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Intro and Spinach and Sausage Quesadillas

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Hi Everyone,


I'm Barbara, and I'm from Connecticut. I've just recently gotten back on a

vegetarian diet after taking a year back into meat eating, and finding my

joints and muscles extremely unhappy about that choice! The acid buildup from

digesting meat had me in constant pain. I had been a vegetarian before that

for about two and a half years though, so I know what I'm doing this time

around, and that for me, going vegan was too far for my hypoglycemia (I was

exhausted all the time!), but the diet did heal a bleeding ulcer and iron

deficiency anemia that had motivated me to make the change initially. This


I'll stick to being ovo-lacto vegetarian, so I can be sure to get enough


to keep the low blood sugar at bay. Though I do eat less dairy and more



Here's a recipe for some Spinach and Sausage Quesadillas I concocted

recently. I love them!


1 multi-grain or whole wheat tortilla

1 Morning Star Farms soya breakfast sausage

Frozen chopped spinach

Low-fat Mexican cheese or cheddar cheese (soya works too!)

Sprinkle of Chipotle Chili powder, to taste

Salsa for topping, if desired


Heat non-stick skillet with 1 tsp. olive oil.


Microwave the sausage for 30 seconds, and crumble on one side of the

tortilla. Sprinkle on some cheese, and then add a layer of frozen chopped


and a sprinkle of Chipotle. Top with another layer of cheese. Fold the other

side of the tortilla over the top, and fry at medium heat until the tortilla

is browned, then turn and do the other side.


I like the multi-grain tortillas because they're chewy, but whole wheat

works well too. You can also add thinly sliced onions, pine nuts, or some


beans, but it's hard to put too much at once, as they get too fat to handle

really fast! You can also top with salsa, but I'm allergic to tomatoes! :(

I've only been for about a year, and I miss them! I just have mine with a

serving of steamed broccoli or a salad on the side. Enjoy!



Love & Light, Barbara





No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_






**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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In a message dated 1/17/2008 11:03:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

renamworks writes:


<<<This recipe looks great. I'm going to try this on my dad the next time my

parents visit. >>>




Let me know how he likes them... and how you do too! I have fun making up

recipes, but don't always have anyone around to try them out on. These are

really quick to make when you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen,

but seem elegant and like something you'd find in a Mexican restaurant.


Love & Light, Barbara





No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_






**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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Hi Barbara,


This recipe looks great. I'm going to try this on my dad the next time my

parents visit.




" BarbaraJean1732 " <BarbaraJean1732


Thursday, January 17, 2008 9:24:59 AM

Intro and Spinach and Sausage Quesadillas



Hi Everyone,


I'm Barbara, and I'm from Connecticut. I've just recently gotten back on a

vegetarian diet after taking a year back into meat eating, and finding my

joints and muscles extremely unhappy about that choice! The acid buildup from

digesting meat had me in constant pain. I had been a vegetarian before that

for about two and a half years though, so I know what I'm doing this time

around, and that for me, going vegan was too far for my hypoglycemia (I was

exhausted all the time!), but the diet did heal a bleeding ulcer and iron

deficiency anemia that had motivated me to make the change initially. This time,

I'll stick to being ovo-lacto vegetarian, so I can be sure to get enough protein

to keep the low blood sugar at bay. Though I do eat less dairy and more



Here's a recipe for some Spinach and Sausage Quesadillas I concocted

recently. I love them!


1 multi-grain or whole wheat tortilla

1 Morning Star Farms soya breakfast sausage

Frozen chopped spinach

Low-fat Mexican cheese or cheddar cheese (soya works too!)

Sprinkle of Chipotle Chili powder, to taste

Salsa for topping, if desired


Heat non-stick skillet with 1 tsp. olive oil.


Microwave the sausage for 30 seconds, and crumble on one side of the

tortilla. Sprinkle on some cheese, and then add a layer of frozen chopped


and a sprinkle of Chipotle. Top with another layer of cheese. Fold the other

side of the tortilla over the top, and fry at medium heat until the tortilla

is browned, then turn and do the other side.


I like the multi-grain tortillas because they're chewy, but whole wheat

works well too. You can also add thinly sliced onions, pine nuts, or some black

beans, but it's hard to put too much at once, as they get too fat to handle

really fast! You can also top with salsa, but I'm allergic to tomatoes! :(

I've only been for about a year, and I miss them! I just have mine with a

serving of steamed broccoli or a salad on the side. Enjoy!


Love & Light, Barbara

BarbaraJean1732@ aol.com


..-=*=-..-=*= -..-=*=-. .-=*=-..- =*=-..-=* =-..-=*=- ..-=*=-.. -=*=-..-= *=-.


No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_


..-=*=-..-=*= -..-=*=-. .-=*=-..- =*=-..-=* =-..-=*=- ..-=*=-.. -=*=-..-= *=-.


************ **Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.

http://body. aol.com/fitness/ winter-exercise? NCID=aolcmp00300 000002489



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Welcome Barbara!


So pleased you are coming back to a vegetarian

diet - I'm sure you'll feel better for it. (And

of course there are other wonderful, kind, humane

benefits from it too ;) )


AND before I forget: Thank you for the recipe!!!

I have put it in our Files!!!!


> going vegan was too

> far for my hypoglycemia (I was

> exhausted all the time!)


Well, I found that a good vegan diet actually

solved my lifelong problems with hypoglycemia -

but there you are: Everyone is different! You

will do what's right for you - of course you must

- and that's fine with us. After all, this is a

vegetarian group, founded that way simply because

everyone IS different and welcomes chat about

food (and other matters, of course) and recipes

that include all kinds of vegetarians: ovo,

ovo-lacto, lacto, vegan, raw vegetarians, raw

vegans, fruitarians, etc etc. We have everyone

LOL (But no talk/recipes about animal flesh here,

I assure you.)


We'll be most interested to hear how you're

coming along with your newly regained veggie

eating regime. This isn't a health group, of

course, but many members are here for reasons of

health and would be interested ;) They might

indeed have suggestions for you too!


Enjoy the group - Files have recipes with a

vengeance, and there's lots of find in the Links

section too!


Write in often! Best, Pat (Group Owner)







Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





Never miss a thing. Make your home page.


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In a message dated 1/18/2008 9:19:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

drpatsant writes:


Thanks so much for the welcome, Pat!


I'm doing great today, both with food and exercise! I had an " Egg McMuffin "

(homemade with a 100% whole wheat English muffin, egg, soya cheese, and soya

sausage, and today added sauteed onions and garlic) for breakfast, and a

huge salad plate for lunch, like a salad bar, with things around the green


like taboule and pickled beets and feta cheese stuffed olives and stuffed

grape leaves. In between the meals, I went to Curves for a workout, and then

took Shaman for a mile and a half walk. Two weeks ago, I couldn't have done

that! I was so sore from the acid in my muscles, and my joints were so stiff.

So, I'm getting back on track quickly. I've been doing self-Reiki too,

getting back to that as well. And this might seem silly, but I bought an

Apatite ring, because I liked the pun on appetite, and politely asked the ring

stone to help me with my appetite! I think it is! And it's a lovely aqua


which I love anyway! I don't know why I fell away from the healthy stuff for

awhile, but I guess it's just the way we work sometimes when we're trying to

develop new life habits. We have to fight off that resistance to change.

Sometimes, pain kicks us in the behind and gets us going again! So, I guess

it's a blessing in disguise. :)





Welcome Barbara!


So pleased you are coming back to a vegetarian

diet - I'm sure you'll feel better for it. (And

of course there are other wonderful, kind, humane

benefits from it too ;) )


AND before I forget: Thank you for the recipe!!!

I have put it in our Files!!!!


> going vegan was too

> far for my hypoglycemia (I was

> exhausted all the time!)


Well, I found that a good vegan diet actually

solved my lifelong problems with hypoglycemia -

but there you are: Everyone is different! You

will do what's right for you - of course you must

- and that's fine with us. After all, this is a

vegetarian group, founded that way simply because

everyone IS different and welcomes chat about

food (and other matters, of course) and recipes

that include all kinds of vegetarians: ovo,

ovo-lacto, lacto, vegan, raw vegetarians, raw

vegans, fruitarians, etc etc. We have everyone

LOL (But no talk/recipes about animal flesh here,

I assure you.)


We'll be most interested to hear how you're

coming along with your newly regained veggie

eating regime. This isn't a health group, of

course, but many members are here for reasons of

health and would be interested ;) They might

indeed have suggestions for you too!


Enjoy the group - Files have recipes with a

vengeance, and there's lots of find in the Links

section too!


Write in often! Best, Pat (Group Owner)






Love & Light, Barbara





No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_






**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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In a message dated 1/19/2008 8:33:02 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

glpveg4life writes:


<<<Hi Barbara:


this sounds good thank you for sharing.


What part of Connecticut are you in?






Southeastern, and that's as specific as I like to get on an email list! I'm

originally from Rhode Island, along the shore, and would love to maybe move

back there at some point. It's not really an option right now, but maybe

after my Social Security kicks in a few years from now.


Love & Light, Barbara


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In a message dated 1/19/2008 8:31:21 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

drpatsant writes:


Hi Pat!


<<<Good for you, Barbara! I'm glad you're feeling so

much better. I find the more greens I eat the

better I feel too. >>>


I had the neatest little dream as waking this morning, of a race car facing

to the right, and along the side on the front, it said " Veggies " ... lol...

what fuels my race car! Vrroom, vrrooom!



<<<I guess Curves is/are LOL everywhere, eh? I don't

use a gym myself - too much a loner, I think ;)

But (assuming that Shaman is a canine friend) I

get plenty of workouts with the two beagles that

permit us to share their home plus other walks

and videos. But Curves? Maybe I should look into

that. I could use more muscle!>>>


Yes, Shaman is a Siberian Husky, my medicine dog. His job is keeping me

healthy, but I've been horrid about not allowing him to do it fully of late, so

have to change that. Curves are franchised, so yes, everywhere. The owner

at mine is divorced, and started it after her divorce. Great way to make a

living, I think. She's as fit as can be. I always have taken that loner

attitude too, but lately, could not get myself MOVING, and was developing


of Fibromyalgia, and very frightened because there was so much pain just

walking or climbing stairs. I just suddenly felt a need to be around people,

and allowing someone else to lend a little support for a change. I'm surprised

how much I like their program. The way it's designed, the time goes really

fast, and it seems so easy, but later on you feel the muscles and know you

really did work out. And there is so much positive energy there, and it's

friendly. I do other things too. When I got home from Curves yesterday, I

walked a mile and a half. Today, I'll probably do ecstatic dance for my


and maybe another walk. I can only do Curves three times a week until my

muscles get used to it, but I can do other things the days between. I want to

get back to taking long hikes like I was doing until a couple of years ago.

I love to hike, especially at one place that has both woods and ocean beaches.



<<<About the ring: Lovely idea to buy yourself a

present as a reward for getting back on track!

And it will always be a reminder to you of your

intention, so in that way I'm sure it will



Thanks for writing back. Lots of luck over the

weekend - we're having a bit of a celebration

this weekend, so I'm hoping to have some wild and

wonderful meal to report on!


Love and hugs, Pat>>>


Oh, good, I will love hearing what you ate. Enjoy!!! Later, I will try to

reconstruct what I put in the muffin I just had for breakfast and send it...

it is high protein, as I used 1/3 soya flour and the rest was Hodgson Mills

Oat Bran Blend Flour, which is all oats and whole wheat with oat bran added.

But I adapted it from a regular white flour banana muffin recipe, and changed

*everything*. But they came out delicious, and light, and all I needed with

it was a bowl of mixed fruit. They have lots of ginger and fruit and nuts

in them.




Love & Light, Barbara





No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_






**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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Good for you, Barbara! I'm glad you're feeling so

much better. I find the more greens I eat the

better I feel too.


I guess Curves is/are LOL everywhere, eh? I don't

use a gym myself - too much a loner, I think ;)

But (assuming that Shaman is a canine friend) I

get plenty of workouts with the two beagles that

permit us to share their home plus other walks

and videos. But Curves? Maybe I should look into

that. I could use more muscle!


About the ring: Lovely idea to buy yourself a

present as a reward for getting back on track!

And it will always be a reminder to you of your

intention, so in that way I'm sure it will



Thanks for writing back. Lots of luck over the

weekend - we're having a bit of a celebration

this weekend, so I'm hoping to have some wild and

wonderful meal to report on!


Love and hugs, Pat



Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





Never miss a thing. Make your home page.


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> I had the neatest little dream as waking this

> morning, of a race car facing

> to the right, and along the side on the front,

> it said " Veggies " ... lol...

> what fuels my race car! Vrroom, vrrooom!


LOL Love that image! thanks for sharing it ;)


> Yes, Shaman is a Siberian Husky, my medicine

> dog. His job is keeping me

> healthy, but I've been horrid about not

> allowing him to do it fully of late, so

> have to change that.


He'll be happier doing his job, that's true. My


beagle thinks her task in life is reminding us

when it is

time for us to go in the kitchen and prepare a

meal -

of course, she usually gets something out of it

too LOL

but even when she doesn't - at least half the

time -

she contentedly goes back to lie down once she


things are cooking. Beagles would make excellent


I'm sure, if they only were taller and had

opposable thumbs!


> I do other things too. When I got

> home from Curves yesterday, I

> walked a mile and a half. Today, I'll

> probably do ecstatic dance for my exercise,

> and maybe another walk.


Good for you!!!! Oh yes, walking is a good

exercise too - especially for those of us who are

limited in the kinds of exercise we can manage.

My dh and I walk several miles each day (well,

not at 20 below or in a snowstorm, but most of

the time!) - and I also do some modified yoga and

follow a couple of exercise videos I like. It all



> Oh, good, I will love hearing what you ate.

> Enjoy!!!


Thanks, but not sure what's going to happen about

that. something has occurred that may delay it a

bit. We may squeeze time in for a quick meal at

an asian veg restaurant not far from here - not

quite wine and roses, but it's something!


And I've seen your muffin recipe - nice work!!!!

I'll be putting it in the Files asap - thanks for



Love and hugs, Pat





Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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In a message dated 1/19/2008 9:42:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

drpatsant writes:


LOL, Pat, I love the beagle directing the cooking activity. Dogs are so

funny in the way they want things to be habitual, and they get their own ideas

of when it's the right " time " to do something. They want a routine, I think,

and don't quite get that sometimes humans want spontaneity instead. Shaman

cracked me up yesterday, because he obviously enjoyed the walk the day before.

He lead me into the living room... he has this way of demanding I follow

him... and *pointed* at my walking shoes with his nose! Like a retriever

points at ducks for a hunter. I laughed so hard, but I was all achy, and we're

having an arctic blast here, so told him " not now, Baby. " He looked really

sad. :( I do have to be sensible and increase slowly though, else pain will

knock me out!


It is wonderful there is such a variety of ways to exercise, and it's sure

easier when you pick ways you love! It's nice to switch to different things

sometimes too, for variety. I got into the ecstatic dance after reading

Gabrielle Roth's book, _Sweat Your Prayers_. I got a set of her videos too.


fun, and I can also just do it to my own music choices, as it's really just

free-form dance. Something I can do home inside out of the cold. :) And

Shaman likes it!


I noticed a list on the bottom of your post called vegetarianslimming. Is

it good? Are there tips and recipes for weight loss? I dropped another pound

this morning! That felt good, as it had been several days feeling stuck.


Well, going to scoot out for awhile. I'm done with my Light Box, and need






Love & Light, Barbara





No aspect of Grandmother is neutral. By this I mean

to convey that no facet of Herself is without purpose or

benefit. There is no element which She intended to keep

hidden. She is selfless. She is eternally giving. In return

we must respectfully recognize Her gifts and accept them

with the reciprocal attitude of gratitude.

-- Mary Summer Rain, _The Singing Web_






**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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In a message dated 1/20/2008 11:02:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

drpatsant writes:


<<<Hmmm, these dogs must be chatting on line when

we're not home! Casey goes to 'retrieve' our

walking shoes and brings them one by one to us at

the dining table at lunchtime - NOT for a walk,

but to indicate that it's time WE went out and

left her with her treat of a kibble-filled 'Kong'

(well, beagles are food-oriented!(well>>>


LOL... Shaman likes me to go out alone too, Pat, because he always gets a

special treat like a greenie when I do. I've done that ever since he was a

puppy, and have no problems with him misbehaving when I go out. I also put a


in on continuous play for him, something peaceful and calming, and he sleeps

a lot while I'm gone. I love your yoga cat... that seems like just the

right exercise for them! And thank you, I probably will check out the other


later on. I was ecstatic over the one pound, actually, because I had lost

six or seven and then just stopped for about a week. So yes, it's all good!




Love & Light, Barbara





**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape.





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Barbara wrote:


> LOL, Pat, I love the beagle directing the

> cooking activity.


Well I figure she can take credit for the meals

that get prepared here ;)


> Shaman

> cracked me up yesterday, because he obviously

> enjoyed the walk the day before.

> He lead me into the living room... he has this

> way of demanding I follow

> him... and *pointed* at my walking shoes with

> his nose! Like a retriever

> points at ducks for a hunter.


Hmmm, these dogs must be chatting on line when

we're not home! Casey goes to 'retrieve' our

walking shoes and brings them one by one to us at

the dining table at lunchtime - NOT for a walk,

but to indicate that it's time WE went out and

left her with her treat of a kibble-filled 'Kong'

(well, beagles are food-oriented!).


Unlike your Shaman, our dogs sleep through our

exercise routines, but the cat gets into it

bigtime. He does wonderful yoga stretches too ;)

- quite an inspiration! He has asked for his own



> I noticed a list on the bottom of your post

> called vegetarianslimming. Is

> it good? Are there tips and recipes for

> weight loss? I dropped another pound

> this morning!


Well, I think it's good - but I am co-owner of

the group and started with it the day after it

was inaugurated by a lovely English lady back in

January 2003. (She, sadly, has left the group and

now we have the lovely Cindi as co-owner - plus

two very nice moderators.) It's a low-fat group

and we are keen to encourage non-processed and

healthy foods as much as possible. We chat about

all aspects of health and slimming and do the

recipe thing too - you might enjoy it. Why not

come along? You can always leave (over my dead

body, you understand, but I have to say that!) if

you hate it ;)


Congrats on the weight loss - every little bit

helps and it's going in the right direction!

Wonderful news!!!!


Love and hugs, Pat





Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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> LOL... Shaman likes me to go out alone too,


Hah! You THINK he sleeps, but really he calls all

the other dogs in the neighbourhood and they

either go out drinking at all the bars or

congregate in someone's garage for a poker game.

Our Building Manager assures us they run disco

parties in our apartment when we're out, but he

has yet to catch them at it ;) We're going to set

up a sting.


> I love your yoga cat...

> that seems like just the

> right exercise for them!


Just try to go into serious corpse pose with a

cat stretched across your, er, er, thighs.


> And thank you, I

> probably will check out the other list

> later on.


Most welcome anytime. And that goes for all

members here of course.


> I was ecstatic over the one pound,

> actually, because I had lost

> six or seven and then just stopped for about a

> week. So yes, it's all good!


It's important - to break that barrier is like a

huge huge ton of ice just melting off the

shoulders, isn't it? And now that it's started,

you'll be going in the right direction! Good work



Love and hugs, Pat



Vegetarian Spice:


Vegan World Cuisine: http://www.care2.com/c2cvegworld

Vegetarian Slimming: vegetarianslimming

Vegetarians In Canada: vegetariansincanada

" Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are

called medical research. " (George Bernard Shaw)





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My fur baby used to get treats when he would come back in from going

outside to " do his thing. " (with his special needs things are

different). anyway he used to ask to go out, run to the edge of the

porch, then run back inside when it was cold.



, BarbaraJean1732 wrote:



> In a message dated 1/20/2008 11:02:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> drpatsant writes:


> <<<Hmmm, these dogs must be chatting on line when

> we're not home! Casey goes to 'retrieve' our

> walking shoes and brings them one by one to us at

> the dining table at lunchtime - NOT for a walk,

> but to indicate that it's time WE went out and

> left her with her treat of a kibble-filled 'Kong'

> (well, beagles are food-oriented!(well>>>


> LOL... Shaman likes me to go out alone too, Pat, because he always

gets a

> special treat like a greenie when I do. I've done that ever since

he was a

> puppy, and have no problems with him misbehaving when I go out. I

also put a CD

> in on continuous play for him, something peaceful and calming, and

he sleeps

> a lot while I'm gone. I love your yoga cat... that seems like

just the

> right exercise for them! And thank you, I probably will check out

the other list

> later on. I was ecstatic over the one pound, actually, because I

had lost

> six or seven and then just stopped for about a week. So yes, it's

all good!




> Love & Light, Barbara

> BarbaraJean1732




> **************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in


> http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?





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