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Boost Your Energy with Power Foods(Vegetarian way)

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When you need a high-energy fix, do you reach for a power bar or

power shake? Or do you resort to caffeine, chocolate, or high-sugar

snacks when you feel that " end of the day " sag? It may surprise you,

but the real energy-boosters are fresh fruits, vegetables, spices,

and whole grains. These are the foods that are rich in 'Chetna,' the

healing and nurturing influence of nature. They are so alive with

nature's intelligence that fatigue-causing toxins cannot accumulate

in the body when you eat them.


Grains for Power


Athletes have long relied on carbohydrates in grains for long-term

endurance and energy. Yet not all carbohydrates are created alike. A

Croissant, for instance, is high in fat and low in nutrition. The

most nutritious carbohydrates are whole grains, which have been found

to lower cholesterol, inhibit cancer-causing activity and harmful

bacteria in the intestines, and lower blood glucose level. And of

these whole grains, Maharishi Ayurveda considers Rye, Quinoa,

Amaranth and Millet as the most nutritious, because they are

especially high in protein and minerals. They are also high in fiber,

and thus have a detoxifying value. These are the same auspicious

grains that are described in the Vedic texts and are used for Vedic



One-half cup of Amaranth (measured dry), for instance, contains 14 g.

protein, 8 mg. iron, and also Magnesium and Zinc. The same amount of

Quinoa contains 13 g. of protein, 9 mg. of iron and 3 mg. of Zinc.

Rye is also high in Protein, with one-half cup yielding 15 grams of

protein and 4 mg. of zinc. Millet is a good source of B vitamins.


All of these grains contain Copper, which is an essential trace

mineral that improves energy and immunity, and their Zinc content

also boosts Ojas, the finest product of digestion that creates

lightness, inner energy, immunity and bliss.


To prepare power grains, place 2 cups of water in a saucepan and

bring it to a boil. Add a teaspoon of Ghee and 1/2 cup of the grain.

Boil for ten minutes and then lower to a simmer. Cook until the grain

is tender.


Adding Ghee is important because otherwise the grains create internal



Energizing Vegetables and Fruits


Other high-energy foods include fresh vegetables, which should

constitute forty percent of the meal. Green, leafy vegetables are

especially high in minerals and fiber, so should be eaten often.


Fruits are also a source of energy. You can start the day with a

stewed apple, and if you feel hungry in between meals, try snacking

on a juicy pear. If you are feeling heavy and bloated after lunch,

eat a fresh papaya, because they contain enzymes that aid digestion.

If you have a strong digestion and more Pitta in your constitution,

Mangoes are a rich Ojas-producing food, and half a Mango contains 2

mg. beta-carotene and is a rich source of Vitamin C.


According to Maharishi Ayurveda, Raisins are among the best of fruits

because they enhance Sattva (purity), pacify the mind and heart and

increase the coordination between them. They are also a rich source

of Iron and Vitamin B6, and provide Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, and

Potassium. Raisins aid digestion and elimination when they are soaked

in water overnight. One handful per person is a good amount.


A Date-Milk Energy Shake is a nourishing way to end the day, because

it promotes sleep and calms both Pitta and Vata sleep imbalances.


Date-Milk Energy Shake

4-5 whole dates (Medjool dates are ideal)

1 cup whole organic milk (unhomogenized if possible)

1 pinch cinnamon powder


Boil the milk until it creates a foam. Turn off the heat and cool

until the temperature is comfortable for drinking. Combine the milk

with the other ingredients and blend until the dates are ground up.

Drink it warm in winter and at room temperature in summer.


Beware of Energy-Draining Foods


Just as there are foods to boost energy, other foods drain it. Any

fast foods, canned, frozen, packaged, leftover, or old foods – or

foods laced with preservatives, chemicals, and additives – are

difficult to digest and contain little nutritional content.


If you do eat some of these foods, and you feel heavy after eating,

drink half a glass of water with 1/4 of a fresh lime squeezed into it.


But if you are feeling dull, sluggish, and drained of energy every

day, it probably means that your diet contains too many energy-

draining foods, which have clogged your micro-channels with toxins.

This means that you need to overhaul your diet to include foods that

create Ojas and energy.


Adding spices to your food is an easy way to increase the value of

Chetna, or nature's intelligence. Try sautéing Cumin, Coriander,

Fennel, and Turmeric in Ghee, then add vegetables or cooked grains.

Or add spices to your drinking water to boost your energy.


Cumin-Mineral Water


1 quart water

1/4 tsp. whole cumin

1/3 tsp. whole fennel

2 pinches of licorice


Boil the water first. Place it in a thermos and add the spices. Sip

the water throughout the day to improve digestion and increase your

energy. If you are a Pitta constitutional type, you may want to let

the water cool to room temperature before drinking.


The important thing is to eat foods every day that boost your energy,

rather than relying on artificial boosters when you feel your energy

sag, because there will always be a negative side-effect.

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