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Roll Call - My responses to each of you - second lot :)

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Again, thanks to all those who responded to the Roll Call. Here again, since it

seems like

the most efficient and mailbox-space-saving way, are my responses to each :)




JULIE: Wonderful that you are in transition - so much healthier for you all (and


healthy for the animals too, of course). Your Green Smoothie is a great idea -

although I

like Leprechaun Smoothie as a preferred name! (After all, the little guys have a

life outside

of Paddy's Day, I understand.) Smoothie popsicles is a brilliant thought!


ERIN: Yes, Fuhrman would have you about fifty per cent raw, wouldn't he, and

good for

you for making that decision. I presume you feel better for it? I'm not a raw

foodist myself,

but I am eating a LOT more raw foods than I have ever done in my life before. As


spices, 'Spices heal, spices rock' is my motto!!


TINA: Glad you like the spicy foods here. Of course, they're not ALL spicy,

since many

members like to post their favourite new 'finds' even if they are without spice

or heat of

any kind, as do I. We love em all here! Good luck with the garden.


KRISTIN: Good smoothie! Keep it simple, keep it good, eh? Nice to hear from you!


CAITLIN: Anything you like counts as a smoothie! LOL Yours sounds just fine!

Thanks for

sending it in! And you never know, any time at all you may be ready to make the

jump to

veganism (or stumble into it, as I did). Meanwhile, all best look to your

all-girl all-

vegetarian band Powdercake!


SUSAN: I like the idea of using avocado with mango in a smoothie - so many

people think

of avocado as needing to be eaten with savoury things - and topped with

vinaigrette or

the like - but it is not only a fruit, as we know, but also eaten as dessert in

some parts (as

in whipped with cream). Lovely, I'd think.


HEATHER: Another longtime veggie, I see. And how nice to hear from you!!!! Don't

be shy -

just drop in to say hello now and then, okay? Hug.


MARJORIE: Lovely smoothie recipes - thanks so much. And one of yours uses

avocado too.

I'm surprised at the inclusion of balsamic vinegar, but wow would that taste

good with the



GLORIA: Lovely to hear from you again - it's been ages! Sorry you are still

struggling with

the health thing - miserable for you - but nice to know our recipes here help


Are there any major restrictions - or to put it another way, are there any kinds

of recipes

you specifically would like the group to post? There's bound to be someone who

has what you're looking for - or can find it, or can invent it! Take care!!!



LONDA: Wow, Londa, it has been ages since we've had a chance to 'chat'. Take

good care

of yourself - and, as a quick word, I use garam masala - or at least a combo of

the spices

that go into that mix - very very often. What kinds of dishes are you looking

for? Don't

disappear again, will you.


ANDREW: Nice to hear from you! Yes, I know it's hard - so many groups and so


messages! I can't keep up with the very few I'm on half the time. Never had a


smoothie? Neither have I, now that I think of it. But we don't just do 'hot and

spicy' on this

group now - so many people like to post their new recipes, and it's a shame not

to include

them in the Files, so all are welcome.


MB: Lovely to hear from you too - it has been months and months and I'm so glad


still with the group :) Don't be a stranger now, as they say!


JAZZ: Nearly a year as a vegan! Good for you - and not so very difficult,

really, once you

have made the decision? Well, I hope not, anyway. Thanks for the smoothie

recipe. It is



Love, Pat (Group Owner)

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