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U.S. Looks At New Age, Holistic Therapies For Veterans

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Howdy Chris,


Hey Butch,


> This is where folks like yourself can fill that void before YL gets

> their dirty little mitts on that market! ;-)



I believe that we will see YL attempts to corner that market and I believe

that the VA is dumb enough to swallow their BS .. so I'll be watching. As

for me filling a void .. that's not possible. I'm not really an

Aromatherapy Practitioner .. that's what you and some other folks here

are. Though I've taken two course .. Martin's and Sylla's .. I took them

for my myself only .. never had any intent to practice AT and I've never

done it except for me and mine. Over the years I found out that 80 + hours

a week was needed just to take care of my EO sales .. and the closest I get

to AT itself is writing from time to time on safety issues and particulars

of various EO.


Since we settled down in Paris, TN, last summer and started Organic

gardening I've found that free time is even more hard to come by .. I make

time for my family take time to watch nightly political ravings on both CNN

and Fox cause I need to hear both sides of the same issues. ;-)


As of last week, something happened that is gonna take up a fair amount of

my time in the future .. I expect. I received an e-mail last week from a

lady who said she was looking for a cousin she never really knew well .. but

she knew he was a retired military man who was raised in KY.. the son of a

retired military man .. who had gone to live in Turkey .. and he was a

businessman. She had Googled my name and found it listed a few times ..

and wanted to know if it was me. It was me that she was looking for.


Turns out she is my first cousin .. the daughter of my father's sister. I

had not met her but one time .. when I conducted my father's military

funeral in 1986 .. she was a university student then.


My parents were divorced shortly after my father returned from WW II .. like

many others back then, he came back a head case .. years later he was able

to get his head on straight .. but too late it was then. ;-) I was still

a toddler then and I never kept up with the Owen side of the family. Then

when I was around 7 or so I got a great step-father and his family then

became my family.


Surprising it was that she found me. More surprising was that in 2005, she

and her family settled in Paris, TN (Henry County). She has three sons, 7,

4 & 2 .. and they own and farm 1,200 acres plus lease and farm another 400

acres adjoining their property. Even more surprising it gets .. as the

crow flies they are roughly 4 miles from me .. a 10 minute drive via the

road network!


Visited them once and we're going over today to take them a buncha

watermelons and canteloupes .. and pick up a load of apples from them. She

is a teacher who now stays at home with the children and likes being a

homestead wife .. gardening, canning, freezing and such. Her husband grows

corn, wheat and soy beans. She and Tanya (my wife) are fairly close in age

... and Tanya also is a teacher who who now stays at home with our son and

likes being a homestead wife .. gardening, canning, freezing and such .. she

has put up over 400 jars so far this year.


Having blood kin nearby is something new (and good) to me .. I haven't lived

such a life since I left home in 1960 .. we have a lot of catching up to

do. The close ages of her kids to my Alexander is also good .. plus now

when I go under snakes (which will probably be long before Tanya does) Tanya

and Alexander will not be totally alone in this neck of the woods.


Now comes the reason why free time might be even more scarce in the future.

She has a hard time with her garden cause the deer eat it every night

... deer come around here too but my dawg chases them off. Though I haven't

discussed it yet, I reckon I might have to help them out with those deer and

other critters this year. Fishing and hunting are two of my favorite

sports .. I've been teaching Alexander (who will be 30 months old soon) how

to fish and safely shoot a BB gun already .. he loves to do both. :-)


Squirrel season started last weekend .. Dove season starts 1 September ..

then later its open season for Rabbit, Quail, Ducks, Geese, Deer, etc.

That is one heckuva lotta land . . all in wild country. Having rights to

hunt on that much private land and it being but 10 minutes away is not a bad

situation. ;-)


If I find free time after all of these planned activities .. I might do what

I should have done already .. get involved in local politics. ;-)


So .. I hope to be too busy to fill that AT void .. y'all can get hopping.




> *Smile*

> Chris (list mom)

> http://www.alittleolfactory.com



Yes ma'am .. and y'all .. and keep smiling. :-)


Butch .,.. http://www.AV-AT.com <http://www.av-at.com/>




> > This is amazing Butch...great post! I wonder if they could use a

> > > few good Aromatherapists.

> >

> > Could be they could .. if not .. they should. Lets just hope they

> > don't choose YL. I'll follow this as best I can on the Vet's Groups

> > and if I smell something of that nature I'll be coming out to all the

> > legit folks in AT and organizing a credible and formal protest.

> > > .. y'all keep smiling. :-)

> >

> > Butch .. http://www.AV-AT.com <http://www.av-at.com/>





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At 11:47 PM 8/25/2008, you wrote:

>U.S. Looks At New Age, Holistic Therapies For Veterans

>Alternative Therapies In Play As Government Tackles Damaged Psyches Of Vets



The VA has been open to 'complimentary modalities' for awhile, Butch...we

have a lovely letter from the director of a VA hospital thanking us for our

donation of essential oils to their aromatherapy program...


on official letter head and everything...




Since 1995 - supplying Aromatherapy and Healthcare Professionals

Website: http://www.naturesgift.com

Blog: http://naturesgiftaromatherapy.blogspot.com/



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