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If I weren't there, I wouldn't have believed it

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Dear beautiful vegans, vegetarians, and veg-friendly people,


I am fuming. I finally calmed down enough to write about what happened

to me today. Any advice, support, data, etc. would be greatly



I am on medicaid and I told my doctor I have been trying to lose

weight (yes, there is such a thing as a morbidly obese vegan, sadly)

but having a bad time of it, especially since my foot injury three

years ago that put an end to my daily three-mile walks.


I have to go through a course of " lifestyle counseling " with the

clinic's professional before any more medical steps can be taken

(which is what I want. Please don't lecture me if you are against a

medical model of weight-loss. I've tried everything else and made

myself sick in the process and want to be well again.)


I went for my first appointment today with the counselor and she told

me beans were bad for me! She said they're not an adequate source of

protein and that meat is more " bio-available " (whatever that means.) I

told her that I was getting the daily requirement of protein with my

beans and she said that to do so I was eating a large bulk of beans

and getting too much fiber and that's what's making me so hungry that

I overeat.


Hello? I thought getting good fiber *curbed* appetite? Am I mistaken?

Does anyone know?


She said, " so, the most important thing about your religion is what you eat? "


??????? What?!?!?


I said, " no, the most important thing about my religion is Jesus

Christ. " (apologies to non-Christians and I don't mean to offend.)

" But what I eat is an integral part of my Faith. "


She tried to insinuate that I have some kind of religion of food and

ought to give it up so I can be healthy. And that I could only hope to

lose weight if I start eating meat. And I need to give up the Orthodox

fasting days when I can't have oil because I need to eat more fat

(according to her.) She even started trying to re-arrange the

liturgical/fasting calendar and I had to explain to her three times

that Lent is 40 days long and I cannot have oil for those forty days

in a row and there's no " alternating days " or " alternating weeks "

without going against the teaching of my Faith.


I can't pick a different professional - she's what the clinic offers.

And if I quit going to her, I will be " non-compliant " and won't get

the actual assistance I want and need. I have to grit my teeth and

endure this, but can anyone help with these questions?


1. what does bio-available protein mean and why does she say beans aren't?

2. does eating high fiber really increase appetite?

3. how can I eat a healthy 1000 calorie vegan breakfast? (on a low income)


(The third question is because she wants me to have a 1000 calorie

breakfast (I do good to get my 150-300 calorie bowl of porridge down

in the morning!), a 600 calorie lunch and a 400 calorie dinner. At my

size, that should be a pound a week weight loss. But I don't see how I

can eat a 1000 calorie breakfast!)


Thank you, all, and I apologize if this is too far off-topic. I have

found this group of people to have a lot of food knowledge and

creativity. I am so upset! If this post is inappropriate or too far

off-topic, Pat, feel free to delete it and I apologize in advance if

I've overstepped a boundary.


Be well, all,


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