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Pregnancy and EOs

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OK, yes, I have been through the archives, but I am still kind of confused.

My DIL is almost 4 mo. Pg. Our entire family has passed around a horrible

cold - well, everyone except me! I use oregano hydrosol in my drinking water

every day! My DH was quite sick with this and I never did get it!




My first question is this: Would it be OK for my DIL to use the oregano

hydrosol either all the time to keep from getting sick or occasionally, if

she comes in contact with someone who is sick? She did get this virus, but I

would like to be able to help prevent her from getting something like this





Second question: is regarding whipped shea. When was pregnant with our first

grandson I made some whipped shea for her and she didn't get ONE stretch

mark - mind you she is a size 2 - but she did get quite a big belly! Are

there any Eos I can add that would add some extra skin conditioning and

improve the fragrance? I don't want to use anything that would be harmful to

this little one, though!




Thanks in advance for any and all advice!




Jan G







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