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Ladybugs - Where to Buy ** Gardening

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Howdy ???,


There is more to organic or natural gardening than just buying Lady Bugs.

And if you use pesticides of any sort then its a waste of time to buy Lady








As for Lady Bugs .. go on Google and type in .. Buy Lady Bugs .. you'll get

lots of sources. But .. though bringing in Lady Bugs from another

location is better than having no Lady Bugs .. its not even half as

efficient (or inexpensive) as attracting those from your own location. In

addition to Lady Bugs there are many other friendly insects that are nice to

have in the garden .. like Green Lacewings and Pirate Bugs and Praying

Mantis and Wasps .. as well as Toads .. and they can be attracted if you

plant the correct " attractors " in and around your garden.


We have so many toads on our property that we have to be careful not to

crush them under our feet after dark. The garden is full of them.


The simple and temporary solution to aphids has been laid out before ..

spray them with water containing dish washing soap .. even spraying them

with plain water is some help.


Maybe I am answering more than you asked but maybe someone else is wondering

about gardening .. so here I go.


Not sure how big your garden is or how serious you are about gardening .. if

its small plot planted as a temporary hobby then don't expect a lot of

results .. reason is there is more to gardening than just planting seeds or

plants .. its about when to plant what and about companion planting .. some

plants assist other plants to thrive so we plant them nearby .. others have

a negative effect on other plants so we avoid placing them close together ..

then there is a need to rotate crops .. not plant crops in the same location

two years in a row.


Depending on your zone its not too late to plant most things .. but if

you're in the Deep South then it might be too late for some Cole crops ..

and other crops .. you might have to wait till late Summer or early Fall to

plant them.


If someone wants to learn about gardening from the ground up .. which is a

good place to start .. ;-) they can find lots of books at places like Lowes

... they carry How To books on your particular area. These books are better

than the generic ones. The I-Net has lots of info but you need to plug in

your location .. like how do I grow humma-humma in Tennessee. Or .. join

the largest gardening group on the Net .. they have a files section that is

outstanding .. organichomesteadinggardening


You don't need a lot of land to grow an efficient garden. We have a lot

but I know folks who have very nice gardens on plots 12' X 12' or so. As

for berries .. if you have a sunny location near your house just a half

dozen Blueberry bushes, 3 or 4 thornless Blackberry bushes .. and 2 or 3

Raspberry bushes will keep a family of 4 in berries for 12 months (if



Approximately 75% .. maybe more .. of what we eat in our family comes from

our vegetable garden, fruit and berry orchard, and the wild game and fish I

harvest myself. In addition to eating better for less we are also eating

healthier. Learning to can or freeze or dry foods is easy .. and there

is a one source How To Do It book on that .. Ball Blue Book of Preserving.

Ball is the company that has been selling canning jars and such since my

grandfather's grandfather's time .. it is all you need.


And .. you don't have to grow your own to preserve foods .. farmer's markets

or direct growers sell produce at a very low cost during season. Just

yesterday my wife froze 6 gallons of strawberries from our garden .. and our

strawberries are just now coming in .. lots of green ones still on the

vine. We have 64 plants .. but some folks around here will purchase them

by the bushel from growers in the next few weeks.


Again .. if I answered too much then sorry about that .. probably it was not

too much for some other folks. ;-)


Y'all keep smiling. :-)

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