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I just wanted to stop bay and introduce myself. My name is Tiffany. I

live in Virginia. I am married and I have one child and no pets. I

am the only vegeterian in my home although my daughter doesnt care for

meat often. My husabnd is a meat eater but not as hard core as he

used to be. I have been veggie for about 6 months. I decided to go

veggie again because I have a hard time digesting meat and It was

making me sick to eat it or to smell it cooking. I was a veggie about

3 years ago for about 2 years. I began eating meat again because my

hubby and I had a hard time concieving a child and he swore that is

was my lack of meat eating that was prohibiting us from having the

baby that we had always dreamed of. But I have gone back to my veggie

roots and I am more excited than ever to be a veggie gal.

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Welcome, Tiffany! Congratulations on deciding to go back to being

veggie! I understand that many people have certain pressures put

on them to get away from a vegetarian diet for one reason or another,

but so many come back to it- as indeed you have! Wonderful!!!


If we can help you in any way, just let us know - okay? Meanwhile,

check our Files for some good recipes - or ask for what you want :)


Best, Pat (Group Owner)

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