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I have horrible foot problems. I see a podiatrist for them and surgery was becoming increasingly likely. I bought a pair of Earth tennis shoes back in April and my feet haven't felt this good since I was a child. I have wide feet (though not terribly wide and your mileage here may vary) but their standard width offers me plenty of foot room. My arches are extremely high (which is one of my problems) but between the custom orthotic inserts I have (which I've had for a year and it wasn't until I started wearing the Earth shoes that things got better) and the way the shoe fits, my heel pain and arch pain is gone. I have a tailor's bunion on the one foot (a bunion on the little toe rather than the big toe) and that doesn't usually hurt, either. Every now and then after an especially active day, it's a little tender, but it used to be excruciating all the time. I am not affiliated with the company in any way, I am just a very, very happy customer. If you can find a retailer near you, I would check them out. I bought them from Zappos where allegedly I could have returned them for a full refund if I tried them on and they didn't fit right. They have both vegan and non-vegan, so pay attention! Mine are vegan. And the cost is about the same as any bigger name shoe company. Missie Harholdand Gracie the Ibizan Houndand Jeanie the Greyhoundgreyhounddog"Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures." -Dalai Lama of Tibet, His Holiness, The XIV Jo wrote:Good luck on the shoe front - if you are like me with wide feet you will not be able to find vegan shoes that you can wear. You may be able to find plastic ones. I don't know how you will fare with sports shoes - maybe you could let us know.Jo

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Here are some sources




You can print them out and bring them with you to your dr. (only

the first one is vegan). You can also research vegan prenatal

supplements online so that if your dr. prescribes a nonvegan one, you

will have information on a vegan one.



At 4:05 PM +0000 7/29/09,

he_is_buried_in_the_backyard wrote:

>Hello everybody, I have just found out I am pregnant and just

seeking others opinions on supplements. I'm vegan and currently take

2x vit B12 (100pg each) and 15mg zinc alongside 2 teaspoons of flax

oil everyday. My first app with doc is Fri and I'm expecting 2 have a

steak forced down me. My Doc is not very tolerate of a vegan diet 2

say the least (this lady not for turning tho hehe). I'm confident my

daily diet will provide me with enough nutrients and am reading up on

extra advice etc. Any suggestions about additional supplements or

changes 2 what I'm taking now would be gladly received. Thanks :-)

p.s, apologies if this is long n rambling. Am hopeless with the net

and even worse at making sense


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Hi. I have a vegan 19 month old. During my pregnancy the only supplements I

took were folic acid, B12 and ferrous sulphate (which I have to take as I am

anaemic - nothing to do with being vegan!!) The folic acid I only took for the

first 12 weeks. After that I just made sure I had a good balanced diet being

sure to eat foods fortified with B12 and vitamin D. I ate a lot of beans,

lentils, pulses and tofu. Plenty of veg. For snacks I had pumpkin seeds and

fruit. I am actually unfortunate enough to suffer gestational diabetes (I have

had this for both my previous pregnancies) so my diet became quite limited. I

made sure to have a handful of strawberries every day for iodine and vitamin C.

I was very lucky that every health professional I came into contact with was

totally supportive of my diet. Towards the end of my pregnancy I had to eat

tofu for every meal - you'd be amazed how little an effect tofu has on your

blood sugar. Of course eating tofu for every meal was hardly a chore! All the

carbs I ate were wholemeal, brown type. I am not sure if there is anything else

I should tell you. A really good book for pregnancy and weaning a vegan infant

is: Pregnancy, Childbirth and the vegan Diet by Michael Klaper. I think it is

out of print but I found it easy to get hold of second hand. My daughter was

induced on my due date because of my gestational diabetes. She weighed a

perfect 7lb 6oz and had no blood sugar problems or fluctations which I think was

due to me following a careful Low GI diet and all that tofu! I wouldn't

recommend you following a low GI diet unless you have diabetes though. She is

now an amazingly healthy and active toddler. Good luck with your pregnancy.

Being vegan can only enhance your health and that of your child.


, yarrow wrote:


> Here are some sources

> http://www.vrg.org/nutrition/veganpregnancy.htm

> http://www.vegsoc.org/info/preg.html


> You can print them out and bring them with you to your dr. (only the

> first one is vegan). You can also research vegan prenatal supplements

> online so that if your dr. prescribes a nonvegan one, you will have

> information on a vegan one.



> At 4:05 PM +0000 7/29/09, he_is_buried_in_the_backyard wrote:

> >Hello everybody, I have just found out I am pregnant and just

> >seeking others opinions on supplements. I'm vegan and currently take

> >2x vit B12 (100pg each) and 15mg zinc alongside 2 teaspoons of flax

> >oil everyday. My first app with doc is Fri and I'm expecting 2 have

> >a steak forced down me. My Doc is not very tolerate of a vegan diet

> >2 say the least (this lady not for turning tho hehe). I'm confident

> >my daily diet will provide me with enough nutrients and am reading

> >up on extra advice etc. Any suggestions about additional supplements

> >or changes 2 what I'm taking now would be gladly received. Thanks

> >:-) p.s, apologies if this is long n rambling. Am hopeless with the

> >net and even worse at making sense

> >


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Don't worry too much. I was (and still am) vegan throughout my pregnancy and gave birth to two healthy babies six years ago. My doctor was worried and kept taking tests to make sure I was OK. The only thing I lacked at one point was potassium, as the smell of bananas made me feel sick, and I didn't need to take iron until the last few weeks of my pregnancy, even though many of the other mothers who were only carrying one baby were advised to take iron midway through their pregnancy. As long as you eat a varied and balanced diet you and your baby should be fine. Good luck!

Kind regards,





"he_is_buried_in_the_backyard" <he_is_buried_in_the_backyard Sent: Wednesday, 29 July, 2009 17:05:58 (unknown)Hello everybody, I have just found out I am pregnant and just seeking others opinions on supplements. I'm vegan and currently take 2x vit B12 (100pg each) and 15mg zinc alongside 2 teaspoons of flax oil everyday. My first app with doc is Fri and I'm expecting 2 have a steak forced down me. My Doc is not very tolerate of a vegan diet 2 say the least (this lady not for turning tho hehe). I'm confident my daily diet will provide me with enough nutrients and am reading up on extra advice etc. Any suggestions about additional supplements or changes 2 what I'm

taking now would be gladly received. Thanks :-) p.s, apologies if this is long n rambling. Am hopeless with the net and even worse at making senseSent from my BlackBerry® wireless device---To send an email to -! Groups Links<*> /<*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional<*> To change settings online go to: /join ( ID

required)<*> To change settings via email: -digest -fullfeatured <*>

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Hi I think you are on the right track, you probably should add a multi mineral and a good calcium supplement as well ,I was told once that the growing baby will always take what it needs from your body and the exta nutrition we need during pregnancy is to replenish ourselvs , keep up the good work and good luck. Christy--- On Wed, 29/7/09, he_is_buried_in_the_backyard <he_is_buried_in_the_backyard wrote:

he_is_buried_in_the_backyard <he_is_buried_in_the_backyard (unknown) Received: Wednesday, 29 July, 2009, 4:05 PM

Hello everybody, I have just found out I am pregnant and just seeking others opinions on supplements. I'm vegan and currently take 2x vit B12 (100pg each) and 15mg zinc alongside 2 teaspoons of flax oil everyday. My first app with doc is Fri and I'm expecting 2 have a steak forced down me. My Doc is not very tolerate of a vegan diet 2 say the least (this lady not for turning tho hehe). I'm confident my daily diet will provide me with enough nutrients and am reading up on extra advice etc. Any suggestions about additional supplements or changes 2 what I'm taking now would be gladly received. Thanks :-) p.s, apologies if this is long n rambling. Am hopeless with the net and even worse at making senseSent from my BlackBerry® wireless device---To send an email to -! Groups Links<*> /<*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional<*> To change settings online go to: /join ( ID required)<*> To change settings via email: -digest -fullfeatured <*>

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It is not a stupid question. They are little black beans.





" Loriamichaelr " <Loriamichaelr


Sunday, August 9, 2009 9:03:24 PM

Re: (unknown)



Sorry for asking a stupid question but what are turtle beans???





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I think they're little black beans



Sunday, August 09, 2009 8:03 PM

Re: (unknown)



Sorry for asking a stupid question but what are turtle beans???




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Hey There,

Congratulations on the willingness to change your diet. I want

to applaud you for taking it slow – one step at a time because that way you are

not rushing and trying to do too much to soon.


Elaine has done a wonderful job with materials and also recipes

which are available from many of us. There is a lot going on everywhere if you

are in area. I always advise people to try something new no more than twice a

week – that gives you the opportunity to discard one and add one if you find

that the new thing is not of your liking.


Be blessed and enjoy your day







My Inspiration Knows No Boundaries

Yesterday I was clever. So I wanted to change the world. Today I

am wise. So I am changing myself.”







On Behalf Of GTate

Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:55 PM












Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian

lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting

harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some

improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very

optimistic...gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on

this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to

250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the

rest down the drain. We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken

once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced

for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had

one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and

for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta

cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest for

dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out

of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it.

I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and

cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really

huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used

the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not

quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been really telling

everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me

luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.





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All the best GTate!


You'll find support here.


Danalyn--- On Thu, 8/13/09, GTate <gctate1 wrote:

GTate <gctate1 (unknown) Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:55 PM





Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very optimistic.. .gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to 250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the rest down the drain. We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest

for dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it. I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been really telling everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.

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Sista, you have inspired me. "The black woman is the meteor that & #39;s coming to this earth!" -- Kola Boof <img src=" 40.gif">





GTate <gctate1 Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 8:55:20 PM (unknown)





Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very optimistic.. .gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to 250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the rest down the drain. We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest

for dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it. I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been really telling everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.

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Okay Raw Fooders,I have an issue and need advice.I have been 100% raw for 4 months, I was about 90% raw for about 14 months. Vegan/vegetarian for 5 years. The missing ingredient is exercise. I travel a lot. I do use honey if a recipe specifically calls for it and braggs. I very rarely use those ingredients.Since about March I have had sty's on my eye about one on booth eyes, in April one eye lid was swollen and draining for about 5 days.I have also noticed since March that I'm extremely Sensitive to citrus, acid, nuts, or sweets. I keep getting those painful white bumps on my tongue. Some people have never experienced them and then others have. I have gotten them before usually after eating chips, drinking lemonade.I drink a green drink everyday day. I drink lots of water and eat fruit and vegetables made into delicious raw creations, I'm a raw Chef!! I also have days where I eat very simply like green drink, fruit and salad.I have gotten these painful white bumps consistently on my tongue and one time in March they lined the sides of my tongue, it was so painful it took me an hour to eat a salad. I had made a green drink and the lemon was very strong and they seemed to develop after that.The other issue is inside of my bottom lip, the part of your lip that rest on your teeth and gums is red, painful and raw. It almost feels like I burned the inside of my lip with hot tea, I don't drink tea. This has occured twice now, this time its lasted almost a week.I don't use super foods yet, do use cacao gogi berries occasionally. I feel with the sty's its just toxins being released but my mouth issues are a pain. I brush twice a day, floss every night, and use a waterpik.I'm having a reaction to something, just don't know what.Help! Thank you!!ChellySent on the Now Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry"Rooths, Jacqueline D" Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:28:09 -0400' 'RE: (unknown) Hey There, Congratulations on the willingness to change your diet. I want to applaud you for taking it slow – one step at a time because that way you are not rushing and trying to do too much to soon. Elaine has done a wonderful job with materials and also recipes which are available from many of us. There is a lot going on everywhere if you are in area. I always advise people to try something new no more than twice a week – that gives you the opportunity to discard one and add one if you find that the new thing is not of your liking. Be blessed and enjoy your day Sincerely, Jacki My Inspiration Knows No Boundaries Yesterday I was clever. So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise. So I am changing myself.” On Behalf Of GTateThursday, August 13, 2009 9:55 PM Subject: (unknown) Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very optimistic...gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to 250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the rest down the drain. We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest for dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it. I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been really telling everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.

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From: ChellysblessedDate: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 12:20:07 +0000Re: (unknown)



Okay Raw Fooders,I have an issue and need advice.I have been 100% raw for 4 months, I was about 90% raw for about 14 months. Vegan/vegetarian for 5 years. The missing ingredient is exercise. I travel a lot. I do use honey if a recipe specifically calls for it and braggs. I very rarely use those ingredients.Since about March I have had sty's on my eye about one on booth eyes, in April one eye lid was swollen and draining for about 5 days.I have also noticed since March that I'm extremely Sensitive to citrus, acid, nuts, or sweets. I keep getting those painful white bumps on my tongue. Some people have never experienced them and then others have. I have gotten them before usually after eating chips, drinking lemonade.I drink a green drink everyday day. I drink lots of water and eat fruit and vegetables made into delicious raw creations, I'm a raw Chef!! I also have days where I eat very simply like green drink, fruit and salad.I have gotten these painful white bumps consistently on my tongue and one time in March they lined the sides of my tongue, it was so painful it took me an hour to eat a salad. I had made a green drink and the lemon was very strong and they seemed to develop after that.The other issue is inside of my bottom lip, the part of your lip that rest on your teeth and gums is red, painful and raw. It almost feels like I burned the inside of my lip with hot tea, I don't drink tea. This has occured twice now, this time its lasted almost a week.I don't use super foods yet, do use cacao gogi berries occasionally. I feel with the sty's its just toxins being released but my mouth issues are a pain. I brush twice a day, floss every night, and use a waterpik.I'm having a reaction to something, just don't know what.Help! Thank you!!Chelly

Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry


"Rooths, Jacqueline D" Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:28:09 -0400' 'RE: (unknown)


Hey There,

Congratulations on the willingness to change your diet. I want to applaud you for taking it slow – one step at a time because that way you are not rushing and trying to do too much to soon.


Elaine has done a wonderful job with materials and also recipes which are available from many of us. There is a lot going on everywhere if you are in area. I always advise people to try something new no more than twice a week – that gives you the opportunity to discard one and add one if you find that the new thing is not of your liking.


Be blessed and enjoy your day







My Inspiration Knows No Boundaries

Yesterday I was clever. So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise. So I am changing myself.â€





On Behalf Of GTateThursday, August 13, 2009 9:55 PM Subject: (unknown)









Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very optimistic...gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to 250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the rest down the drain. We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest for dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it. I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been really telling everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.







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Peace Sis,I don't know what's up and def. think you should consult a specialist. It's really hard to offer advice without knowing more about exactly what you eat on a daily basis and more about your health background. A qualified Naturopath would really help IMHO. If I were having the same symptoms---I would MAYBE suspect that my diet was too acidic. I agree with you that the sty seems like a detoxing issue---our bodies may deal with differently. Best of luck with finding answers. Peace,Asia--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Chellysblessed <Chellysblessed wrote:Chellysblessed <ChellysblessedRe: (unknown)To:

Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 8:20 AM



Okay Raw Fooders,I have an issue and need advice.I have been 100% raw for 4 months, I was about 90% raw for about 14 months. Vegan/vegetarian for 5 years. The missing ingredient is exercise. I travel a lot. I do use honey if a recipe specifically calls for it and braggs. I very rarely use those ingredients.Since about March I have had sty's on my eye about one on booth eyes, in April one eye lid was swollen and draining for about 5 days.I have also noticed since March that I'm extremely Sensitive to citrus, acid, nuts, or sweets. I keep getting those painful white bumps on my tongue. Some people have never experienced them and then others have. I have gotten them before usually after eating chips, drinking lemonade.I drink a green drink everyday day. I drink lots of water and eat fruit and vegetables made into delicious raw creations, I'm a raw Chef!! I also have days where I

eat very simply like green drink, fruit and salad.I have gotten these painful white bumps consistently on my tongue and one time in March they lined the sides of my tongue, it was so painful it took me an hour to eat a salad. I had made a green drink and the lemon was very strong and they seemed to develop after that.The other issue is inside of my bottom lip, the part of your lip that rest on your teeth and gums is red, painful and raw. It almost feels like I burned the inside of my lip with hot tea, I don't drink tea. This has occured twice now, this time its lasted almost a week.I don't use super foods yet, do use cacao gogi berries occasionally. I feel with the sty's its just toxins being released but my mouth issues are a pain. I brush twice a day, floss every night, and use a waterpik.I'm having a reaction to something, just don't know what.Help! Thank you!!ChellySent on the Now

Network™ from my Sprint® BlackBerry"Rooths, Jacqueline D" Fri, 14 Aug 2009 08:28:09 -0400'@ s.com'<@ .com>RE: (unknown) Hey There, Congratulations on the willingness to change your diet. I want to applaud you for taking it slow – one step at a time because that way you are not rushing and trying to do too much to soon. Elaine has done a wonderful job with materials and also recipes which are available from many of us. There is a lot going on everywhere if you are in area. I always advise people to try something new no more than twice a week – that gives you the opportunity to discard one and add one if you find that the new thing is not of your liking. Be blessed and enjoy your day Sincerely, Jacki My Inspiration Knows No Boundaries Yesterday I was clever. So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise. So I am changing myself.†@ .com [] On Behalf Of

GTateThursday, August 13, 2009 9:55 PM@ .com (unknown) Okay, my husband and I have just began the vegetarian lifestyle change. We have committed ourselves to one month and omitting harmful foods, one step at a time. If at the end of one month we see some improvement both on our weight and our health, we will fully commit. I'm very optimistic.. .gone from 265 to 261.5 already and we've only been on this since August 10...3 whole days!! And my husband has gone from 253 to 250. I drank my last diet soda today...well, I only drank half and poured the rest down the drain.

We've given up red meat totally and only had chicken once...today. It was chicken breast strips, broiled in olive oil and diced for the salad. Okay, I did say we were taking it slow, right? Day 1, we had one egg cooked in olive oil with two stips of turkey bacon for breakfast and for lunch we had a salad of organic baby spinach with cranberries, feta cheese and almond slices, with white balsamic dressing. We had the rest for dinner with a side of asparagus. Day 2, I slipped a little because I went out of town and the place I went didn't have salads without all that junk in it. I had one egg with turkey bacon and green tea. For lunch I had a ham and cream cheese wrap, sorry! No dinner. Wasn't hungry. Today, I made a really huge salad with organic lettuce...the red and green kind. That's what I used the broiled chicken strips for and I had light ceasar ranch. I know it's not quite raw...but bear with us. We'll get there. I've been

really telling everyone about and my cousin wants me to send him some info. Wish me luck...I want everyone in my family to come on board.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome to the group.





Marko Mena

Friday, September 11, 2009 11:52 PM






well come will come with you and i want to know what the vegan to mean that the people eating vegetable and that enought to him or what and don,t eatingt the melt thank for you

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did anybody else try to check out this link? It made my computer go

" fluey " . I had to do a hard shutdown. It seems to be working okay now, so

I guess I didn't get a virus.





On Behalf Of nikita4animals

Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:12 PM

to=FeralPlace; VeganWay ; lilliec;

sandylandstar; cecmail;

tiggerboy28; emailus3; faithnchuck;

; FeralCatNet;

first.lady; molsen_ice_2000; sidneysc103;

greendot; moonhead613




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This is about the third e-mail that's come through on the fat free vegan list from this person. I think we're getting spammed. Perhaps Susan can ban this person from the group. I won't be opening anymore links like this.


Glad you didn't get a virus from it.









Judy Goldsmith <judyjtg


Fri, Oct 9, 2009 1:18 pm

RE: (unknown)







Did anybody else try to check out this link? It made my computer go

"fluey". I had to do a hard shutdown. It seems to be working okay now, so

I guess I didn't get a virus.





On Behalf Of nikita4animals

Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:12 PM

to=FeralPlace (AT) aol (DOT) com; VeganWay ; lilliec (AT) hotmail (DOT) com;

sandylandstar ; cecmail (AT) replies (DOT) cecentertainment.com;

tiggerboy28 ; emailus3 (AT) kellogg (DOT) com; faithnchuck ;

; FeralCatNet ;

first.lady (AT) whitehouse (DOT) gov; molsen_ice_2000 ; sidneysc103 ;

greendot (AT) acctalerts (DOT) com; moonhead613




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It did the same thing to mine. It must be

some kind if virus.








On Behalf Of Judy Goldsmith

Friday, October 09, 2009

1:18 PM









Did anybody else try to check out this link? It made

my computer go

" fluey " . I had to do a hard shutdown. It seems to be working okay

now, so

I guess I didn't get a virus.







On Behalf Of nikita4animals

Thursday, October 08, 2009 6:12 PM

to=FeralPlace (AT) aol (DOT) com; VeganWay ; lilliec (AT) hotmail (DOT) com;

sandylandstar ; cecmail (AT) replies (DOT) cecentertainment.com;

tiggerboy28 ; emailus3 (AT) kellogg (DOT) com; faithnchuck ;


FeralCatNet ;

first.lady (AT) whitehouse (DOT) gov;

molsen_ice_2000 ;

sidneysc103 ;

greendot (AT) acctalerts (DOT) com; moonhead613




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I deleted the email and put the sender on moderation as soon as it was posted.  I'm sorry to hear that some of you still got the email.  I'll make sure that this person isn't able to post any more.  If you received an email from Nikita4animals, please delete it without opening the link.

Susan-------------------------Susan VoisinFatFree Vegan Kitchenhttp://blog.fatfreevegan.comhttp://www.facebook.com/FatFreeVegan


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Thanks, Susan. I figured you'd be on top of it!









Susan Voisin <susan


Fri, Oct 9, 2009 1:35 pm

Re: (unknown)







I deleted the email and put the sender on moderation as soon as it was posted. I'm sorry to hear that some of you still got the email. I'll make sure that this person isn't able to post any more. If you received an email from Nikita4animals, please delete it without opening the link.





Susan Voisin

FatFree Vegan Kitchen




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  • 2 weeks later...

Could you share your sources for this info? I would like to read more about this, my dad has gout, but everything I read indicated vegetarians and vegans rarely get it.Thanks!-Erin Abigail Taylor <tune332002 Sent: Mon, October 19, 2009 3:25:34 PM (unknown)



Hello all of you my friends,


as far as I have read, while whole grains are good, purine foods such as prunes, and greens, and peas, there is a limited amount that we must eat per day. I heard Dr. Cherry said that greens can be eaten thrice a week. I read also from a reliable source, that peas can be eaten three times per week. If we undereat, we break down our immune system, and if we over-eat, we put on unnecessary weight. The trouble with whole grains that are good, is that they are high in oxalic acid which affects the cells in our kidneys, and too much of purine foods, can cause crystals build-up which is turn gives "gout" which is a form of arthritis. There are other foods high in oxalic acid, so we must know how to balance our meals, and the foods that we eat as well. Please check this out, as this is what I have learnt, and am concerned about you too.

Processed foods such as Soy sausage or cheese is not whole foods. Thank you and God bless. Abigail

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  • 2 months later...

I keep mine in a jar in a cabinet....no need to refrigerate.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Caterina Zibordi <caterina.zibordi wrote:







 I just bought a pakage of nutritional yeast and still haven't opened it: I was wondering if I will need to keep the opened pakage in the fridge or not. do you have suggestions?

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No need to refrigerate! On 5/01/2010, at 4:54 AM, Caterina Zibordi wrote: I just bought a pakage of nutritional yeast and still haven't opened it: I was wondering if I will need to keep the opened pakage in the fridge or not. do you have suggestions?

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