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ADMIN: Spam and Moderation

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Guest guest

Sorry for the multiple spams this morning, group! :=( It always happens while

your intrepid leader (hah! *lol*) sleeps. It won't happen again - I hope ;=) And

the messages have been removed, though not, I fear in time to miss getting

into the Digest.


Since this is early days for us yet, I have decided as Group Owner to change

the settings so that new members are under moderation - all in the interests of

avoiding spam *sighhhhh*. This means that of course new members can post

;=) - but yours truly will receive the messages first. They will of course be

removed from Moderated status once we all see that they are posting in the

normal way ('Sheeeeeesh, gf, wot's normal?' ) and then I can be relieved of

having to go through that extra step :=O - and so can they ;=)


Now, as you were, ladles and jellyspoons (who originally *said* that???

Verrrry apropos for a food-oriented list!) ;=)


And a happy Monday morning to you all. We are three weeks and half a day

old and we have 93 members. Let's hear from you all ;=)


'greenfury'/ aka gf


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