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recipe: popcorn seasoning spray

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I'd love to hear more about what others put on their popcorn,

especially non-traditional toppings. Here's my favorite:


Popcorn Seasoning Spray


In a clean spritz bottle such as is sold for misting plants or sold in

the make-up section, mix one part lemon juice and one part soy sauce

(or Bragg's Amino Acids).


Air-pop some corn and spritz it with the seasoning spray until it

turns a light amber color.


This mix is savory and tangy and a great way to get flavor to stick to

air-popped corn -- good for folks watching their fat intake (though

it's still high in sodium.)

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> I'd love to hear more about what others put on their popcorn,

> especially non-traditional toppings.


Some members swear by sprinkling nutritional yeast after that spray - for a


cheezy flavour. And how about a little sprinkle of chili seasoning powder?


Love, Pat

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