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> first, my apologies to the group for the mention of fish sauce. and i

> don't even eat fish.


No problem, hon (nope, don't have my knickers in a twist about it. used to do


but got over it.) - I just thought I had to mention it, since some people

really do have a tiny slip of the mind and think pescatarian is also vegetarian


you know? LOL Easy to do. It was as much for other people reading as it was

for yourself!


> anyone out there with a non-fish,

> fish sauce, post it please...


Yes, please do. I once followed someone's instructions (on another group) for

making one out of lots and lots of dried seaweed, cooked down for ages. But

it really used a lot of it and unless you eat it three times a day it didn't

seem to

me to be worth it :( (And I could be wrong there too.) I don't remember the

amount of sea vegetable used or the amount of water OR the time needed to

boil it up, so I can't tell you more than that. (Fat lot of use I am, right?) So


anyone knows how to do it, please shout out - okay? Much appreciated by more

than one person here, I'm sure.


> it's the taste i crave and seem to be

> able sate most of my ingrained from youth desires with non-meat

> substitutes. am i digging a deeper hole?


Last thing first - no you're not :) And I think you are in good company. I don't

crave the stuff - any of it - anymore, but that's just me. The faux 'meats' are

great for those who do!


> yes, i am honored to be doing my first one-person show in the small,

> tourist town of burnsville, nc. i'll be showing my weaving, a

> connection of sorts from kimono to my now weaving of copper wire


That sounds really wonderful! Good for you!!! If there is anyone here who lives

near there and can see it, it would be great! Lots and lots of luck!!!


Yes, we need more appetizer ideas, don't we! Come on, guys, put on your

thinking caps!!! I know you are all having an August holiday (or seem to be, as

I do!) but come out of hiding for this one, okay? Someone needs your help!


Love, Pat

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On 8/23/07, Pat <drpatsant wrote:


> > anyone out there with a non-fish,

> > fish sauce, post it please...


> Yes, please do.


Let me start by saying that I've never tasted fish sauce and I've

never made any kind of fish sauce so this is purely the results of

research, not personal experience.


I found this information:


To replace fish sauce in any recipe, try the following substitutions:


* Use a vegetarian oyster sauce. Simply thin with water to create a

soy sauce consistency.

* Create a kelp version by blending 1/2 cup soy sauce with 1 Tsp. kelp powder.

* Use a mushroom-based soy sauce for excellent results.


> I once followed someone's instructions (on another group) for

> making one out of lots and lots of dried seaweed, cooked down for ages.


I found this recipe that takes 1 to 3/2 hours (a lot of time but if it

keeps well that's not too bad for a once-a-month sort of thing) and I

don't know what lots and lots of dried seaweed is but I don't think

it's excessive - I think you should be able to get enough seaweed out

of one package. Maybe.


Cookbook:Fish Sauce (Vegan)

From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection


Fish Sauce (Vegan)

Category: Vegan recipes

Servings: 3 cups

Time: 1–1 1/2 hours

Difficulty: very easy




1 1/2 cup shredded dried seaweed

4 cups water

3 very large cloves garlic, crushed but not peeled.

1 1/2 tbsp. black peppercorns

1/2 cup dark Chinese soy sauce

Extra boiling water as needed




1. Place the seaweed in a pot and add 4 cups of water.

2. Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat to keep it bubbling along.

3. Cook for 20 minutes.

4. Add the rest of the ingredients and enough water to make about 6

cups total in the pot.

5. Bring back to a boil, then boil fairly high for at least 1/2 hour.

6. At that point, begin to taste (just a little, though--it's strong).

7. When the stock is reduced by about half, it will be almost too

salty to eat, and that means it is ready.

8. Strain through fine mesh or a coffee filter and allow to cool.


> Yes, we need more appetizer ideas, don't we! Come on, guys, put on your

> thinking caps!!! I know you are all having an August holiday (or seem to be,


> I do!) but come out of hiding for this one, okay? Someone needs your help!


I don't normally make appetizers so I can't offer anything from

personal experience (though I now find myself with the urge to learn

some appetizers. When I used to eat less healthy, I sometimes bought

bags of frozen appetizers and baked them for a meal made entirely out

of appetizers. I'd like to try that again but with healthier, vegan



I'll have a look through my cookbooks and see if anything jumps out as

being tasty and not too involved to make but makes a nice impression

and get back to y'all later tonight.



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my thanks for the suggestions. don't know if i'll try the phyllo one

for this event (too many, hopefully), but it sounds delicious and will

definitely put it on my list. i'll let everyone know how it goes and

the public reaction after friday.



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> I found two appetizer recipes I'm going to try (especially those sar

> moo sars!!) but I'm posting them here first so Kate has a chance to

> decide if she wants to try them for her opening. I'll post again after

> I've tried them to say what I thought of them.


Yes, please, DO let us know, okay? Thanks a bunch!


Love, Pat



Dr Patricia Sant

Bean Vegan: http://beanvegan.blogspot.com

Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

" The question is not, 'Can they reason?' nor, 'Can they talk?' but rather, 'Can

they suffer?' " (Jeremy Bentham, 1749-1832)






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