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Hi Kristina,


I'm mostly a lurker as well, but I took notice when you mentioned the

vegetarian rouladden! I have to admit Rouladden was considered a treat

when I was little and didn't know better. The idea of getting to try

it as Vegetarian will be fun, thanks for the link. I have a German

father, with a dairy farm background so beef and dairy were staples at

first. However I got lucky, around 7 or 8 years old, both my parents

had a change of heart(due to a horrible butchuring of one of our cows)

and really slowed down on the meat. Because our pet cow was killed I

am Vegan, and my folks and brother are vegitarian. It was hard for

many of our other family members to accept our choice, but we just

forged ahead. I've tried to be clear that my food choices should

never reflect how I feel about my extended family, I love them. I've

eaten a lot of salads as that was that worked, but over time they have

come up with some fun options for us. This christmas was the best

yet, Vegan pasta salad, tofu slices with toppings for sandwiches,

baked tortilla chips etc........and everyone seemed happy. It was

nice. I'd suggest just reminding your family that you love them, and

the food part of gatherings isn't why you want to be together. this

is just my humble option.




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Tried to send this this morning -- got rejected for being in html

format! sending my reply again!


Kristina wrote:


> Pat wrote:




>>>She seems insulted if I don't want to

>>>eat what she cooks




>>And yes, they usually act insulted if you don't eat their food. But it isn't

necessarily about

>>the *food* or who has cooked it - it's about your values or habits being

different from

>>hers. I know you know that, but you need to remind yourself now and then. Tell

her it's

>>against your (new concept of) your religion or philosophical construct or

whatever - she'll

>>still be annoyed, but she now would have to attack on another level. As for


>>with her without insulting her, it's she who must come to an understanding of

you - not

>>the other way around :-) You're doing fine!




> All the more reason she'd disagree with my philosophy... we already

> have religious differences. All of us kids (me, hubby, and his

> sister) are pagan and there are already lifestyle choices relating to

> our religion we all try to agree to disagree about - but get nagged

> anyways... My primary reason before for going veggie was that meat,

> especially fatty, greasy meats made my stomach hurt. She insists that

> she gets only lean meat.... it still doesn't agree with my stomach

> most of the time.



>>>I resolve this year to actually read posts in this group ;) maybe

>>>that'll help me wean off my salmon addiction and go totally veggie

>>>again! ;)




>>We could turn you off f*sh bigtime, but I think that's enough for one post LOL

But yes, why

>>not try reading our posts - we have a wonderful group (more than 800 strong)

of people

>>on this list who are an absolute delight - from all over the world, with all


>>backgrounds, different reasons for being vegetarian or vegan, different

cooking skills and

>>different ideas for wonderful spicy vegetarian food. I feel blessed to know

you all.





> The main reason I've been lurking is lack of time.... and forgetting

> to check the email account I had this going to. I'm resolving to

> dedicate more time now to groups I'm in as well as messageboards I run

> (I've been a pretty delinquent moderator lately too! ack)


> Thanks for the welcome!

> Kristina

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Angela wrote:


> Hi,

> Maybe you could tell her you've been wondering if the hormones in meat has

something to do with no grandkids yet so are going vegetarian and would she help

with the rest of the family accepting the change? or develop an allergy to meat.

really, don't know if it was the meat or the chemicals/hormones in them but the

bodies reaction every time I ate meat was a big factor in becoming veggie.

(severe nausea, pain, vomiting), Dr couldn't find anything wrong, said I must be

allergic to meat! He was joking but I think that was the right diagnosis!


> peace,

> Angela




That's actually the problem I have that made me give up meat before....

I always get looks like I'm crazy or something's wrong with me when I

tell my meat eating family that it makes my stomach hurts and usually

sends me to the bathroom soon after.... it seems to be beef more than

anything but also sometimes with chicken or pork... seafood doesn't

affect me at all like that so the only thing I face there is the ethics

question... which I need to solve on my own... but land animals make me

sick... that's the easy one...



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I have a very similar problem with those foods but with the reverse reaction

(being unable to go at all). I was recently diagnosed with IBS-C; you might

have something similar.


So far, seafood and eggs don't bother me but if they do, out the window they

go too, and I'll wind up going fully vegan as a result.


On 12/30/05, Kristina <phenyxangel wrote:


> That's actually the problem I have that made me give up meat before....

> I always get looks like I'm crazy or something's wrong with me when I

> tell my meat eating family that it makes my stomach hurts and usually

> sends me to the bathroom soon after.... it seems to be beef more than

> anything but also sometimes with chicken or pork... seafood doesn't

> affect me at all like that so the only thing I face there is the ethics

> question... which I need to solve on my own... but land animals make me

> sick... that's the easy one...





AIM: Kyrene Ariadne : kyreneariadne

* Dadoukhoi http://www.dadoukhoi.org/

* Temenos Theon: http://kyrene.4t.com

* Boston Mysticism Boston_Mystic

* NewEngland Hellenists: NewEngland_Hellenists


Beloved Pan, and all ye other gods who haunt this place,

make me beautiful within, and grant that what-ever

happens outside of me will help my soul to grow.

May I always be aware that true wealth lies in wisdom,

and may my " gold " be so abundant that only a wise

man can lift and carry it away. For me that is prayer

enough. - Socrates




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Kyrene Ariadne wrote:


>I have a very similar problem with those foods but with the reverse reaction

>(being unable to go at all). I was recently diagnosed with IBS-C; you might

>have something similar.


>So far, seafood and eggs don't bother me but if they do, out the window they

>go too, and I'll wind up going fully vegan as a result.



I've thought about IBS as a possiblity -- it may be... I don't have

insurance so going to the doctor is a big expense right now. It's

cheaper for me to just figure out which foods to avoid. Eggs do bother

me at times... after eating eggs all I taste is sulfur - it doesn't

bother me if eggs are just one ingredient in something else, but

straight no longer agrees with me... so I guess there's a reduction in

my egg consumption too...



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Heidi wrote


It was hard for

many of our other family members to accept our choice, but we just

forged ahead. I've tried to be clear that my food choices should

never reflect how I feel about my extended family, I love them. I've

eaten a lot of salads as that was that worked, but over time they have

come up with some fun options for us. This christmas was the best

yet, Vegan pasta salad, tofu slices with toppings for sandwiches,

baked tortilla chips etc........and everyone seemed happy. It was

nice. I'd suggest just reminding your family that you love them, and

the food part of gatherings isn't why you want to be together. this

is just my humble option.






To me that is what makes this group special. Not only do I get some great

recipes but it is one of the most loving and kind groups I have ever seen on

the internet. Thanks for letting me be part of it.


Happy New Year to you all.


Best regards



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> Tried to send this this morning -- got rejected for being in html

> format!


Oh dear - did that I guess (not us here). It strips off 'attachments' and

that includes



About yr mil, you said:


> > All the more reason she'd disagree with my philosophy... we already

> > have religious differences. All of us kids (me, hubby, and his

> > sister) are pagan and there are already lifestyle choices relating to

> > our religion we all try to agree to disagree about - but get nagged

> > anyways...


Well, good for you for being yourselves - grown up now, no need to be under the


of a mama or mil :-) And of course you're not - it's just this dietary thingie

that's got her

knickers in a twist, right? 'Just' I say - hah!


On that topic, I think Heidi had some excellent advice for you. You've probably

said those

things to your mil, long ago and again and again, but I guess with some people

it can't be

said often enough, eh? Maybe also let her know you'd *love* to be able to eat


wonderful food but just *can't* do that because your problem is getting worse

but only

when you eat animal flesh and products, that you're just as right as rain

otherwise. If your

reasons are health, you shouldn't have a problem groaning with envy as the

others tuck

into her wonderful greasy dishes (yuck) as long as you don't have to eat em

yrself! If yr

reasons were simply ethical, then a white lie in the cause of family harmony

which *also*

saves the animals might work for you. (Just a thought - not trying to make a


person of you!)


I really feel for you. Good luck with that. But mostly good luck with your

health - you have

found a way *not* to feel ill - by skipping the animal flesh etc. - so you're on

your way to

being healthier than you might feel now.


Good thing you like spices in your food too - you will be the envy of your

family even

though you're veg*n LOL


Have a wonderful new year - and stick to your guns - you know you're doing the


thing and we're all behind you in this and proud of you :-)


Best love, Pat

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I think that is a wonderful reply! I, luckily, had a

great mother in law. My first husband died many, many

years ago but I just went to a reunion of the

immmediate family - she's 80 and has cancer. It was

great. But talk about " eating issues " . I told them

I'm going to make an excel file on all the

requirementes when they come to visit me in MX.

Everyone was accommodated. Some did it themselves by

cooking their own, some just ate only the

non-offending food.


The Dear Abby answer would be something about how you

are so sensitive to her and after all these years

she's just doing a power play to show who's in charge.

So this answer of Angela's is just great. Hope it

works and the family can get along at the dining table

as well as all of the Cote's do.



> Hi,

> Maybe you could tell her you've been wondering if

> the hormones in meat has something to do with no

> grandkids yet so are going vegetarian and would she

> help with the rest of the family accepting the

> change? or develop an allergy to meat. really, don't

> know if it was the meat or the chemicals/hormones in

> them but the bodies reaction every time I ate meat

> was a big factor in becoming veggie. (severe nausea,

> pain, vomiting), Dr couldn't find anything wrong,

> said I must be allergic to meat! He was joking but I

> think that was the right diagnosis!


> peace,

> Angela




> who I am is fine, it's just this body that's

> disabled!


> middle age = that time of life when we realize

> yesterday's sex, drugs and rock and roll are todays

> memories, prescriptions and golden oldies!



> for Good - Make a difference this year.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]








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