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Korean Seaweed Soup recipe (vegetarian version)

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ahhh Donna,

If you added miso to that you would even be doing more to fight that cold, check

it out:


Health Benefits

Miso is a soy paste that is created by innoculating trays of rice with the

vitamin B-12 synthesizing bacteria, Aspergillus oryzae, then mixing in a ground

preparation of cooked soybeans and salt, and letting the mixture ferment for

several days before grinding it into a paste with a nut butter consistency.

Because it is fermented with a B12 synthesizing bacteria, miso has been commonly

recommended as a B12 source for vegans. Miso is quite high in sodium (1 ounce

contains 52% of the recommended daily value for sodium), but a little miso goes

a long way towards providing your daily needs for the trace minerals zinc,

manganese, and copper. In addition, a single tablespoon of miso contains 2 grams

of protein for just 25 calories. An impressive nutrient profile for a flavoring

agent! Use miso in your cooking instead of plain old salt and reap a variety of

benefits in addition to enhanced flavor.


Miso's Minerals Support Immune Function, Energy Production, Bones and Blood


If one mineral were awarded first prize for its beneficial effects on immune

function, it would be zinc. A cofactor in a wide variety of enzymatic reactions,

zinc is critial to immune function and wound healing.

Copper and manganese, two other enzyme cofactors, are essential components of

the enzyme, superoxide dismutase, which is important in energy production and

antioxidant defenses. Copper is also necessary for the activity of lysyl

oxidase, an enzyme involved in cross-linking collagen and elastin, both of which

provide the ground substance and flexibility in blood vessels, bones and joints.

Iron is primarily used as part of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for

transporting and releasing oxygen throughout the body. But hemoglobin synthesis

also relies on copper. Without copper, iron cannot be properly utilized in red

blood cells. Fortunately, Mother Nature supplies both minerals in miso.


Protection Against Breast Cancer

The incidence of breast cancer in first-generation Japanese migrants to Hawaii

is about 60 percent of the rate in subsequent generations of Japanese born in

Hawaii. Researchers thought this might have something to do with the fact that,

in Japan, consumption of soy foods is about five times or more what it is among

Japanese migrants to Hawaii. Researchers at the Departments of Nutrition

Sciences and Biostatistics/Biomathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham,

theorized that miso, natto, soy sauce, and other traditionally fermented soybean

foods might contribute to their lower incidence of disease. To test this

hypothesis, the scientists initiated feeding trials with rats and found that

feeding the rats miso delayed the appearance of induced breast cancer compared

with animals on the control diet. The miso-supplemented rats showed a trend

toward a lower number of cancers per animal, a trend toward a higher number of

benign tumors per animal, and a trend toward a lower growth rate of cancers

compared with controls. The researchers concluded, " This data suggest that miso

consumption may be a factor producing a lower breast cancer incidence in

Japanese women. Organic compounds found in fermented soybean-based foods may

exert a chemoprotective effect. "





theveggieclub ;

Thursday, December 08, 2005 9:53 AM

Korean Seaweed Soup recipe (vegetarian version)



Korean Seaweed Soup (I make this as soon as I think a cold is coming on,

Good for lunch too)




1 cup cut seaweed ( kelp - kombu), 4 to 5 cups water, 1 1/2 teaspoons soy

sauce, 2 green onions (including white stem), 1 tablespoon salt, 1 clove garlic,

dash crushed red pepper flakes .



Soak the dried seaweed in warm water for 30 minutes, then rinse and wash

carefully by hand. Cut the seaweed into 2-inch lengths. Cut the green onions

into 2-inch lengths. Crush the garlic.

Bring the water to a boil. Add the seaweed, green onion, garlic, soy sauce,

red pepper flakes and salt. Lower the flame and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.


NOTE: Clear seaweed soup is a staple in the Korean hospital and it is also

used for women after giving birth to a child. Traditionally, the Korean mother

stays home for 21 days after the childbirth and drinks this soup 3-4 times a

day. Serves 4






" Let the sound take you away. "

" Magic Carpet Ride "

Source: Steppenwolf



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Korean Seaweed Soup (I make this as soon as I think a cold is coming on, Good

for lunch too)




1 cup cut seaweed ( kelp - kombu), 4 to 5 cups water, 1 1/2 teaspoons soy

sauce, 2 green onions (including white stem), 1 tablespoon salt, 1 clove garlic,

dash crushed red pepper flakes .



Soak the dried seaweed in warm water for 30 minutes, then rinse and wash

carefully by hand. Cut the seaweed into 2-inch lengths. Cut the green onions

into 2-inch lengths. Crush the garlic.

Bring the water to a boil. Add the seaweed, green onion, garlic, soy sauce,

red pepper flakes and salt. Lower the flame and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.


NOTE: Clear seaweed soup is a staple in the Korean hospital and it is also used

for women after giving birth to a child. Traditionally, the Korean mother stays

home for 21 days after the childbirth and drinks this soup 3-4 times a day.

Serves 4






" Let the sound take you away. "

" Magic Carpet Ride "

Source: Steppenwolf




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Shall try this soon! Is this soup ordinarily strained - for therapeutic use, I

mean? (You say

'clear' seaweed soup is used in Korean hospitals.) Just wondering.


There are those who call seaweed a 'natural antibiotic' . . .


Best love, Pat

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