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YL Clinic Opened in Ecuador

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Last time I mentioned that that company I offended some people so its best I

don't. I shared an experience which I paid for one of their seminars and it was

at first, a waste of money, but in hindsight, worth every penny as this is why

some people with good working knowledge of what they are doing might very well

have the govt. step in and say 'no mas' you cant do that because then you are

prescribing and in some cases , diagnosing.


The herbs are good. But several herbal companies are good. I like some of Twin

Labs joint products, I just cant afford them......that can be sold anywhere. So

I will beg out of naming names, I really didnt think it would make anyone mad as

I did take the time to simply target those who sell a certain brand going off

half cocked and selling without knowledge of drug interaction and the leader of

said seminar had a diagram of a heart wrong, and once no one from any federal

agency identified themselves (this is the opening question....'is anyone here

from the FDA or any agency ...' ) once that is asked and no one stands up then

off goes the pitch and I was horrified to hear a health food store owner say she

cured a 2 week old baby that had a heart murmur with hawthorn extract.  I

objected to the fact she 'treated' any body and especially a new born and most

murmurs resolve themselves in time.


To state that one has treated and cured a newborn and is not a doctor is illegal

and anyone who would allow their child to be treated by an herbal sales person

is guilty of abuse in my opinion. Then came the dialogue after of ladies I know,

its a small town, telling me how much licorice root they sell to the

elderly......this is the unaltered form and concentrated  it also raises bp and

if one has had a stroke could cause another. People have died eating true

licorice candy , true, its rare, and probably a lot of candy, but we have

concentrated amounts of this in a capsule. I could not for the life of me get a

couple of ladies to look in a known herbal book that has clear warnings......


You can private mail me if you wish, but I'm not risking making anyone mad

again. The way I see it, when someone expresses an opinion or a true experience,

if it does not apply to you, then blow it off, its not that type of person I am

addressing to begin with.


I have sold MLM products before. I still will buy a few things now and again. I

just didn't like the fact that this time, its a consumable that is basically

also a substitute for medicine. I wasn't hearing much 'preventative' discussion

which I think is the first thing we need to do. Address what we can stop doing

so we dont need anything.....like 'dont smoke' or 'don't drink until you kill

your liver' or basic things. Those really are the most important, what not to

do. I just heard some outrageous claims from people I knew personally. In fact,

I sold them herbs from a real store and often, would not sell them an herb

because people who use herbs often will tell you things they wont tell their

doctor. (some things you don't wanna know too!)


I always asked if someone was buying an herb I knew would give energy 'do you

have high blood pressure?' and if they said yes, I said 'then this is not for

you'.... but I had some training ... anybody can buy in and sell and yes there

are ways to self educate, its no excuse tho to prescribe or treat.......that

responsibility lies square on the buyers end and should remain that way. 


That whole 'I bought my kit and have a book' thing creates an imbalance in that

the customer is being sold something that many times are not in the 'know' of

things. In a store, more people know what it is they want, they are more 'savy'

than we give them credit for.


There are illegal uses of this practice and that is what will do us all in .. It

makes me mad because I will use alternative over western or I like a blend of

east meets west, but at all times I had to remember what i was taught in the

store 'don't make any claims to anyone. Dont even state vitamin c is good when

you have a cold, simply walk the customer towards that area and you can mention

that you've seen people purchase things in this area for that because they tell

you, but you may not recommend, that is legally considered diagnosing and

treating. ' We were also told that the fail safe was, if that person has

something else that isnt a cold or irritable bowel syndrome, one could keep

someone who is really sick with something else from getting an early diagnosis

and treatment for a dangerous disorder they don't know they have.


Bottom line. I didn't go to med school. I'm not a doctor. I can fill a script or

manage a store and inspite of the fact I have to do continuing education to

remain certified, I still don't have the status to prescribe or treat.


A pharmacist can however. Some Medicine Shoppes have a brand called

'Phytopharmica' it is the sister company to Enzymatic Therapy, very good

company, The first one I mentioned is sold only in pharmacies. So there you can

get some info and they can ask you about your meds, medical history and

recommend something you might try and they will tell you what to look for if its

not for you.








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