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ad. All correspondence in reference to this ad must be conducted off list to:

_essentialherbal_ (essentialherbal)



If you haven't been reading The Essential Herbal Magazine, you've been

missing out on all the fun. Our writers come from all of the different ways of

herbs and contribute their knowledge and their unique ideas to form one juicy

herbapalooza of a magazine!


One change that we've recently made is to try to include one important skill

in each issue. Recently we've had articles on making balms and tinctures,

candles and soap. We intend to continue to be sure that you always get your

money's worth (and if you are an expert on some necessary craft like this,


consider submitting an article!).


In addition there are always recipes, crafts, and some medicinal info. We'd

like to beef up the herbal first aid a little bit in the coming issues.


So stop over and !!! Visit the website today.



If you have a shop you are stocking for the winter, be sure to look at our

books. All of them are available wholesale (except the incense book) and Under

the Sun is selling very well for shops that carry it. If you've read it, you

know why! Shopkeeps can't stop recommending it!



OH - and learn to make cold processed soap. During the last week of October

you will receive all materials required for a 2 pound batch of soap. You will

also have full instructions, recipes, and during the first week of November, we

will have a to discuss any problems or questions that come up. We

will also offer sources for the ingredients so that you can continue making

soap! Join us for this fun class which will also include a DVD of the

soapmaking process and a glimpse of a farm based wholesale handmade soap


Shipping is included in the $30 cost. US orders only (lye) and kits are





_www.essentialherbal.com_ (http://www.essentialherbal.com/)

_Essential Herbal Blog_ (http://theessentialherbal.blogspot.com/)

_www.siblinggroup.com_ (http://www.siblinggroup.com/)






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