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RECIPE: Moroccan Potatoes

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Okay, everyone, time to wake up to the fact that it's nearly autumn/fall and

cooking is the

order of the day :) Here's what we had yesterday:




1 Tbsp Oil (I prefer olive oil)

1/2 onion, finely chopped

1/3 - 1/2 cup finely diced tomato

1 lb. (450 g.) potatoes, diced in 1-inch pieces

1/4 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp cayenne (or to taste)

1/2 tsp ground cumin seeds

1 tsp salt (or to taste)

3 Tbsp coriander leaves/cilantro, chopped

2 cups water

sprigs of coriander lleaves/cilantro for serving

lemon wedges for serving (optional - it tastes wonderful both ways)


Measure your spices and salt and set aside in one small dish (they go in all at



Set oil in a saucepan over high-to-medium heat and sautee the onion until it is


translucent and softened.


Add ALL the other ingredients: tomato, potato, spices and coriancer


stirring carefully to mix, then add the water and bring the whole stew to a

boil. Turn the

heat to lower and cook COVERED for about half an hour so that the potatoes are


cooked and tender. There will be liquid in the pan, of course - so see below.


NOTE: There may be extra liquid - if too much for your needs/taste, you can

raise the heat

briefly and boil it off with the lid off. You will also find it works fine to

mash a few pieces

of the potatoes quickly with a fork so that the potato thickens the liquid. You

want this to

be good and juicy, but you might not want it to be soupy :)


Serve hot and garnish with a few sprigs of the coriander leaves/cilantro and

lemon wedges

if preferred AND with a flourish - it looks and smells wonderful!


(This is a tasty addition to a meal and goes with most spicy food, salads,

steamed or

sauteed vegetables, etc.)


Best, Pat

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It is delicious. I made this dish yesterday and served it up with a

salad and some spanish gypsy soup. Two children who live in a junk

food household, scarfed those potatoes down and asked for seconds!


Blessings, April



Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever

loves much perfoms much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in

love is done well. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

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I used this recipe tonight... but I used 3 types of

potato: sweet potato, red and russet... did not have

much on hand... it was verrrrrrrrry good!


Thanks for the recipe,




, " Patricia Sant "

<moorcroftblue wrote:


Okay, everyone, time to wake up to the fact that it's nearly

autumn/fall and cooking is the order of the day :) Here's what we had





1 Tbsp Oil (I prefer olive oil)

1/2 onion, finely chopped

1/3 - 1/2 cup finely diced tomato

1 lb. (450 g.) potatoes, diced in 1-inch pieces

1/4 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp cayenne (or to taste)

1/2 tsp ground cumin seeds

1 tsp salt (or to taste)

3 Tbsp coriander leaves/cilantro, chopped

2 cups water

sprigs of coriander lleaves/cilantro for serving

lemon wedges for serving (optional - it tastes wonderful both ways)


Measure your spices and salt and set aside in one small dish (they go

in all at once).


Set oil in a saucepan over high-to-medium heat and sautee the onion

until it is somewhat translucent and softened.


Add ALL the other ingredients: tomato, potato, spices and coriancer

leaves/cilantro, stirring carefully to mix, then add the water and

bring the whole stew to a boil. Turn the heat to lower and cook

COVERED for about half an hour so that the potatoes are just

cooked and tender. There will be liquid in the pan, of course - so see



NOTE: There may be extra liquid - if too much for your needs/taste,

you can raise the heat briefly and boil it off with the lid off. You

will also find it works fine to mash a few pieces of the potatoes

quickly with a fork so that the potato thickens the liquid. You want

this to be good and juicy, but you might not want it to be soupy :)


Serve hot and garnish with a few sprigs of the coriander

leaves/cilantro and lemon wedges if preferred AND with a flourish - it

looks and smells wonderful!


(This is a tasty addition to a meal and goes with most spicy food,

salads, steamed or sauteed vegetables, etc.)


Best, Pat

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I'm so pleased these were a big hit, especially with the kids! I've not tried

this recipe with a

mix of potatoes, but I will this next time - I also have a selection of potatoes

in right now,

none of them enough for anything. I see I have one small sweet potato, one

smallish white

potato, ditto russet, ditto red LOL Good idea - thanks!


I've also got another potato recipe in the Files that I'll re-post in a minute -

also from

Morocco (although probably, like most recipes, adapted for 'western taste' or


american kitchens' or whatever). It's guaranteed delicious too, I promise!


Any other potato recipes out there? Sweet potatoes, 'regular' potatoes, or maybe


other root veg recipes? Spice it up a bit if you can - remembering our theme on

this list -

but all welcome nevertheless! :)


Best love, Pat

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