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[SPAM] Jasmine ?

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Gary Bourbonais

Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:33 PM

[sPAM] Jasmine ?



Lori VanScoter wrote:

>So essences = essential oils, absolutes, and extracts?


> Hi Lori


> What Gary is referring to is any aromatic extract of a plant.

> Some people lump them all together and call then essential oils,

> but that's not really accurate, because many of them are not

> extracted using distillation. So in natural perfumery,

> many of us refer to them as " essences " to cover the whole lot of them.

> Patty


Hi All...


Thanks Patty....

Yeah...the above Lori mentioned, and CO2's etc., It's sort of a general

term... Whilst I'm into NP now, I was around AT for quite a while....

In NP you're concerned with aromatic qualities...



Gary W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)






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