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Welcome Gary (was EO/AT Claims)

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Hi Gary,


Welcome aboard! You FINALLY made your way over here! Make yourself

comfy and right at home .. that goes for all the new folks :)



Chris (list mom)




, Gary Bourbonais <gwb wrote:


> Hi Folks....


> I'm new to Oils-Herbs...

> Some of you might know me from the NP list....Or maybe from the Wild

> West days of IDMA...

> I suppose the shortest way to describe myself is a Gattefossian AT

> person for some time, and now a budding NP'er.....


> Gattefosse used the term " aromatherapie " in the 20's....

> He noticed that certain EOs, in addition to their disinfection

> abilities, seemed to promote healing...Valnet followed his work....


> In the years I've been dabbling with EOs AT wise, I've noted a

> consistant assumption (usually, but not always, in sales

> literature)....that an EO will have similar effects as it's original

> source botanical....


> In some cases, that's valid....


> In other cases, that's kinda dead wrong....


> That's because, except for most of the citrus EOs, the EO gets to its

> form via distillation...


> Distillation does a couple of major things to the components of a

> botanical, its plant essential oil....


> First of all, certain components, the ones that come through, are way

> more *concentrated* than in nature......


> Secondly....some things don't come through the process....


> So....if an active component in an herbal is one of those.....the EO

> really does squat in that aspect....


> The interesting thing that can happen...take Tansy-Tanacetum

> vulgaris-for example....

> Long tradition of herbal use for many things....

> When distilled, the EO is 60+ percent thujone....

> And yet I've seen sales literature promoting it as a cure-all

> EO....based on the herbal provenance...


> The upshot is....ya have to do your homework.....


> BTW.....the healing power of Lavender EO is one I can personally attest

> to, in the matter of burns.....

> Was the first EO I ever owned...a gift....(YL yet!)...

> A week later, did a nasty burn with my oven....and I remembered (albeit

> with many expletives deleted) to splash some of it on.....


> Amazing......

> Said to myself, maybe there *IS* something to this Aromatherapy stuff

> after all....<G>...


> I also know someone who's sensitized to Lavender EO....


> All of the essences have to be treated with respect...they are potent

> and powerful gifts from Ma Gaia....


> I'm usually not so long winded when I post, and oft spend a lot of time

> " cloaked " (lurking)....


> And pleased to join the List....


> Regards...


> --

> Gary W. Bourbonais

> L'Hermite Aromatique

> A.J.P. (GIA)


> P.S. Courtesy of B.B. Simmons over on the NP list....

> This is a fascinating place to visit...

> It's a searchable database on mainstream cosmetic/personal care

> products....showing potential hazard ingredients...


> http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/index.php?nothanks


> Y'all might find it interesting....


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