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OT: Substitutes for Fish Sauce and Shrimp Paste

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Hi List-


I was reviewing some of my recipes to share with you.

I noticed, however, that many of my Thai / VN curry

recipes use Shrimp Paste and / or Fish Sauce. I

suspect both of these are off-limits for strict

vegans. Anyhow, I anyone has found good vegan

substitutes for these ingredients, I would like to try

the recipes with them. If they turn out OK, I'll

share the recipes. I just don't want to pass out

recipes using ingredients I haven't tested.









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ahhhh, Chad, not just for strict vegans, but vegetarians do not eat fish, so all

vegetarians cannot eat fish sauce.

I do have a recipe that I use for fish sauce. It's made from seaweed instead,

and that stuff is loaded with nutrition! and for the shrimp paste, I use maesri

green curry paste which has no fish in it, the canned one doesn't, I think the

one in the tub does.

I will post my fish sauce recipe in a bit, I gotta run out right now, or you can

go get it in the files at my vegetarian group, here is the link:





PS oh here is the link for the green curry paste. I am not sure about the other

pastes, I will have to check them out, but I know the green in the can is safe:



Chad Jester

Monday, November 28, 2005 1:23 PM

OT: Substitutes for Fish Sauce and Shrimp Paste



Hi List-


I was reviewing some of my recipes to share with you.

I noticed, however, that many of my Thai / VN curry

recipes use Shrimp Paste and / or Fish Sauce. I

suspect both of these are off-limits for strict

vegans. Anyhow, I anyone has found good vegan

substitutes for these ingredients, I would like to try

the recipes with them. If they turn out OK, I'll

share the recipes. I just don't want to pass out

recipes using ingredients I haven't tested.








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>many of my Thai / VN curry

> recipes use Shrimp Paste and / or Fish Sauce. I

> suspect both of these are off-limits for strict

> vegans. Anyhow, I anyone has found good vegan

> substitutes for these ingredients . . .


Well someone has suggested mixing a little seaweed flavour in there - I used to

have a

recipe using a smidge of kelp powder plus some other things (probably soy sauce

and lime

juice, but I really don't remember - I'll see if I can find it). However, it

must be said that

many of us, though not all of course, who have been vegetarian for a long time

would be

pleased *not* to have the fishy taste in our Thai food :=) We're no longer used

to the taste

of fish (or other animal meat) and get kinda turned off by it. Others don't, and

for them

there is, I am told, a commercial fish-paste substitute and a commercial fish


substitute - both of them I think Thai. I know I used to have a vegetarian

'oyster' sauce -

and pretty good that was too for Chinese food.


Otherwise, a little soy and a little lime and we're away!


Btw, while Thai food routinely has fish sauce or fish paste in it (and yes, I've

known it to be

listed in the so-called vegetarian dishes on a menu, although I've not inquired

and it could

well be the veg variety), Thai restaurants (and I know that restaurant food is

not the

burden of your post - it's okay, I haven't lost the plot) that advertise a

vegetarian menu are

pretty good at steering you to the dishes *without* the offending ingredients.

Even some

that don't make a deal of having veg dishes have told me - No no, that has fish


have this one without fish sauce. Very good!


Yes we'd love your fish-less Thai recipes. You can put in something like '1 Tbsp


whatever the measure is) vegetarian fish paste substitute' or '. . . fish sauce

substitute' and

that won't offend anyone here :=) (But yes, please change the recipe, okay?)


Thanks for offering. Much appreciated.


Best, Pat

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At the risk of boring some, I'll repost that a Thai website said to use

fermented bean paste or sauce in the place of fish sauce. I don't know how

well that works, since I never ate Thai before I became a vegetarian 23

years ago, but I've added it a time or two to my Thai cooking, and it does

add some depth.


Sherry in Oregon


At 01:49 PM 11/28/2005, you wrote:


> >many of my Thai / VN curry

> > recipes use Shrimp Paste and / or Fish Sauce. I

> > suspect both of these are off-limits for strict

> > vegans. Anyhow, I anyone has found good vegan

> > substitutes for these ingredients . . .




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Here we go, To me you have to sub with something that is " fishy "


I grew up with Thai people and Thai food, and this comes close:



Vegetarian " Fish " Sauce


1 1/2 cup shredded dried seaweed

4 cups water

3 very large cloves garlic, smashed but not peeled

1 1/2 tbsp. black peppercorns

1/2 cup dark Chinese soy sauce

Extra boiling water as needed


Place the seaweed in a pot and add 4 cups of water.

Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat to keep it

bubbling along.

Cook for 20 mintes.


Add the rest of the ingredients and enough water to

make about 6 cups total in the pot. Bring back to a

boil, then boil fairly high for at least 1/2 hour. At

that point, begin to taste (just a little,

though--it's strong). When the stock is reduced by

about half, it will be almost too salty, that will

mean it is ready.


Strain through fine mesh or a coffee filter, then

allow to cool.




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> Here we go, To me you have to sub with something that is " fishy "


Know what you mean - but I tell myself that I want it to 'taste of the sea' - as


does, of course (semantic conditioning, they call it - works for me!!! LOL)


> I grew up with Thai people and Thai food,


Lucky you! I visited there a lot in times past, but never actually lived there.

Awesome food.

Thanks so much for the *recipe* !!! Now, for those of us who haven't done this

before, tell

me how long would this lot of veg sauce keep in the fridge??? Quite a while, I'd


And I imagine that it could be frozen in batches too (say in icecube trays and


transferred to baggies) so that it could be use Tbsp by Tbsp measure as needed?


I'm going to see how my seaweed stock is holding out and if it's good I'll make




love, pat



> Vegetarian " Fish " Sauce


> 1 1/2 cup shredded dried seaweed . . .

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You know.....I just can't stand the smell or taste of

fish. I've also driven past enough chicken

" factories " in Arkansas to lose my appetite for

chicken. I'm almost there! ;-)


Anyhow.....Thanks to you all for your suggestions on

fish sauce and shrimp past substitutes. When I get a

little more caught up on work, I'll get back to the

kitchen and try a few recipes with these subs.






--- Pat <veggiehound wrote:



> > Here we go, To me you have to sub with something

> that is " fishy "


> Know what you mean - but I tell myself that I want

> it to 'taste of the sea' - as seaweed

> does, of course (semantic conditioning, they call it

> - works for me!!! LOL)


> > I grew up with Thai people and Thai food,


> Lucky you! I visited there a lot in times past, but

> never actually lived there. Awesome food.

> Thanks so much for the *recipe* !!! Now, for those

> of us who haven't done this before, tell

> me how long would this lot of veg sauce keep in the

> fridge??? Quite a while, I'd imagine.

> And I imagine that it could be frozen in batches too

> (say in icecube trays and then

> transferred to baggies) so that it could be use Tbsp

> by Tbsp measure as needed?


> I'm going to see how my seaweed stock is holding out

> and if it's good I'll make some

> today!


> love, pat

> >

> >

> > Vegetarian " Fish " Sauce

> >

> > 1 1/2 cup shredded dried seaweed . . .











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> You know.....I just can't stand the smell or taste of

> fish. I've also driven past enough chicken

> " factories " in Arkansas to lose my appetite for

> chicken. I'm almost there! ;-)


Miracles actually have been known to happen, eh? Good lad!


> Anyhow.....Thanks to you all for your suggestions on

> fish sauce and shrimp past substitutes. When I get a

> little more caught up on work, I'll get back to the

> kitchen and try a few recipes with these subs.


Have fun - and let us know how they work, okay?


Best love, Pat

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I make the fish sauce about once every two weeks until it is gone and make

another batch. Instead of keeping it in the usual bowl my new idea worked out

well to keep it in a juice container.

well.... imagine my 8 year old daughter's surprise when she poured herself a

nice tasty glass of ...... grapejuice?




Chad Jester

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:13 AM

Re: Re: OT: Substitutes for Fish Sauce and Shrimp




You know.....I just can't stand the smell or taste of

fish. I've also driven past enough chicken

" factories " in Arkansas to lose my appetite for

chicken. I'm almost there! ;-)


Anyhow.....Thanks to you all for your suggestions on

fish sauce and shrimp past substitutes. When I get a

little more caught up on work, I'll get back to the

kitchen and try a few recipes with these subs.






--- Pat <veggiehound wrote:



> > Here we go, To me you have to sub with something

> that is " fishy "


> Know what you mean - but I tell myself that I want

> it to 'taste of the sea' - as seaweed

> does, of course (semantic conditioning, they call it

> - works for me!!! LOL)


> > I grew up with Thai people and Thai food,


> Lucky you! I visited there a lot in times past, but

> never actually lived there. Awesome food.

> Thanks so much for the *recipe* !!! Now, for those

> of us who haven't done this before, tell

> me how long would this lot of veg sauce keep in the

> fridge??? Quite a while, I'd imagine.

> And I imagine that it could be frozen in batches too

> (say in icecube trays and then

> transferred to baggies) so that it could be use Tbsp

> by Tbsp measure as needed?


> I'm going to see how my seaweed stock is holding out

> and if it's good I'll make some

> today!


> love, pat

> >

> >

> > Vegetarian " Fish " Sauce

> >

> > 1 1/2 cup shredded dried seaweed . . .










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