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cancer patients and strong analgesics - Yan hu suo

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Has anyone used Yan hu suo in large doses (up to 20 grams) for pain



John Chen writes that as an analgesic, based on weight, " Yan hu suo is

approx. 100:1 in effect by comparison to morphine. " (pg. 619 Chin. Med. Herb

and Pharm, Chen/ Chen)

" Yan hu suo, however, has not been associated with any signs or symptoms

related to dependence. In addition, development of tolerance occurs approx.

100% faster with morphine than with YHS. "


Frying with vinegar enhances the analgesic function.

Max dose 20 grams.

I read somewhere else that an alcohol solution of YHS, potentates the herb

at least twice fold,

can someone elaborate on that?


Caution: YHS " should be used with caution in patients who have pain with an

underlying def, as the herb may consume qi and blood. "

Could we add something like Bai Shao, Gan Cao (Shao yao gan cao tang) ?

Would this promote angiogenesis for tumors?


How could YHS be used in Oncology?

It reduces masses and stops pain. What has been your experience?





On 8/19/07, wrote:


> Dear friends, colleagues and teachers,


> I want to compare notes with those of you who have treated cancer

> patients. Last week, I treated a lung cancer patient (a non-smoker, BTW) ,

> who had been given up on and sent home to die by her Western

> physician--except that he insisted that she receive a high dose of IV

> morphine to " help her cope with pain. " She and her family will very

> cooperative, and excitedly called me each evening to report on how much

> better they felt she was doing. The level of her pain was down significantly

> Friday, after my second treatment with her (I also brought her a decoction

> of herbs which her family faithfully gave to her), but nonetheless, her

> Western physician said that since her signs and Xrays were so discouraging,

> he felt it would be beneficial to increase the IV morphine. After that it

> was all downhill, and she passed away this morning. I strongly suspect that

> the Morphine may have just too strong for someone in her fragile state, and

> did her in. My question is, have any of

> you had similar experiences with strong pain killers such as Methadone,

> Morphine or Vicodin? This is my 3rd " coincidence " when a patient who was

> showing significant improvement, passed away after receiving the analgesic

> Western intervention.


> Sincerely,


> Yehuda







> Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail,

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the 100:1 applies to the active ingredients not crude YHS. I have used 20 g of

the herb many times without a problem. Its the pharmaceutical extracts that

result in problems such as hepatitis. However i remember someone on the list

said that it is very hard to find YHS that is not contaminated by alpha toxin,

if that is true then liver cancer is a real possibility from use of YHS










Tuesday, August 21, 2007 6:36 AM

Re: cancer patients and strong analgesics - Yan hu suo



Has anyone used Yan hu suo in large doses (up to 20 grams) for pain



John Chen writes that as an analgesic, based on weight, " Yan hu suo is

approx. 100:1 in effect by comparison to morphine. " (pg. 619 Chin. Med. Herb

and Pharm, Chen/ Chen)

" Yan hu suo, however, has not been associated with any signs or symptoms

related to dependence. In addition, development of tolerance occurs approx.

100% faster with morphine than with YHS. "


Frying with vinegar enhances the analgesic function.

Max dose 20 grams.

I read somewhere else that an alcohol solution of YHS, potentates the herb

at least twice fold,

can someone elaborate on that?


Caution: YHS " should be used with caution in patients who have pain with an

underlying def, as the herb may consume qi and blood. "

Could we add something like Bai Shao, Gan Cao (Shao yao gan cao tang) ?

Would this promote angiogenesis for tumors?


How could YHS be used in Oncology?

It reduces masses and stops pain. What has been your experience?




On 8/19/07, wrote:


> Dear friends, colleagues and teachers,


> I want to compare notes with those of you who have treated cancer

> patients. Last week, I treated a lung cancer patient (a non-smoker, BTW) ,

> who had been given up on and sent home to die by her Western

> physician--except that he insisted that she receive a high dose of IV

> morphine to " help her cope with pain. " She and her family will very

> cooperative, and excitedly called me each evening to report on how much

> better they felt she was doing. The level of her pain was down significantly

> Friday, after my second treatment with her (I also brought her a decoction

> of herbs which her family faithfully gave to her), but nonetheless, her

> Western physician said that since her signs and Xrays were so discouraging,

> he felt it would be beneficial to increase the IV morphine. After that it

> was all downhill, and she passed away this morning. I strongly suspect that

> the Morphine may have just too strong for someone in her fragile state, and

> did her in. My question is, have any of

> you had similar experiences with strong pain killers such as Methadone,

> Morphine or Vicodin? This is my 3rd " coincidence " when a patient who was

> showing significant improvement, passed away after receiving the analgesic

> Western intervention.


> Sincerely,


> Yehuda







> Take the Internet to Go: Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail,

> news, photos & more.



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You must be referring to AFLATOXIN, not alpha toxin. This is found

in many plants, especially those that grow underground, like

peanuts. The only way to be sure that a product doesn't have

aflatoxin is to test it. You need to ask your supplier if they test

for aflatoxins. There are now analytical methods available to do so.


By the way, studies have shown that Huang Qin and Dan Shen can

inhibit some of the adverse effects of aflatoxin.


- Bill



, " Alon Marcus "

<alonmarcus wrote:


> John

> the 100:1 applies to the active ingredients not crude YHS. I have

used 20 g of the herb many times without a problem. Its the

pharmaceutical extracts that result in problems such as hepatitis.

However i remember someone on the list said that it is very hard to

find YHS that is not contaminated by alpha toxin, if that is true

then liver cancer is a real possibility from use of YHS








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