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sigh... not moving now

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> Move is off again... until the summer. I quit holding my breath. At least

> it got close enough to say " Next Month " this time.



However, thanks to the fat cats on wall street and Bushenomics move has been

postponed yet again.


And I know I opened myself for a lambasting on that comment, but darn it

Butch, I'm depressed. Give someone else that smack down. ;-)







Kathleen Petrides

Bead Hussy

http://www.BeadHussy.com <http://www.beadhussy.com/>




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Kathleen Petrides wrote:

>> Move is off again... until the summer. I quit holding my breath. At least

>> it got close enough to say " Next Month " this time.



> However, thanks to the fat cats on wall street and Bushenomics move has been

> postponed yet again.


> And I know I opened myself for a lambasting on that comment, but darn it

> Butch, I'm depressed. Give someone else that smack down. ;-)


Hey Kathleen....


Yer right about the fatcats.....


But it's alla those @!#%$^ in the the Fed Gov't that is responsible fer

this stuff.....

They've *all* been slobbering in the gravy....


Bush takes the rap because he's in charge....but as ya've seen from

Butch's posts, stuff that means well can come outta no where and bite

yer butt...and that stuff comes from whichever side....and takes a while

to do its thing....


Maybe folks will now keep a better eye on them.....the *politicians*....


I mean, that's why we put them all kinda in one place.....so's we can

keep an eye on 'em...right...<G>....?



Gary W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)

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Yes, I agree with you, I think crime and slime have conquered once again.

Sometimes people cannot admit that the crime is happening because crime is

actually more tempting than its partner slime and the slime is so much stinkier.


But thats party politics in america, nothing to do with sweet smelling oils and

good tasting herbs.











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