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recipe request - vegetarian kievs

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Hi everyone,


I'm looking for a recipe for vegetarian kievs (they don't have to be

vegan - recipes using cheese and/or eggs are fine).


I was recently in London and thoroughly enjoyed vegetable kievs made by

Marks and Spencers but I haven't been able to locate a recipe for

anything similar. They were absolutely delicious even if not

particularly low-calorie!!!!


If anyone can help me with a recipe I would be very grateful. I

haven't been able to find anything on Google and I have searched using

both 'vegetable kiev' and 'vegetarian kiev'. I am more than happy to

experiment and to tweak recipes so it doesn't matter if it isn't TNT.


Thanks in advance,



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No, sorry, I've never made them (didn't like the non-veg version years ago is

the reason

why, I guess) but I did a little search and found several recipes. This one from


might interest you if no one can come up with a TNT version:




I also saw one using tvp - googled on vegetarian kievs and all sorts of things

came up :)


Anyway, is this the kind of thing you're looking for? Sounds like a tasty treat!


Love and hugs, Pat

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