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If I weren't there, I wouldn't have believed it

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Sparrow, hon (and no, you've not overstepped any

boundary - so glad you could let us know the

problem you ran into!) -


I don't know how to answer some of your queries

right now without absolutely exploding over the

dreadful predicament you're in! This makes me so

angry I want to rush around throwing things - and

I haven't done that in a long long time.


Let me come back to this later - maybe in the

morning? - and see if I can make sense out of

some of the nonsense you've been 'fed' by this,

er, person.


Meanwhile, if there's someone else able to help

Sparrow, please post away! She needs some support

right now and all I can do is scream silently

into my armpit. Help!


(OK, this is not about me, this is not about me,

this is not about me, this is not . . . . . <deep



Love and hugs and TOTAL sympathy,





Dr Patricia M. Sant


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Spice:

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

'To cultivate kindness is a valuable part of the business of life.'

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)





Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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I know that if it were me this is how I would handle it.


1. Change doctors / or get a second opinion form a doctor not in

the same office



1000 breakfast is too high in my opinion. However everyone should eat

from highest to lowest. I like to eat several small meals through

out the day. I try not to eat heavy for dinner. I eat dinner portions

for lunch and lunch portions for dinner.

Also vegetarians and vegans should have there B12 checked every 6

months. It is not checked in regular blood work…Ask for it… I was so

low I was sick and never knew. I get a shot of B12 every 3 months

from my doctor. Lack of B12 has tons of side effects. B12 also aides

in weight loss even if you have enough already also B6 is good for

weight loss.


Try this in the morning in order


1. 12 oz Any Fresh juice combo from juicer ----example juice 3

carrots 1 cored sweet apple 150 cal


Wait 1 hour

(Fruit should be eaten alone to help with the elimination process and

it will pass through your system properly and swift.)


2. Bowl of oatmeal with dried fruit. Honey or Brown sugar

(vegan) 250 cal

3. Glass of organic 2% milk/ rice milk /soy ( which ever you

prefer) 100 cal


Wait 2 hours before your next meal.


There are good fats like Avocados, nuts, nut butters, olive oil.


Try to have this Avocado soothe once a day (before 5 pm) (I hated

avocados until I tried this soothe)



½ avocado

8 0z milk or soy or rice

1tbs splenda or raw sugar


Ice if desired


Blend and drink


Hope this helps















-- In , " Sparrow R Jones "

<sparrowrose wrote:


> Dear beautiful vegans, vegetarians, and veg-friendly people,


> I am fuming. I finally calmed down enough to write about what


> to me today. Any advice, support, data, etc. would be greatly

> appreciated.


> I am on medicaid and I told my doctor I have been trying to lose

> weight (yes, there is such a thing as a morbidly obese vegan, sadly)

> but having a bad time of it, especially since my foot injury three

> years ago that put an end to my daily three-mile walks.


> I have to go through a course of " lifestyle counseling " with the

> clinic's professional before any more medical steps can be taken

> (which is what I want. Please don't lecture me if you are against a

> medical model of weight-loss. I've tried everything else and made

> myself sick in the process and want to be well again.)


> I went for my first appointment today with the counselor and she


> me beans were bad for me! She said they're not an adequate source of

> protein and that meat is more " bio-available " (whatever that

means.) I

> told her that I was getting the daily requirement of protein with my

> beans and she said that to do so I was eating a large bulk of beans

> and getting too much fiber and that's what's making me so hungry


> I overeat.


> Hello? I thought getting good fiber *curbed* appetite? Am I


> Does anyone know?


> She said, " so, the most important thing about your religion is what

you eat? "


> ??????? What?!?!?


> I said, " no, the most important thing about my religion is Jesus

> Christ. " (apologies to non-Christians and I don't mean to offend.)

> " But what I eat is an integral part of my Faith. "


> She tried to insinuate that I have some kind of religion of food and

> ought to give it up so I can be healthy. And that I could only hope


> lose weight if I start eating meat. And I need to give up the


> fasting days when I can't have oil because I need to eat more fat

> (according to her.) She even started trying to re-arrange the

> liturgical/fasting calendar and I had to explain to her three times

> that Lent is 40 days long and I cannot have oil for those forty days

> in a row and there's no " alternating days " or " alternating weeks "

> without going against the teaching of my Faith.


> I can't pick a different professional - she's what the clinic


> And if I quit going to her, I will be " non-compliant " and won't get

> the actual assistance I want and need. I have to grit my teeth and

> endure this, but can anyone help with these questions?


> 1. what does bio-available protein mean and why does she say beans


> 2. does eating high fiber really increase appetite?

> 3. how can I eat a healthy 1000 calorie vegan breakfast? (on a low



> (The third question is because she wants me to have a 1000 calorie

> breakfast (I do good to get my 150-300 calorie bowl of porridge down

> in the morning!), a 600 calorie lunch and a 400 calorie dinner. At


> size, that should be a pound a week weight loss. But I don't see

how I

> can eat a 1000 calorie breakfast!)


> Thank you, all, and I apologize if this is too far off-topic. I have

> found this group of people to have a lot of food knowledge and

> creativity. I am so upset! If this post is inappropriate or too far

> off-topic, Pat, feel free to delete it and I apologize in advance if

> I've overstepped a boundary.


> Be well, all,

> Sparrow


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Sparrow,,, oh... MY !!! God bless you, hon. I wish I could help, but

I'm relatively new to the vegetarian way of life myself. " bio-

available " ?? The dictionary says it's


the extent and rate to which a drug is taken up by the body in a

psychologically active form. or measure of drug absorption.


hmmmmmmm, either it's phychological, or how fast your body absorbs

the proteins in meat.... or both....

My advise?? If you think she talking through her hat, just go,

agree with what she says but do your own thing here. YOU know what

YOUR body is.. She is a medicaid counselor. How well does she know

YOU??? So just go to these counseling sessions, tell her what she

wants to know, and in your heart do what's right for you. I know

Dr.'s know what they're talking about,, but the brain people I get

leery about. I mean NO offense to ANYONE in the mental health

field.... I just have a bad taste in my mouth after having to go in

for what we called " brain massages " after any particularly trying

call whilst in the MP corps. We had to appear upset about what

happened,, but not too upset, yet able to handle everything thrown at

us, yet sensitive to all things thrown.. If the evaluator didn't like

our attitude, language, body lingo., etc.. we went in for in-patient

psych eval.. ( thank the Lord I didn't have to be admitted ) but in

my opinion, it all deals with the personal views and attitude of each



In short,,, I'm just telling you what I would do in this

situation.. I would still go and appear compliant, and in the end

still do what I feel is right.

God luck and may God bless you and help you in this endeavor.



, " Sparrow R Jones "

<sparrowrose wrote:


> Dear beautiful vegans, vegetarians, and veg-friendly people,


> I am fuming. I finally calmed down enough to write about what


> to me today. Any advice, support, data, etc. would be greatly

> appreciated.


> I am on medicaid and I told my doctor I have been trying to lose

> weight (yes, there is such a thing as a morbidly obese vegan, sadly)

> but having a bad time of it, especially since my foot injury three

> years ago that put an end to my daily three-mile walks.


> I have to go through a course of " lifestyle counseling " with the

> clinic's professional before any more medical steps can be taken

> (which is what I want. Please don't lecture me if you are against a

> medical model of weight-loss. I've tried everything else and made

> myself sick in the process and want to be well again.)


> I went for my first appointment today with the counselor and she


> me beans were bad for me! She said they're not an adequate source of

> protein and that meat is more " bio-available " (whatever that

means.) I

> told her that I was getting the daily requirement of protein with my

> beans and she said that to do so I was eating a large bulk of beans

> and getting too much fiber and that's what's making me so hungry


> I overeat.


> Hello? I thought getting good fiber *curbed* appetite? Am I


> Does anyone know?


> She said, " so, the most important thing about your religion is what

you eat? "


> ??????? What?!?!?


> I said, " no, the most important thing about my religion is Jesus

> Christ. " (apologies to non-Christians and I don't mean to offend.)

> " But what I eat is an integral part of my Faith. "


> She tried to insinuate that I have some kind of religion of food and

> ought to give it up so I can be healthy. And that I could only hope


> lose weight if I start eating meat. And I need to give up the


> fasting days when I can't have oil because I need to eat more fat

> (according to her.) She even started trying to re-arrange the

> liturgical/fasting calendar and I had to explain to her three times

> that Lent is 40 days long and I cannot have oil for those forty days

> in a row and there's no " alternating days " or " alternating weeks "

> without going against the teaching of my Faith.


> I can't pick a different professional - she's what the clinic


> And if I quit going to her, I will be " non-compliant " and won't get

> the actual assistance I want and need. I have to grit my teeth and

> endure this, but can anyone help with these questions?


> 1. what does bio-available protein mean and why does she say beans


> 2. does eating high fiber really increase appetite?

> 3. how can I eat a healthy 1000 calorie vegan breakfast? (on a low



> (The third question is because she wants me to have a 1000 calorie

> breakfast (I do good to get my 150-300 calorie bowl of porridge down

> in the morning!), a 600 calorie lunch and a 400 calorie dinner. At


> size, that should be a pound a week weight loss. But I don't see

how I

> can eat a 1000 calorie breakfast!)


> Thank you, all, and I apologize if this is too far off-topic. I have

> found this group of people to have a lot of food knowledge and

> creativity. I am so upset! If this post is inappropriate or too far

> off-topic, Pat, feel free to delete it and I apologize in advance if

> I've overstepped a boundary.


> Be well, all,

> Sparrow


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amy <amethomsen wrote:

hmmmmmmm, either it's phychological, or how fast your body absorbs

the proteins in meat.... or both....

My advise?? If you think she talking through her hat, just go,

agree with what she says but do your own thing here. YOU know what

YOUR body is.




I'd agree whole-heartedly with this advice. :) I'm

two-years post-op gastric bypass (no problems at all except anemia, which I had

pre-surgery so I can't blame that on the bypass!) and I'd just nod and agree and

do what is right for you. :) I wasn't vegetarian when I had the surgery, but

when I told my surgeon and dietician that I was going veg, both were just fine

with it -- and bypass patients have to be more careful about nutrition than the

lap-banders do...





Lisa Antley-Hearn



" All things can be cured with salt water -- sweat, tears, or

the ocean. " Isak Dinesen



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Lifestyle COunselors are not mental health professionals.

http://www.aalc.com/ that is the link for their certification - it is

supposed to involve training across a variety of spectrums. That site

also includes information on their training, code of ethics, etc.

There is not much involved in becoming a CLC.



If you truly feel that the counselor you saw violated the code of

ethics, you ahve the right to complain. Really depends on how you

want to proceed.





, " amy " <amethomsen wrote:



> Sparrow,,, oh... MY !!! God bless you, hon. I wish I could help,


> I'm relatively new to the vegetarian way of life myself. " bio-

> available " ?? The dictionary says it's


> the extent and rate to which a drug is taken up by the body in a

> psychologically active form. or measure of drug absorption.


> hmmmmmmm, either it's phychological, or how fast your body absorbs

> the proteins in meat.... or both....

> My advise?? If you think she talking through her hat, just go,

> agree with what she says but do your own thing here. YOU know what

> YOUR body is.. She is a medicaid counselor. How well does she know

> YOU??? So just go to these counseling sessions, tell her what she

> wants to know, and in your heart do what's right for you. I know

> Dr.'s know what they're talking about,, but the brain people I get

> leery about. I mean NO offense to ANYONE in the mental health

> field.... I just have a bad taste in my mouth after having to go in

> for what we called " brain massages " after any particularly trying

> call whilst in the MP corps. We had to appear upset about what

> happened,, but not too upset, yet able to handle everything thrown


> us, yet sensitive to all things thrown.. If the evaluator didn't


> our attitude, language, body lingo., etc.. we went in for in-


> psych eval.. ( thank the Lord I didn't have to be admitted ) but in

> my opinion, it all deals with the personal views and attitude of


> evaluator.


> In short,,, I'm just telling you what I would do in this

> situation.. I would still go and appear compliant, and in the end

> still do what I feel is right.

> God luck and may God bless you and help you in this endeavor.

> amy


> , " Sparrow R Jones "

> <sparrowrose@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear beautiful vegans, vegetarians, and veg-friendly people,

> >

> > I am fuming. I finally calmed down enough to write about what

> happened

> > to me today. Any advice, support, data, etc. would be greatly

> > appreciated.

> >

> > I am on medicaid and I told my doctor I have been trying to lose

> > weight (yes, there is such a thing as a morbidly obese vegan,


> > but having a bad time of it, especially since my foot injury three

> > years ago that put an end to my daily three-mile walks.

> >

> > I have to go through a course of " lifestyle counseling " with the

> > clinic's professional before any more medical steps can be taken

> > (which is what I want. Please don't lecture me if you are against


> > medical model of weight-loss. I've tried everything else and made

> > myself sick in the process and want to be well again.)

> >

> > I went for my first appointment today with the counselor and she

> told

> > me beans were bad for me! She said they're not an adequate source


> > protein and that meat is more " bio-available " (whatever that

> means.) I

> > told her that I was getting the daily requirement of protein with


> > beans and she said that to do so I was eating a large bulk of


> > and getting too much fiber and that's what's making me so hungry

> that

> > I overeat.

> >

> > Hello? I thought getting good fiber *curbed* appetite? Am I

> mistaken?

> > Does anyone know?

> >

> > She said, " so, the most important thing about your religion is


> you eat? "

> >

> > ??????? What?!?!?

> >

> > I said, " no, the most important thing about my religion is Jesus

> > Christ. " (apologies to non-Christians and I don't mean to offend.)

> > " But what I eat is an integral part of my Faith. "

> >

> > She tried to insinuate that I have some kind of religion of food


> > ought to give it up so I can be healthy. And that I could only


> to

> > lose weight if I start eating meat. And I need to give up the

> Orthodox

> > fasting days when I can't have oil because I need to eat more fat

> > (according to her.) She even started trying to re-arrange the

> > liturgical/fasting calendar and I had to explain to her three


> > that Lent is 40 days long and I cannot have oil for those forty


> > in a row and there's no " alternating days " or " alternating weeks "

> > without going against the teaching of my Faith.

> >

> > I can't pick a different professional - she's what the clinic

> offers.

> > And if I quit going to her, I will be " non-compliant " and won't


> > the actual assistance I want and need. I have to grit my teeth and

> > endure this, but can anyone help with these questions?

> >

> > 1. what does bio-available protein mean and why does she say


> aren't?

> > 2. does eating high fiber really increase appetite?

> > 3. how can I eat a healthy 1000 calorie vegan breakfast? (on a


> income)

> >

> > (The third question is because she wants me to have a 1000 calorie

> > breakfast (I do good to get my 150-300 calorie bowl of porridge


> > in the morning!), a 600 calorie lunch and a 400 calorie dinner.


> my

> > size, that should be a pound a week weight loss. But I don't see

> how I

> > can eat a 1000 calorie breakfast!)

> >

> > Thank you, all, and I apologize if this is too far off-topic. I


> > found this group of people to have a lot of food knowledge and

> > creativity. I am so upset! If this post is inappropriate or too


> > off-topic, Pat, feel free to delete it and I apologize in advance


> > I've overstepped a boundary.

> >

> > Be well, all,

> > Sparrow

> >


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