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Other non-soy sources of protein

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When responding to a query re soy in my last post, I was negligent (I warned you

I was

sleepy!) in omitting non-soy sources of protein. I mentioned tempeh because the


had mentioned it. But I should have added that for those who like to dice

soy/tofu into

their stir-frys and casseroles, etc., don't forgeet *seitan* - wheat meat aka

gluten. You

can, I am told, even buy instant gluten flour to make it yourself very easily

and quickly,

rather than the longer method most use when making it from scratch. You can also

buy it

from commercial sources.


Most faux meats (burgers, chikken strips, etc, contain soy, if that's a worry,

but Quorn

(which I have never tried) is not from either soy or wheat, and is said to be


although not vegan because of eggwhites, if that's a worry.


Best love, Pat

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