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High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diets

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You probably can't go an entire day without hearing something

about a High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diet. Everywhere you look,

they are attempting to ram it down your throat!


Now I'm sure that most of the people on this list already know

that this type of diet is incredibly unhealthy, especially in the

long term, so I will not belabor the point. If you do require

further information about the pitfalls of this type of diet, please

ask and I will be more than happy to provide it to you.


I only started this topic because, much to my surprise, I have seen a

few posts here from people stating that they are on this

" Fad " Diet.


It is interesting to note that this type of diet is the exact

opposite of the US Navy SEAL Diet, and I'm sure we can all agree that

the US Navy SEALs are among the healthiest physical specimens on the

planet. It also goes without saying that the diet is based on

extensive research.


Below are a few excerpts from The US Navy SEAL's Workout found on the

following page (towards the bottom of the page):



" Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the three energy nutrients.

All three can provide energy, but carbohydrate is the preferred

source of energy for physical activity.


The majority of carbohydrates should come from complex carbohydrate

foods that include bread, crackers, cereal, beans, peas, starchy

vegetables, and other whole grain or enriched grain products. Fruits

are also loaded with carbohydrates. Four servings of these food

groups should be consumed daily.



Carbohydrates 50-70% of calories

Protein 10-15% of calories

Fats 20-30% of calories "





" Read not to argue and refute, nor to look for and find some hidden

truth, but to weigh and consider. "

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saedric wrote:

> You probably can't go an entire day without hearing something

> about a High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diet. Everywhere you look,

> they are attempting to ram it down your throat!


I wonder when it will end.



> It is interesting to note that this type of diet is the exact

> opposite of the US Navy SEAL Diet, and I'm sure we can all agree that

> the US Navy SEALs are among the healthiest physical specimens on the

> planet. It also goes without saying that the diet is based on

> extensive research.




Uh.. no, I don't agree. Plus that page is about training and workout diets,

not a requirement for every day meals.


Part of what you didn't quote: " During successive days of heavy training,

like you will experience at BUD/S, energy stores prior to each training

session become progressively lower. This is a situation in which a high

carbohydrate diet can help maintain your energy. "


Also..... " NavySEALs.com is the premier web destination for Special

Operations enthusiasts. Not an official site of the US Navy,

NavySEALs.com... " Who knows who wrote those dietary guidelines, eh?



Alexandria M.C.


" I'm not afraid to die. I'm not afraid to live. And when I'm flat on

my back, I hope to feel like I did. " - U2 " Kite " ATYCLB

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