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Questionnaire for members _ Marty ( owner athleticveg group)

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Questionnaire for Members of Vegetarian Spice


(All questions are optional, but what fun is there in that?)


1. What is your name or nickname on this list?



2. Which part of the world do you like to call home?

USA- Virginia

3. Are you vegetarian (or vegan), still making the transition or

thinking about it?



4. How did you find our group?

given link by former co-owner of my group athleticveg ( Pat)


Okay - NOW to the important stuff:


5. Dogs or cats? both


6. Coffee or tea? both ( sadly lots of both-misc teas)


7. Homebody or travel fiend?

home but hike/camp run alot


8. Astrological Sign? April 21 ???


9. Chinese Zodiak Sign/Animal?



10. Favourite colour? blue


11. Pet Peeve? rude/pushy people


12. Anything else you would like to tell us?


fairly new vegetarian and looking for good spicy foods that taste

great without the heat overpowering the flavor.



Thanks a bunch - and welcome again!

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Glad to see you here, Marty! What a treat :-)


Everyone here knows about your group (OK, Marty and I started the athleticveg


together, you'll all remember - and I recently very wisely bowed out and made

him the

sole owner :-) Great group!) but if not they know how to find it now on .




It's small and friendly and has all manner of active/athletic veggies on it.


You say you're a

> fairly new vegetarian and looking for good spicy foods that taste

> great without the heat overpowering the flavor.


Well, if you see more heat than you like in a recipe, you can always cut back a

little on the

chiles or ground cayenne pepper :-) Look in our Files - you'll find some great

ideas there.

You never need be short of a great meal!


We also have some good Links . . . And you will find a place there to put a

link (first folder

in Links) and description of your group - and any other groups you have.


used to be there, but I had to obey our rules and take it down once I resigned

as Owner -

now it can go back! Yay!!)


Okay, enough. Again, good to have you here.


Best love, Pat

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