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breatheeasy tea (was: Lung detoxing/cleansing)

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My experience with the tea was 12 years ago, the establishment

has gone nuts over Ephedra since then, more's the pity.

If I were asthmatic I would definitely want to have free and

easy access to the herb.


I tried to start some from seed but couldn't get it to grow.

A plant from Mongolia probably wouldn't be crazy about

the dampish West Kootenay climate anyhow.

The Goji cuttings I had going looked pretty pathetic too.


Anyway, those of you who care about access to herbs, and who

have a suitable climate like the high plains might want to try.

Richter's Herbal seedhouse had it, bless them.

Awesome selection, they ship most products to the USA as well,

and their plants always arrive in great shape.




The more restrictive governments get, the more important it is

for many people to be educated about the healers in humble

disguise that grow in their own backyards.


Ien in the Kootenays, off to pick some more fall Dandelion

roots, rich in Inulin, great tinctured in ACV.




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