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High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diets - OT

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You're probably right - we can't go through a day without hearing about *that*

diet - In fact, I thought I'd got through this one without hearing about it (a

miracle) but here's your post *lol*


A quick search of messages shows two people making refs to low carb or

lowcarb/high protein. I'd say that, considering the prevalence of the diet in

question, that was a pretty low incidence ;=) Some may want/need more

protein for a reason or reasons other than losing weight - and 'more' doesn't

necessarily mean to excess.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating the 'fad' diet, as you phrase it. On

Vegetarian Spice I don't want to speak for or against any weight-loss diet,

since that's not the purpose of this particular list :=) (There are other


including one I also moderate, for that - lots of em!!!) And personally I take


attitude of all things in moderation, but that's me and others may differ ;=)


is of course a vegetarian list, and vegetarians and vegans would be unable to

follow a very extreme form of high protein diet, as you understand yourself.

Your point however is well taken!


Btw, the US Navy SEALS may or may not be 'among the healthiest physical

specimens on the planet' - though I doubt it - but that diet isn't, I think, a

vegetarian diet ;=)


Thanks for posting ;=)





, " saedric " <sdemon@o...> wrote:

> You probably can't go an entire day without hearing something

> about a High Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diet. Everywhere you look,

> they are attempting to ram it down your throat!


> Now I'm sure that most of the people on this list already know

> that this type of diet is incredibly unhealthy, especially in the

> long term, so I will not belabor the point. If you do require

> further information about the pitfalls of this type of diet, please

> ask and I will be more than happy to provide it to you.


> I only started this topic because, much to my surprise, I have seen a

> few posts here from people stating that they are on this

> " Fad " Diet.


> It is interesting to note that this type of diet is the exact

> opposite of the US Navy SEAL Diet, and I'm sure we can all agree that

> the US Navy SEALs are among the healthiest physical specimens on the

> planet. It also goes without saying that the diet is based on

> extensive research.


> Below are a few excerpts from The US Navy SEAL's Workout found on the

> following page (towards the bottom of the page):

> http://www.navyseals.com/community/navyseals/navysealworkout_main.cfm

> -------------

> " Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the three energy nutrients.

> All three can provide energy, but carbohydrate is the preferred

> source of energy for physical activity.


> The majority of carbohydrates should come from complex carbohydrate

> foods that include bread, crackers, cereal, beans, peas, starchy

> vegetables, and other whole grain or enriched grain products. Fruits

> are also loaded with carbohydrates. Four servings of these food

> groups should be consumed daily.



> Carbohydrates 50-70% of calories

> Protein 10-15% of calories

> Fats 20-30% of calories "

> -------------


> Saedric


> " Read not to argue and refute, nor to look for and find some hidden

> truth, but to weigh and consider. "

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>A quick search of messages shows two people making refs to low carb

>or low carb/high protein. I'd say that, considering the prevalence

>of the diet in question, that was a pretty low incidence ;=)


I can't say that I reviewed every message, but I did see the 2

you referred to, so I assumed that more may have been present.

I'm sorry for that assumption.


>Some may want/need more protein for a reason or reasons other than

>losing weight - and 'more' doesn't necessarily mean to excess.




>Don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating the 'fad' diet, as you phrase

>it. On Vegetarian Spice I don't want to speak for or against any

>weight-loss diet, since that's not the purpose of this particular

>list :=) (There are other lists, including one I also moderate, for

>that - lots of em!!!) And personally I take the attitude of all

>things in >moderation, but that's me and others may differ ;=)


Point taken; like I said, I only pointed it out since I saw a few

post regarding this topic.


>This is of course >a vegetarian list, and vegetarians and vegans

>would be unable to follow a very extreme form of high protein diet,

>as you understand yourself. Your point however is well taken!


Actually, it is still possible to adhere to a High protein/low carb

diet as a vegetarian or even as a vegan, but either not plausible or

cost effective to do so(I.e. Soy Protein shakes, etc.).


>Btw, the US Navy SEALS may or may not be 'among the healthiest

>physical specimens on the planet' - though I doubt it - but that

>diet isn't, I think, a vegetarian diet ;=)


The phrase, " among the healthiest physical specimens on the

planet " may not be the most appropriate term. However, they are

quite healthy, and they are subjected to a very rigorous physical

regime, which requires a nutritional plan that matches the extreme

physical demands placed on their bodies. I know a few SEALs and

Rangers, and have a pretty good idea what they are subjected to

during training. Thankfully, I have not experienced their training

first hand. No the SEAL diet is not vegetarian, but one of the main

reasons for this post was point out that high levels of protein are

not required, even if you exercise heavily.

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Good morning, Saedric ;=)


I think we are both on the same page here *lol*


You say:


> Actually, it is still possible to adhere to a High protein/low carb

> diet as a vegetarian or even as a vegan, but either not plausible or

> cost effective to do so(I.e. Soy Protein shakes, etc.).


True. It'd have been better, too, if I had just said *vegan* cuz that cuts out


many commercial products that are high protein.


> No the SEAL diet is not vegetarian, but one of the main

> reasons for this post was point out that high levels of protein are

> not required, even if you exercise heavily.


Agreed ;=)


Thanks for your response. You've been vegan for something like three

months, I seem to remember? How are you finding it? Were you vegetarian

for long before that? It plays the very devil with the recipe book, doesn't it?


lol* I adapted recipes to veggie, then to vegan, and then threw most of them

out and started again because by the time you have taken out all of the

animal products you really need to rethink some of them, not just omit stuff!!!

But that's another topic.



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