions, along with chemical analysis.


When she launched her website, she started promoting the wellness oils

with claims for treating " coughing " or " restless leg syndrome " , but I

had to from her list. She claimed you could use tea tree

and lavender NEAT, so I directed her attention to tis group. It didn't

change the claims, so I said, " Buh bye.... "



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