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Special Diets?

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The title of last recipe offered by Chupa Babi made me think. There must be many


here who are on a special diet (OK, vegetarian or vegan yes, but besides that I

mean) for

reasons of health (preventatively or because of allergies) or because of



If there's anyone who would like to share with us their particular dietary

needs, then

perhaps it might help to focus some of us so that we can offer recipes, in

addition to the

ones we'd normally send here, that would suit these needs. And you just might

find you

have something in common with others here too ;) Anyone?


Best, Pat

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i have one(very annoying) need im lacose intolerant


Pat <drpatsant wrote: The title of last recipe offered by

Chupa Babi made me think. There must be many people

here who are on a special diet (OK, vegetarian or vegan yes, but besides that I

mean) for

reasons of health (preventatively or because of allergies) or because of



If there's anyone who would like to share with us their particular dietary

needs, then

perhaps it might help to focus some of us so that we can offer recipes, in

addition to the

ones we'd normally send here, that would suit these needs. And you just might

find you

have something in common with others here too ;) Anyone?


Best, Pat












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Hi Pat and everyone,




I guess that you could say that our diets are a bit complicated but, with

proper planning backed up by lots of experience at tweaking recipes, it

isn't too difficult to come up with a good range of healthy and appetising





My husband and I are both vegetarians of many years' standing - Hans for 45+

years and me for 25+ years. We are not vegans so we eat dairy and eggs but

only in limited quantities as I have to watch my cholesterol intake





I am a diabetic so I tread a thin line in balancing my carbohydrates - I

have to have a certain amount but not too much. I also have to be very

careful of how much salt I have so I always cook without salt and Hans adds

his own at the table. Of course I also can't have sugary, honey etc. I know

that there are two schools of thought on this for diabetics but I find that

I feel better if I eliminate them completely from my diet.




Hans has arthritis and takes Glucosamine to help ease the pain. He buys his

Glucosamine at a wonderful old fashioned herb shop in Haarlem. The shop is

just so nice and I always take overseas visitors there. It might not sound

like a very exciting tourist attraction but every person I have ever taken

there has had trouble leaving again.




I know this site is in Dutch but you will get a good idea from the video of

what a delightful experience it is to shop at van der Pigge.









I digress. When Hans bought his Glucosamine he was given an advice sheet

with lots of foods he should avoid eating. The list is quite extensive but

most of the things on the list aren't exactly healthy anyway so it isn't as

bad as it might seem at first.




He has to avoid




Meat (not difficult for long term vegetarians)


Alcohol (ditto - we are teetotal)


Dairy products from cows


All refined grain products


Sugar and all other natural and artificial sweeteners


Flavour enhancers with certain code numbers (including MSG)


Chocolate and cocoa (chocolate is the thing Hans finds hardest to give up -

he used to love eating it)




I have always been a 'glass half full' person so I look at meal planning

from the point of view of all the nice things there are that we CAN eat

rather than dwell on the things we can't. I think it would be fair to say

that other people see the list as far more daunting than I do!




The only real disadvantage is that it is now virtually impossible to eat out

in restaurants. We hardly ever did so anyway but we used to enjoy a

restaurant meal 3 times a year - our birthdays and our wedding anniversary.

Restaurants and pre-prepared meals are no longer an option so the only real

issue is that I don't have the freedom to buy something quick for the

occasional 'lazy meal'. All in all though, we see it as a much healthier

way of life and we are more than happy to make the adjustments necessary.




Cheers from Marie in Haarlem







On Behalf Of Pat

Wednesday, June 27, 2007 10:24 PM


Special Diets?




The title of last recipe offered by Chupa Babi made me think. There must be

many people

here who are on a special diet (OK, vegetarian or vegan yes, but besides

that I mean) for

reasons of health (preventatively or because of allergies) or because of



If there's anyone who would like to share with us their particular dietary

needs, then

perhaps it might help to focus some of us so that we can offer recipes, in

addition to the

ones we'd normally send here, that would suit these needs. And you just

might find you

have something in common with others here too ;) Anyone?


Best, Pat







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