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OT: Making Wine

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wine is good for the heart and soul....lol


Alex Windancer

Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:02 AM

OT: Making Wine



Yes, what a group.

From looking younger to making wine.



She Who Watches And Waits








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I do hope you are not drinking your brew and using it your craft.





Gary Bourbonais <gwb


Friday, October 10, 2008 4:01:57 PM

OT: Making Wine



chrisziggy wrote:

> I remember the first time I tried to make wine ..a LOOONG time ago ..

> I used bread yeast .. it didn't taste so good! {sheepish grinz}


> Happy brewing! I haven't brewed anything fermented and alcoholic in

> years. I may have to try this :)


Hi Folks.....


Have fun.....!


Did this a coupla times in the 70's (If you remember The Whole Earth

Catalog--they had a recipe)...


Using Welch's grape juice concentrate and Red Star baking Yeast and sugar...

Got a nice dry red....it even acquired the gunk on the bottom after

aging in their bottles..... ..


Made a great conversation piece when it was working....< G>...



Gary W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)







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Sandi Bohner wrote:

> I do hope you are not drinking your brew and using it your craft.



Hi Folks...


It was good...never expected a dry to result...had to let it age...


Federal Law allows up to 200 gallons of wine to be homade per


Some states may have lower limits, but back then WI didn't...don't think

they have one now...


Back in High School, my Dad useda get freebie homade chianti from some

of his customers....Nobody at our house liked it, so one season I ran

some of it through a homade still in the basement...


Made some kicking brandy...


In so far as that was a scientific experiment, it turned out

successful....Had a novel testing of it with select conspirators during

chem lab...<G>...


In the interest of science, of course...



Gary W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)

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