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Bi Polar Recipe???

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If they are both living with you, pls dblcheck for environmental issues - mold,

indoor air quality )IAQ) toxins in water, food sensitivities should all be

explored - they are often the culprit.


Best, Jackie


, " familytreeclimber "

<familytreeclimber wrote:


> My son has been diagnosed with depression and my step son has been diagnosed

with Bi Polar. In my reading, I have found several recipes for depression but,

none for Bi Polar. Are there any out there?? If so, is there a book out there

that someone could suggest for me to read?? I don't want to put anyone in a bad

position by asking for the recipe but, I would appreciate the suggestion to send

me in the right direction for a book that will get me going in the right

direction. He appreciates the candles I have made for him and has even tried a

shower treatment for depression that I made for my son's depression so, I'd like

to help him out a little.

> Thanks,

> Edwina

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hi there~

a great read would be one by a master herbalist author by the name of

" christopher hobbs " " st.johns wort " he goes into using it for

bi-polar.....another good one is " skullcap " ...we have personally used both

with great results!









jackiedevries <jackiedevries


Wed, February 24, 2010 2:19:03 AM

Bi Polar Recipe???



Best, Jackie


--- . In my reading, I have found several recipes for depression but, none for

Bi Polar. Are there any out there?? If so, is there a book out there that

someone could suggest for me to read??








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hello, I am a lurker here. However, I feel compelled to jump in here.

I don't think there are any herbs that can help with bi=polar. You need the meds

the Dr. will/should prescribe. This is nothing to fool around with. While herbs

can certainly help, good nutrition can help, etc....there is nothing that can

replace the meds the patient needs.

If in doubt, join some online herb groups....they agree.

there are correct times/usage of herbs and then there are times when you have to

go with traditional meds. Anyone who totally discounts reg. medicine is

shortchanging the patient.

I am not a " practicing herbalist " or herb teacher. I have spent the last 30

years being caseworker to alot of clients who are bipolar. don't mess around

with this. The patient can spiral fast if not properly medicated.

I strongly advocate on the behalf of the mentally ill when it comes to people

giving this type of advice that really shouldn't.

Get thee to a good Doctor and a good herbalist for help.



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lmshaker wrote:

> hello, I am a lurker here. However, I feel compelled to jump in here.

> I don't think there are any herbs that can help with bi=polar. You need the

meds the Dr. will/should prescribe. This is nothing to fool around with. While

herbs can certainly help, good nutrition can help, etc....there is nothing that

can replace the meds the patient needs.

> If in doubt, join some online herb groups....they agree.

> there are correct times/usage of herbs and then there are times when you have

to go with traditional meds. Anyone who totally discounts reg. medicine is

shortchanging the patient.

> I am not a " practicing herbalist " or herb teacher. I have spent the last 30

years being caseworker to alot of clients who are bipolar. don't mess around

with this. The patient can spiral fast if not properly medicated.

> I strongly advocate on the behalf of the mentally ill when it comes to people

giving this type of advice that really shouldn't.

> Get thee to a good Doctor and a good herbalist for help.



Nelle, Folks....


This is a case where you better work with the allopathic physicians,

rather than replace them....


I'm sure herbs and essences can make a bi-polar person more comfortable

and raise the quality of life...I would not suggest that course solely

for any one you care about or even just like as a person...





Gary W. Bourbonais

L'Hermite Aromatique

A.J.P. (GIA)


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This is one of those situations that call for common sense. If I contract hep C

and active TB dont take me to an herbalist, drag my fanny to a doctor. If I have

a panic attack and you squirt lavender water at me I'm probably doing to back

hand ya before I know it.


Unfortunately I had to let an employee go for recommending how the customer

should wean off prozac and replace it with st. johns wort. That customer I

caught at the door had the look of someone who had just bought siding they

didn't need or want.....and I completely refunded her money and suggested she

speak with her doctor, find a good holistic way of living that could be used to

SUPPORT her medication regime. No sales person is qualified to suggest or

diagnose or prescribe to any customer who is in a healthfood/herbal store. A.

its illegal. you may NOT even suggest vitamin C as a supplement during the cold

season. B. its dangerous and a menace and is one of the reasons we have to fight

to keep our rights to choose herbs and supplements and use them in an informed

manner. Thank the arm chair self appointed half read herbalists who read an

article in a magazine ONCE (and surely that must be true!) who now have the FDA

and other organizations hammering on

those of use who sell products responsibly .


This hurts those who have studied and become certified and discredits the

homeopathic field as a whole and its not fair to those who did the work ,

learned and earned their certification.



I have bi -polar family members and there are severe cases as well as moderate,

type one and two......nutrition, regular destressing techniques and setting the

environment with sound and scent can be very conducive to a nice shift in the

environment but not to be relied upon soley orally or environmentally .




I've been in this industry for over 20 years. I dont have enough digits on my

hands and feet to count the oils and herbs and supplements that have come down

the pike that 'cured everything'...... If that were the case we'd all still be

drinking aloe juice only....and thats not what is happening. This industry tends

to run in the 'fad' and 'trendy' area of the natural living culture and we must

keep in mind even those who manufacture that which we have the right (so far) to

choose and use simply have one objective . ........PROFIT





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  • 1 year later...

I just wanted to say I just started making tea with pure St. John's wort and it has really helped to keep me relaxed in very stressful situations. I just started using it but so far I am very encouraged with the results. I tried taking it in a pill form many years ago and there was no tangible shift in consciousness. But when used in making an herbal tea there is an immediate calming sensation that pervades your entire mind and body which personally I find to be very soothing. Is this not the goal of every anti-anxiety treatment. Anyhow, I just wanted to provide some food for thought and suggest to any entrepreneurs out there that you could make a ton of money out of mass production of St. John' Wart tea, potentially.

Of course the government will probably outlaw it as soon as it gains any legitimacy as a threat to the pharmaceutical monopoly. Anyhow, I just wanted to provide some food for thought on potential solutions.

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