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Hey there group! Just got invited today to join this group though i

don't know whom by. I LOVE spicy veggie dishes! I admit, I am not a

full blown vegetarian, but i have strong leanings that way! I have

replaced many meat dishes with their vegetarian alternatives. Hope i

am still welcome here! i think a vegetarian lifestyle is a great and

healthy option. :)

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Hi there, ScatteredMuppet ;=) Thanks for introducing yourself. It's funny what

you say about the healthy lifestyle - not ha ha funny, but you know what I

mean ;=) I mean, people come to vegetarianism for many reasons -

sometimes it's from habit, having come from a veg household, sometimes they

are 'converted' by a spouse or friend or offspring, sometimes they want to

save the animals, sometimes they just don't like the taste of meat, and then

there are those who if for no other reason (and there usually is one, of course)

become vegetarians because they want a healthier lifestyle! That's great!


Frankly, I think I'm a veggie in part because I just love the interesting food -


ask me tomorrow and I'll probably have a different reason.


Anyone else?



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i'm a newbie here, i am from Evanston IL and I am studying to be a chef. I was

invited to join this group. I do eat meat, but I enjoy taking a break from it.

This group sounded very interesting and I thought might as well join it. One of

my favorite cookbooks for vegantarian cuisine is by Madhur Jaffrey, 650 World






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Good Morning, Melissa! (It's 6 am here and I see you joined after I packed up

for the night ;=))


Thanks for introducing yourself - and how great that you are studying to be a

chef - we need more good chefs in the world! Good luck with your studies.


Non-vegetarians are most welcome here - we just ask that no meat (or fish)

be included in the recipes and that, of course, we all respect everyone else.

As I said in a recent post, one thing we all have in common is that we all (have

to) eat and that we almost all eat vegetables ;=) I figure we might as well make

it taste really really good - which is where this group comes in for those who

like spicey ethnic cuisine of various kinds.


Madhur Jaffrey has been an inspiratiion to me for many years. My current

favorite is her _World Vegetarian_ and quite a few of our favorite recipes at

home are adapted from there.


We look forward to hearing from you - please keep posting now you have

started, okay?




, Melissa Weiss <

grotesquemermaid> wrote:

> i'm a newbie here, i am from Evanston IL and I am studying to be a chef. I

was invited to join this group. I do eat meat, but I enjoy taking a break from


This group sounded very interesting and I thought might as well join it. One of

my favorite cookbooks for vegantarian cuisine is by Madhur Jaffrey, 650

World Recipes.

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