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Why B Veg? - about the Poll

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Interesting to look at the Poll results - the one about the Major reason for

being vegetarian especially. 14 votes for 'Concern for animal rights', 11 for

'Religion or personal philosophy' - and the others far fewer votes. 'Want a

healthy lifestyle' got four votes. (It's message 1508 if you go to the webpage.)


Now this is interesting, because it is usually assumed that 'westerners' are

vegetarian for reasons of health rather than any religious reason, and while

'personal philosophy' might not be a 'religion' ;=) it does come close. Concern

for animal rights is interesting.


Were any of you surprised?




Pat ;=)

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Pat wrote:


> Interesting to look at the Poll results - the one about the Major reason


> being vegetarian especially. 14 votes for 'Concern for animal rights', 11


> 'Religion or personal philosophy' - and the others far fewer votes. 'Want


> healthy lifestyle' got four votes. (It's message 1508 if you go to the



> Now this is interesting, because it is usually assumed that 'westerners'


> vegetarian for reasons of health rather than any religious reason, and


> 'personal philosophy' might not be a 'religion' ;=) it does come close.


> for animal rights is interesting.


> Were any of you surprised?


Not surprised, interested certainly. I suppose nowadays there are so many

different health considerations and a vegetarian diet is just one possible

approach. I think once having started on the vegetarian " track " other

reasons come naturally - my original interest was partly socio-economic

(more efficient to serve the grain directly to the consumer rather than

passing it through a beast) plus preferred taste - when I came here and

sought contact with other vegetarians I met up with a spiritual group which

included vegetarianism as one of their principles, and over the years the

spiritual aspect has become the " major reason " . Agreed this motive is more

common in the East though does appear in the western gnostic tradition

(Rosicrucians etc.) - I suppose I've evolved a personal philosophy which

owes something to the Buddhist Eightfold Path with phrases like " compassion

and charity towards all sentient beings " . Which of course might lead to

veganism but I haven't taken that step yet! Wonder what other " personal

philosophies " play a role in making this choice in the poll.




PS I didn't vote for animal rights - like the principle but not the term!

Animals have a lot of characteristics in common with humans but I can't

thinking of them having " rights " in the way we might have (and sometimes


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Animals rights is such a powered and negative term these days...


I don't consider myself an " animal rights " person but I do see the

similarity in the pets I love and share my life with and the food

people eat. Chicken on a plate and my parrots..lamb and puppies..

look the same.... is the same


I have a house bunny and my coworker speak of eating her a lot....


How can I love this animal and eat this one ..but then I have a

leather jacket.... so it is not a logical thing but an emotion thing

Just WHAT works for me and I think everyone has to decide what works

for them... I never tell any one what to do..


.... My Birds legs ARE DRUMSTICKS..I can't eat them ......


It is what works for me. Plus I feel like the planet can only feed so

many folks,,,,,more goodness.....






> PS I didn't vote for animal rights - like the principle but not the


> Animals have a lot of characteristics in common with humans but I


> thinking of them having " rights " in the way we might have (and


> don't).

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Hi Gabriele ;=)


Nice to have you here! I hope it's okay if I use your nice email to respond not

only to you personally but also to give some ideas of my own that others might

find relevant. It's a great starting point for so many things - thanks!


> Animals rights is such a powered and negative term these days...


Yes, sad, isn't it, that some people think so. But fortunately not everyone ;=)

However, I think too that it depends on where you are located -

geographically and politically and culturally.


> I don't consider myself an " animal rights " person . . .


Oh, labels are so narrowing of one's identity, don't you think. Total sympathy

with you there! But of course one can wear many labels, all compatible ;=)

Perhaps animal 'welfare' might suit you better - or 'concern for animals' ? Or

perhaps you are simply sentimental about your pets, as you say below.

Whatever, you don't eat them!


I know in the poll some people felt that I should have put in more 'or's - but I

figure if people want to they can find a category that *best* describes their

reasons and letter-of-the-law negative interpretations generally suggest more

than a care for semantics. And there is always, in nearly every poll, the

famous 'other' category - amazing more people don't use it! LOL


>but I do see the similarity in the pets I love and share my life with and the

food people eat.. . . I have a house bunny and my coworker speak of eating

her a lot....


I wonder why that is considered so damned funny. What a very cruel

colleague you have :=(


> How can I love this animal and eat this one . . .

>Plus I feel like the planet can only feed so many folks,,,,


All good reasons to be vegetarian ;=) You'll not get any arguments against

vegetarianism here! You are, as they say, preaching to the choir ;=) (We do

have some not-yet-vegetarians on the list, but all are sympathetic to

vegetarianism or they wouldn't choose to be here, of course ;=))


But of course the *reason* for vegetarianism differs with some people. The

result is still the same, however - fewer animals get killed for food, our


is improved by eating a blanaced and healthy diet more suited to our species

and, for those who are vegetarian for religious or philosophical reasons, their

principles are adhered to.


Anyway, thanks a bunch for writing in. I'll look forward to chatting with you





Pat ;=)

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